{I was humming this Tune...after we Crossed the Mighty Miss! I put the Hammer DOWN!{God...I Love a Diesel Engine!}
{ Polly was THRILLED to see Me!}
{I just got home.... 11, and beat...5 states... and soooo many miles....I have much to share...last night... was Un- Believable....this last week...was a real 'ride'.... much...much to share... but... I must...rest....
God Bless... and Thanks...for Everything...}
Amazing.... I Loved, being back....This show, is truly... The Grand Daddy! We'll All Be Back....Next Year! Come Join Us!!!!
I had this made, at the Opryland...for the show... The darling, jewelry box, was a gift from Marc Brandenburg.... I LOVE IT!!!!!Perfect for the 'Alice' 'grow' cake....
She is an Amazing, caring Woman...so, very much, like her wonderful Mother....Libby.... I see Libby, every time, I look at Susan.... She has poured her Soul, into Heart....and I'll walk beside her...all the way....
See ya...Tomorrow!
Love....to Ya!
~♥welcome home sweet friend! sooo glad to hear u r back! it was an amazing time! i am sooo proud of you & your booth & all your wonderful treasures! you did iowa proud! an amazing accomplishment, being the only one from iowa there at this huge show! that is reallyyy something! i could not be happier for you! your booth looked amazing...best one there! & your treasures sold! to have lovely homes in many other places in the wonderful usa! how cool is that?! i had a great time & am blessed to have been in the company of an amazing lady who had the best booth at the heart of country show, who is a dear beautiful friend ~ one of my earth angels! stayed at a gorgeous place, heaven on earth! & have now more memories & beautiful friends, other earth angels in my life ~ Peg, Allyson & Amy! what sweet, sweet blessings this journey was! it was all soo amazing & fun!!! prayers have been answered...God is soo awesome! thank*U! for everything! take care sweet friend, rest & will talk to you later...loveya with many hugs & blessings, vikki♥~
Oh Vikki...
What would we have done, without you! Thanks for EVERYTHING!!!!From Marg's, to Credit Cards! Tears of Worry..to Tears of Joy....My Life is,{and... diggin' heels in, on issues I'm passionate about...oh dear....} a Roller Coaster Ride....I know, it can be so painful to watch.... I think you are a bit prejudice, about the booth.... It was a Good Booth.... and...Fun....Peg was amazing...and Amy, at tare down...I'm so glad you and Allyson got to see the sights...someday...me, too....
This trip was a 'Journey'...to say the least...but... honestly...THEY ALL ARE!!!!!
My Love to You...my little hovering Angel! Hope you didn't have to explain, too much...about the singe marks, on those beautiful Wings!!!
Barb C.
{think about next year!!!}
so glad to hear you made it back to IA.....I didn't want to have to send a search party out to IN.
Thanks for everything - it was an amazing trip. Wonderful to meet Allyson and Vikki!!
Rest up my dear - you certain deserve some down time.
As long as the 'Search Party', had beverages, that could hold a Flame....we're Good!
Oh My... Everyone Loved You....{except the neighbors, in the room, next door...we should have invited them over!} You are a Fire Cracker! I'll never forget...{ever}dancin' on the the amazing Marble, barefooted...at 2 in the morning...at the Opryland Lobby...{and...a few other things...'What Happens in Nashville...Stays, in Nashville!!!!}
As rough, as the 'Ride' can be, at times....it seems... it can be equally 'AMAZING!!!!'... oh my....
Next year.... I'm counting the days...
Love to Ya, Amy...and Thank You...Sweet Angel...for Everything!
Barb C.
Welcome Home Barb...we missed you in the midwest...we did.
Can't wait to hear more about your travels.
Barb, it was great to meet you in person at the show...I'll see you again next year! Tricia
Hey Tricia!
I Loved your booth...and...it was wonderful seeing you, in persan, and...Everyone!
I'm counting down the Days!!!!!
Love to Ya!
Sweet Pea!!!
Barb C.
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