Took Sunday Off!
Spent the day watching a NCIS Marathon, with the Chief!
Here are a few images of the gatherings from the Auction...Dale and I are going to get the rest Wednesday....
I'm working in the shop today...{the first time I will have walked through the doors. since I have been back from Nashville...oh dear...the Boys and I went through the little a Bull, in a China Shop...or Three Bulls...oh dear!}
I have put the word verification, back on my blog, when you leave a comment...too much spam! I have received an anonymous comment, Twice, concerning boycotting American women... I gotta tell ya...I totally understand...{sadly...I agree, with much stated....but...I think a lot of 'wanting your cake, and eating it, too'... got us, where we are...plenty of blame, to go around...and...we have all suffered the consequences... } but... I will not post it, or any comment, without a way for me, and my followers to easily recognise, who is behind the comment....Hiding behind a cloak of attempted anonymity, is not for you know...I'm pretty much...'out there'....if you believe in something, enough, to put it in writing... put your name on it......stand behind it!... I learned a long time ago, anonymous, is Never anonymous, in computer land... I can pretty much get to your back door....and...I'm pretty much computer illiterate! think what folks could do, with a computer trained brain!
Here are a few images I captured this morning...
The concrete piece, is wonderful.... It's a bench...and a very lovely one..... perfect for Spring! This image depicts, just a small portion of one of it's legs... very ornate...
I picked up a nice group of Fancy Garden Gates....
The rake, was a 'must''s 30 inches wide...with heavy wire, and an iron top... perfect for my Wine Glasses...John has been talking about making something for them...{he doesn't drink wine... and hates the glasses stacked precariously on the old Pie Safe....} This is Perfect! I'll have him help me find the perfect, permanent spot, then filler up!
Hope Everyone Has a Most...Amazing Day....
Love, to Ya1
Barb C.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
What Does Gnarly Tractor Seats...Crazy Quilts...Glass Fly Catchers... Black Leather Jackets...and BIG HAIR Have in Common....Me...and...Duwa's Auction!
I say...It takes a lot of grow out ones tress's....and I have been very good, not reaching for the shears!.... so...BIG HAIR.... it shall be...give me the Back Comb...and the Hair Spray!!!! I'm kind of glad, to see long hair, and on the 'big' side, with some curl, coming back...Years ago, I had some folks following me...I was driving the Old White Ford Truck, they were so surprised when I got out... thought I was a man... I've had my hair so short.... it would spike, and stand on end.... it's been 20 years... since I've had it this long... I'm Likin' it...
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
{more Auction Images, tomorrow!}
Thanks to Liz...Lynn... Dale... Dwight...Junelle...Bud...Brent H.,... and all who lended a hand...loading...
Special Thanks, to Liz... It was Great Spending The Day With Her!
Good Luck...
Long Day Ahead....
But Good!
Have a CRAZY Day!
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
You Only Live Once...But... If You Do It Right.... Once Is Enough....{Mae West}
I deleted yesterdays post.....It doesn't really matter....That's Life....
Thanks to Polly, she made me aware of the Midwest Show Dates! So The Garden Party, will coincide with it!
April 8th, and 9th... Store Open, 9 a.m 'til 9 p.m.
Garden Party
6 p.m. 'til 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday Evenings....
Sunday {Midwest Show } 12 'til as long as I have Folks! at least 6....
Mark N. confirmed he'd be here!{for the Party!} So.... there will be at least 3 of us! And....That's a Party!
I'll be holding some great stuff back for that weekend....And...the Shop will have a Massive Face Lift!
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
Thanks to Polly, she made me aware of the Midwest Show Dates! So The Garden Party, will coincide with it!
April 8th, and 9th... Store Open, 9 a.m 'til 9 p.m.
Garden Party
6 p.m. 'til 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday Evenings....
Sunday {Midwest Show } 12 'til as long as I have Folks! at least 6....
Mark N. confirmed he'd be here!{for the Party!} So.... there will be at least 3 of us! And....That's a Party!
I'll be holding some great stuff back for that weekend....And...the Shop will have a Massive Face Lift!
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Hitting the Wall.....
Oh Baby....I hit the asleep, after lunch, watching 'The Godfather'...{love that movie...}
When John came up... I went out to the FUSO...and gathered a few of the treasures.... From the trip home...just a handful....
Gnarly Stuff....
Love to ya..
I'm hooked on these Liquor Tags...{these aren't that old... maybe 30 years, or so...but FUN!} They remind me, of a Sweet Friend...and...I Like having them hanging around... had one, riding shotgun, in the little Ford...forever...and gave that one to my Sweet Pea!....So Happy it can't talk...oh dear!
More Liquor paraphernalia... oh my... I needed the silver wine stopper...{Like I have any wine to cork....after I open a bottle!} Actually, I do...but I have a favorite decanter, I pour extra wine, into...I mix it all together....yeah...yeah... sounds Crazy...but... it feels good, on my lips... Good always...Good matter! {ahhh.... the Bohemian, that I's the Little, French Influence.... Really...I'm sure it's as my Dad said...The Shanty Irish in Me!!!!! Whatever...It Is... It's Good!
I bought 2, of these wonderful, large bird cages.... I can just see them filled with Flora! Ahh...SPRING!
When John came up... I went out to the FUSO...and gathered a few of the treasures.... From the trip home...just a handful....
Gnarly Stuff....
Love to ya..
These are a Few Little Treasures... I'll be adding more.... I haven't had the stomach, to go inside the Shop.... It was totally destroyed.... annihilated....when I shut the doors, behind me... so...I'm Gutting It...
I just have to have a little strength, built up...before I take it on... oh my...
It's Going to be AMAZING...when I'm done...
{Oh Baby...I can see it my mind... It will Blow Your Mind...{another reason, Nashville, is a Great Trip...Inspiration!}
I Will be Posting Show Dates, tomorrow...
and...a very...
Special Event....
OH MY!!!
Love to Ya!
Barb C.!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Making Thank You's....
I started making Thank You visits, today....
I wanted to Thank The Fairfax State Bank.....oh my...tho, I ultimately didn't need them...they had my back, when I was at the end of my Nashville...
I didn't write about the entire was an incredible turn of events... seems, my life is...always.... truly...a "Mad Hatter", the Fire...
"Life" always seems to find me...and those who are too close... tend to get a little "singed"...
I stopped and Thanked, our wonderful Mechanic, Mark Neuhaus... who let us use his shop, to get the FUSO, ready...he didn't want any money...never does... I told him I'd arm wrestle him... if I lost I'd take the money back.... he kept the money...without a match....a good man...{wise...too...he may be stronger...but...I would have put my Heart into it...and when I do that...I'm hard to beat.... he is always...too kind....}
Then...met Steph...for a late Martini Lunch... we caught up... she is an amazing woman....
I have to Thank so many...for offering assistance, while I was crumbling, down in Nashville...I am amazed, by the kindness, of Friends....
I was going to write it all detail... really doesn't matter....
It's the Prayers, that carried us through... from all of Nashville...The Opryland Hotel, took very good care of me....and, in the end...I was very blessed, by the misfortunes... They have Never let me down.... mistakes were made... I made the first being forgetful...
It seemed for every blow, from the Angels swinging the 2x4's...something Great, would happen...
Wednesday, was the toughest...I was pretty much, under the table.... literally....under the Store the booth...I crawled into the corner, behind it, after receiving a call, that a dear friend, had just lost her Father.... I guess... that was the ultimate straw...I broke...
I was so determined to stay 'up'... whatever it takes... but equally determined, Angels... insisted on testing my strength...
Thursday, was a bit better... wasn't...seems 'hope', was always just out of reach...
I pulled myself together, for Preview.... and the Flood Gates, Opened.... It was Wonderful....
Peg, and the Girls, were absolutely a God Send... They held the broken pieces together... and I kept working...I don't think anyone knew, except those close, how fragmented I was....
But...don't get me wrong.... it was truly a roller coaster... the 'Highs', where just as powerful, as the 'lows'! We all partied... Danced in the Opryland Lobby, at 2 in the Morn... rattled the walls of our room.... Had an Amazing Show....were surrounded by the Best of The Best, Antiques...and Angels...My Customers, were the Very Best!!!!{That Amazing...on so many levels...}
The Wonderful Couple, from Indiana, who bought the 1750's corner cupboard, that Peg and I delivered, invited us to stay over.... They asked us, not to share who, what and where... but...I gotta tell ya.... Waking a Beautiful Rope a Chateau...{their amazing guest house}larger than my house...a thousand feet, in the air... overlooking the most Beautiful Valley....surrounded by...the Best...of the Very Best...100% mid 1700's to mid 1800's Antiques... well...I gotta tell ya...I'm still stunned.... they have collected...for 45 years...She is a Writer...and has known some of the most Amazing People... the Stories were unforgettable...She was an amazing hostess... and treated us, so kind.... Peg and I wanted to stay, forever....I so wish I could have taken images... I would have Loved to share this, with you all...
I a way.... if you could have been with us, the entire would see, how prayers work.... I was like the blow up clown...being punched down...over and over.... but... then... with every hit...something, even more powerful, the other way, a blessing, was handed to me...
What a ride.... a Crazy...Roller Coaster Ride....
I did a full third better, than I had needed.... still...after I pay the taxes, on 'Tara'...and get caught up... will leave us a little slim.... but... my Lord... what Blessings....
It was Great to see the Energy... and so many...that truly Cranked, at Heart... The Crowd was Over the Top!
I really mean it, when I say, make plans to attend, next year.... and go to the Preview.... it's worth every penny! Folks were so disappointed, at things that had sold the night before.... they missed a lot.... and, that ticket gets you in, all 3 days... and a wonderful buffet.... 65.00....
I have made decisions, on my Show Calender...I'll be posting some exciting additions, for this year...and...I'm thinking, of a couple other events... as well...those...a little later....
It's 10:30... and I'm hitting it....
Thanks to all of you...for your prayers.... and...Everything...
My Deepest Appreciation...and Love...
Barb C.
Peg and I found the most wonderful Antique Shop, on the way home...we loaded the FUSO up...with very Fun Stuff!
Images, tomorrow!
I wanted to Thank The Fairfax State Bank.....oh my...tho, I ultimately didn't need them...they had my back, when I was at the end of my Nashville...
I didn't write about the entire was an incredible turn of events... seems, my life is...always.... truly...a "Mad Hatter", the Fire...
"Life" always seems to find me...and those who are too close... tend to get a little "singed"...
I stopped and Thanked, our wonderful Mechanic, Mark Neuhaus... who let us use his shop, to get the FUSO, ready...he didn't want any money...never does... I told him I'd arm wrestle him... if I lost I'd take the money back.... he kept the money...without a match....a good man...{wise...too...he may be stronger...but...I would have put my Heart into it...and when I do that...I'm hard to beat.... he is always...too kind....}
Then...met Steph...for a late Martini Lunch... we caught up... she is an amazing woman....
I have to Thank so many...for offering assistance, while I was crumbling, down in Nashville...I am amazed, by the kindness, of Friends....
I was going to write it all detail... really doesn't matter....
It's the Prayers, that carried us through... from all of Nashville...The Opryland Hotel, took very good care of me....and, in the end...I was very blessed, by the misfortunes... They have Never let me down.... mistakes were made... I made the first being forgetful...
It seemed for every blow, from the Angels swinging the 2x4's...something Great, would happen...
Wednesday, was the toughest...I was pretty much, under the table.... literally....under the Store the booth...I crawled into the corner, behind it, after receiving a call, that a dear friend, had just lost her Father.... I guess... that was the ultimate straw...I broke...
I was so determined to stay 'up'... whatever it takes... but equally determined, Angels... insisted on testing my strength...
Thursday, was a bit better... wasn't...seems 'hope', was always just out of reach...
I pulled myself together, for Preview.... and the Flood Gates, Opened.... It was Wonderful....
Peg, and the Girls, were absolutely a God Send... They held the broken pieces together... and I kept working...I don't think anyone knew, except those close, how fragmented I was....
But...don't get me wrong.... it was truly a roller coaster... the 'Highs', where just as powerful, as the 'lows'! We all partied... Danced in the Opryland Lobby, at 2 in the Morn... rattled the walls of our room.... Had an Amazing Show....were surrounded by the Best of The Best, Antiques...and Angels...My Customers, were the Very Best!!!!{That Amazing...on so many levels...}
The Wonderful Couple, from Indiana, who bought the 1750's corner cupboard, that Peg and I delivered, invited us to stay over.... They asked us, not to share who, what and where... but...I gotta tell ya.... Waking a Beautiful Rope a Chateau...{their amazing guest house}larger than my house...a thousand feet, in the air... overlooking the most Beautiful Valley....surrounded by...the Best...of the Very Best...100% mid 1700's to mid 1800's Antiques... well...I gotta tell ya...I'm still stunned.... they have collected...for 45 years...She is a Writer...and has known some of the most Amazing People... the Stories were unforgettable...She was an amazing hostess... and treated us, so kind.... Peg and I wanted to stay, forever....I so wish I could have taken images... I would have Loved to share this, with you all...
I a way.... if you could have been with us, the entire would see, how prayers work.... I was like the blow up clown...being punched down...over and over.... but... then... with every hit...something, even more powerful, the other way, a blessing, was handed to me...
What a ride.... a Crazy...Roller Coaster Ride....
I did a full third better, than I had needed.... still...after I pay the taxes, on 'Tara'...and get caught up... will leave us a little slim.... but... my Lord... what Blessings....
It was Great to see the Energy... and so many...that truly Cranked, at Heart... The Crowd was Over the Top!
I really mean it, when I say, make plans to attend, next year.... and go to the Preview.... it's worth every penny! Folks were so disappointed, at things that had sold the night before.... they missed a lot.... and, that ticket gets you in, all 3 days... and a wonderful buffet.... 65.00....
I have made decisions, on my Show Calender...I'll be posting some exciting additions, for this year...and...I'm thinking, of a couple other events... as well...those...a little later....
It's 10:30... and I'm hitting it....
Thanks to all of you...for your prayers.... and...Everything...
My Deepest Appreciation...and Love...
Barb C.
Peg and I found the most wonderful Antique Shop, on the way home...we loaded the FUSO up...with very Fun Stuff!
Images, tomorrow!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Home....{actually...7 Days... on the Road...but...I made it Home...Tonight!}
{I was humming this Tune...after we Crossed the Mighty Miss! I put the Hammer DOWN!{God...I Love a Diesel Engine!}
{ Polly was THRILLED to see Me!}
{I just got home.... 11, and beat...5 states... and soooo many miles....I have much to share...last night... was Un- Believable....this last week...was a real 'ride'.... much...much to share... but... I
God Bless... and Thanks...for Everything...}
Amazing.... I Loved, being back....This show, is truly... The Grand Daddy! We'll All Be Back....Next Year! Come Join Us!!!!
I had this made, at the Opryland...for the show... The darling, jewelry box, was a gift from Marc Brandenburg.... I LOVE IT!!!!!Perfect for the 'Alice' 'grow' cake....
She is an Amazing, caring, very much, like her wonderful Mother....Libby.... I see Libby, every time, I look at Susan.... She has poured her Soul, into Heart....and I'll walk beside her...all the way....
See ya...Tomorrow! Ya!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
What Happens in Nashville... my.....
Had the most...Amazing time.... in Nashville.... Oh Dear...
Peg....Amy...and our Awesome Porters.... CRANKED!!!! We had our truck loaded... and Good bye, kisses... by 10.... then...our aching bodies... were soothed by Mahitos....and Margaritas....{our neighbors, in the hotel room... got tired of our crazy laughing...around 2...and knocked on the walls...{oops...} oh my...
It's a little after 7 a.m....Amy is getting ready to catch her flight...I have to walk a mile, to get to the truck... then...we'll load luggage...and roll...
I'll have images tomorrow...
I's an uneventful Journey....
We are headed for a Long...Long run....delivering the Beautiful Corner Indiana...then...cut across Hannibal, drop off Sweet Peg!..then...home...all...good...
Allyson...and Vikki...are sound...
All good....
Thanks for all of your Great Support...and Prayers! You...
Barb C.
{and....I SIGNED THE CONTRACT FOR HEART 2012!!!!!!YE HAW!!!! We are all coming back! Same time....{first weekend in February...with the Cattlemans Convention!!!! Yee Haw!!!!}
Peg....Amy...and our Awesome Porters.... CRANKED!!!! We had our truck loaded... and Good bye, kisses... by 10.... then...our aching bodies... were soothed by Mahitos....and Margaritas....{our neighbors, in the hotel room... got tired of our crazy laughing...around 2...and knocked on the walls...{oops...} oh my...
It's a little after 7 a.m....Amy is getting ready to catch her flight...I have to walk a mile, to get to the truck... then...we'll load luggage...and roll...
I'll have images tomorrow...
I's an uneventful Journey....
We are headed for a Long...Long run....delivering the Beautiful Corner Indiana...then...cut across Hannibal, drop off Sweet Peg!..then...home...all...good...
Allyson...and Vikki...are sound...
All good....
Thanks for all of your Great Support...and Prayers! You...
Barb C.
{and....I SIGNED THE CONTRACT FOR HEART 2012!!!!!!YE HAW!!!! We are all coming back! Same time....{first weekend in February...with the Cattlemans Convention!!!! Yee Haw!!!!}
Friday, February 18, 2011
We...Sold...Sold...Sold...The booth is STRIPPED!!!!
Sold the Amazing 1750's Corner Cupboard...{Peg and I are delivering it, to Indiana...Sunday...} and almost EVERY BACK UP PIECE I TOOK!!!!! There were 'SOLD' Tags....Littered throughout the Heart Show...Un...Believable!
Thanks to Everyone...for their much needed prayers.... I was about as one...could be....{so much...happened...that nearly dropped me...this week...those Angels with 2x4's...can be ruthless...}
We still have one person, after another...saying how amazing our booth is...and giving us their 'Best in Show' award... scrounging...for something to purchase.....amazing...Do You...Have Any Idea...what that means to an old Iowa Girl....
I truly couldn't have pulled this off... without Peg...and the support of Allyson... Vikki... and... the light heartedness..of Amy... and prayers...prayers...prayers... oh my...{we had the most wonderful well...}
We Cranked...The Heart Cranked....
Susan Kramer{promoter} has...made her Parents...proud...Dick and Libby...are Smiling...She took the reins, of Heart...after their sudden loss...and I see it flying... Great People....
If You Didn't make it...this year.... make plans...for next February....It's...AMAZING!
The Show 5, tomorrow's still...well worth the Visit!
{here are a few images I took, early Friday Morning...before the show is amazing...Thanks for all of the 'well wishes'...and lovely comments...}
Love To Ya...
Barb C.
Sold the Amazing 1750's Corner Cupboard...{Peg and I are delivering it, to Indiana...Sunday...} and almost EVERY BACK UP PIECE I TOOK!!!!! There were 'SOLD' Tags....Littered throughout the Heart Show...Un...Believable!
Thanks to Everyone...for their much needed prayers.... I was about as one...could be....{so much...happened...that nearly dropped me...this week...those Angels with 2x4's...can be ruthless...}
We still have one person, after another...saying how amazing our booth is...and giving us their 'Best in Show' award... scrounging...for something to purchase.....amazing...Do You...Have Any Idea...what that means to an old Iowa Girl....
I truly couldn't have pulled this off... without Peg...and the support of Allyson... Vikki... and... the light heartedness..of Amy... and prayers...prayers...prayers... oh my...{we had the most wonderful well...}
We Cranked...The Heart Cranked....
Susan Kramer{promoter} has...made her Parents...proud...Dick and Libby...are Smiling...She took the reins, of Heart...after their sudden loss...and I see it flying... Great People....
If You Didn't make it...this year.... make plans...for next February....It's...AMAZING!
The Show 5, tomorrow's still...well worth the Visit!
{here are a few images I took, early Friday Morning...before the show is amazing...Thanks for all of the 'well wishes'...and lovely comments...}
Love To Ya...
Barb C.
A Great Start.....To a Great Show!!!!!
Oh My....We pulled it all together... and It Started off with a Bang! Wow! Everyone had 'Sold ' Tags...the customers were blown away....and, very happy!!!!
It's after midnight, and I'm Hitting it!
It was an Amazing Preview Party!
Everyone was Electrified!
Love, to Ya!
Amy and I went to the Cascades Bar...after the show...I needed to simply...unwind... oh my...Peg and Vikki, headed to the room... where Allyson was ready for bed.... Amy and I sat...and visited...surrounded by the amazing waterfalls.... comes the girls...all in their PJ's... to the bar.... it was Great... we had an amazing bull session....
Here's the Iowa Tribe! oh my... sippin' Champagne! An Amazing Show! {Vikki...Peg...Amy...and...the Mad Hatter...oh dear...}
Oh My....We pulled it all together... and It Started off with a Bang! Wow! Everyone had 'Sold ' Tags...the customers were blown away....and, very happy!!!!
It's after midnight, and I'm Hitting it!
It was an Amazing Preview Party!
Everyone was Electrified!
Love, to Ya!
We have to be up, at the crack of dawn, to reset, and help folks load....
so...I'm hittin' it!
Love, To Ya!
Barb C.
I can't get over all of the 'Sold' signs, throughout the Heart Show....
I'm happy for everyone.... It was a Beautiful Preview!!!
We had many 'smalls', find new well... it was very nice...
a Great Crowd!
I feel very Proud, to have been a part of it!
Barb C.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Oh My.....
I was up at 4, took a hot, bubble bath...then, went back to bed... and overslept, 'til 8:30....We have to Run.... finish the booth...get flowers, and be done by 3. The show opens at 6...IT IS AMAZING!!!!
I'll have lots of images, tonight, and the next couple of days....
It's been a real roller coaster ride... I crawled under the big table, yesterday... in the booth...and shut the entire world out, for a few minutes....
I'll fill ya in...another time...
{The Sign isn't mine....sorry everyone....I have no idea how much... it isn't priced yet....}
Have a Great Day!
Barb C.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The Booth is goin' to Blow Your Mind!!!! Heart of Country.... will Blow Your MIND!
Love, to ya!
Barb C.
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