Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The Gang!
Cleaning and Organizing!
My Pal Val, brought out some darling treasures, yesterday! I ran over to her home, and we loaded up some fun, Frenchy and Garden stuff! Daughter, Liz came out after work, and helped bring cupboards around, and set displays, even John helped clean! What a Guy! It sounds like it is going to be rainy, no matter, the tents will be bursting at the seams, and buildings full!!! One of my very best Sales, of all time, was on a rainy weekend in October... I had called the helpers, and said, don't bother coming out today, it's forecast to rain, so I don't think too many folks will be out.... Oops...I had people here, before 8 a.m., wearing rain gear, umbrella's and boots, I was running from one end of the property to the other, got soaked to the skin, had to run in and change clothes, twice... It was a great weekend!
Everything is coming together, my friend, Peg will be here today, from MO. And we will get'er done!
I'll try and get images on tonight, or in the morning!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sweet Sadie...
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The Wonderful Pumpkin Farm!
Treasures... Friends... Thankful...
Gettin'er Done!
I was working away today, and had some wonderful helping hands arrive! My friend Carolyn A. and daughter, Liz... We got the Big Truck un-loaded! The tents are up, and things are goin' clickity click! Carolyn was a huge help, bless her heart...Sweet Polly popped in, bearing gifts, and Carolyn also brought food, Starbucks, and darling 'Think of Me' Motto cups... God truly has blessed me with wonderful Friends and Family....
Our Southern Iowa Friends, are coming up with a load in the morn, and everything is moving foreword! It's going to take some doing, but I think the Sale is coming together! My Pal Peg, will be here Tuesday, and she always makes it happen, what a whirl wind! Folks are calling, and it sounds like there is going to be some Wonderful Treasures pulling in!
I'm making a fast run, to Southern Iowa in the late morning, then back on the Sale! We should have it pulled together, a few minutes before it opens...Thursday Morning, if not, I'll just have to have the 'Early Birds' help out... So don't come early, unless you have eaten your Wheaties!
'til next time,
Barb C.
Friday, September 25, 2009
I Know how this Angel feels...
The Sign is Down!
I am proud to say, the back green house is done.... it was dark, when I finished up, so I'll try and get some images today. Only 6 buildings to go! {and 5 days to get'em done, oh, and the lawn has to be set, as well...} It's raining like crazy, so I'll be working inside the shop and front green house today! I had lots of visitors, yesterday, Steph, {Fern Hill} {if you could have seen her expression, when she walked into the green house, well, it was priceless...'stunned' would be a good description, it was still on the rough side, yesterday morning. She brought me a huge Starbucks, and was sure I could get everything done, by sale time...} Then Carolyn A. popped in, she was positive, and encouraging, but was trying to figure out her schedule, and make time to come help... I don't think she has quite the confidence that Steph had, on me getting this all done... My Pal Val, swung through, we walked over the property, I pointed out the buildings that we couldn't even get inside the doors of, and she said, "great!, I love it when you can hardly get in the door!", she is a riot...{ I want what ever she is taking...} Then Mark stopped in, he had called on his way out, and said he had found something, that truly had my name on it...when he saw it, he had to buy it, he just knew I would love it... He was correct... I love it, it is a keeper. It's an old, old document box, with a little divider, inside... the box is embellished with leather leaves and flowers... it probably dates from the mid to late 1800's, and it is awesome...
I visited with my friend, Tommy, yesterday, she's coming out to the sale, to shop. Tommy has the Best Coffee Shop! {Fuel} in Mt Vernon, I have mentioned it before, her coffee will, dare I say it, Give You Wings! She asked if she should bring me some, I didn't stutter....
It sounds like there's going to be some wonderful stuff coming in! Loads of cool stuff! I always tell people, I don't care what you bring, as long as it's Old, and priced to Sell!
I am getting pretty tired, yet, pretty excited... I think the sale is going to be Great! I'll be getting my ad's in today, gathering pumpkins, getting my flier's out and working in the Store. I'm really not worried about getting it all done. My heart is willing, I hope my body will hang in there for another week and a half. When I put it into perspective, it's like doing 10 Shows, all at once...Plus, being a promoter, of sorts. Thank goodness, all the folks that come and bring things, are seasoned, and extremely hard workers, this Sale is not for the 'faint of heart'! Several years ago, a friend of mine was set up here, and helping with people, { she had always worked corporate} right in the middle of the sale, she walked out... she said, "you are all crazy... this is way too much work, and not enough money..." We all just stood there, looked at each other, and started laughing, I turned around and said, "hell, tell us something we don't know..." Anyone who is in this business, at any level, will tell you it's incredibly hard, stressful work. But if you love it, truly love it, what is that worth...I'll tell you, it's priceless...
'til next time,
Barb C.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wonderful Old Cupboard...
Pete and Cindy with their wonderful Morning Glories!
The day started out GREAT! I was getting a lot done, for an hour, or so... then the phone rang...
You know, there are only a couple of words that could pull me away, from a determined mind set, and one of them is 'HELP', from anyone needing it, or, you guessed it, 'CUPBOARD'... Well, thankfully, it was the later of the two... 300 miles, 9 hours, and 3 great loads of cool antique treasures later {including an awesome old, old Cupboard} I was home, collapsed in the recliner, were I slept...The Fun Never Ends...
My friend, Cindy H. called, and said she had the coolest old cupboard, strait out of the original old house, {1870's} in Monticello, Iowa... I made tracks, headed there, to see her and Pete, her hubby. They always find the neatest stuff, and have me pegged, on my likes! Then I had received another call, from my friends, Linda and Larry, {Painted Pony Antiques} they had a bunch of stuff, they were cleaning out, along with a wonderful old Wooden Pump, I've had a few over the years, and was happy to buy this one! Perfect for a Fall Sale! We get everything loaded, I'm headed home, and, well, I need to throw that phone away, at least during sale time... My friend, Charlie, from Southern Iowa, was on the other end... "Hey Barb, I went to an auction this week, got in a bunch of old stuff, and, oh yea, an old cupboard".... Am I being tested, or what? I put the Little Ford in Overdrive, headed home, John helped me un-load, then I headed South...
Charlie and I dug through the barns, loaded and loaded, visited and visited, until flash lights and headlights were required, then 90 miles home...
The back green house, well, the signs still up... I was thinking about that, as I was cruisin' down the hi-way... If I were going to a sale, what would I rather see, a shop all displayed out, clean and cool, or, lots of gnarly old stuff, piled everywhere, that you have to dig for, and get a little grubby doing it......Well...
'til next time,
Barb C.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Sign is Still up...
The Sign is still on the door... I did get a lot done, wired some fixtures, cleaned and cleaned and cleaned, got groceries, and I'm up early, and ready to go, go, go! { I was out of Starbucks yesterday, but today, I'll drink a pot, and use the grounds like a wad of Skoal! Look Out!}
The biggest problem I have, is me. I have to clean everything, then set a display, eye ball it, like Picasso, move this and that, tweek, here and there, add a little red, have everything flowing....I just want to scream at myself! No time to be a perfectionist!!! I commented on my blogger friend, Jan's blog {summersundays} By Sale time, the place will look like a landfill, except for one small corner, that will be perfect...
I need 10 of me...Hopefully I'll get the back green house and front one done today.tic toc...
I'll have images later this eve.
My friend Polly {pollyanns] invited me to come help her display her porch, at her store, for Halloween, she doesn't have a clue, how incredibly SLOW I am! Maybe she should come watch me work...and bring a calendar...
'til next time,
Barb C.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Fun Stuff!
Diggin' and Playin'...
Please Use South Door...
I worked on the north green house yesterday... I truly had a great time! I thought I'd tackle one of the biggest disasters first... I gave up on this area, after the Spring Sale, and kept throwing stuff that was in my way, out there... Then it pretty much was impossible to get through, so instead of organizing, I hung a little sign, Please use South Door... a gentle way of saying Caution... Do Not Enter!
I am getting on it this morning, and WILL have it done today! Tic Toc....I still have 6 buildings to go...{ focus....one mountain at a time...}
My posts will be short these days, but I will keep you updated on the progress!
'til next time,
Barb C.
Monday, September 21, 2009
I forgot to post this...
September Gold Rush...
Darling Little Iowa Cupboard! Thresher's Wash Stand?
I'm Back...
What a weekend! I was running late, Thursday, loading, and forgetting a lot! Of course I didn't realize I had forgotten anything, until I was too far away to turn back! We are allowed to unload Thursday eve, from 4 til 8, arriving at 7, with 3 big trucks, this seems hopeless, unless two wonderful people wonder in, and ask if you need a hand! We had all three trucks unloaded in an hour and a few minutes...impressive...no, a miracle!
It took us all of the day, Friday, to get the booth set, I truly could not have done it without Liz... Customers get into the show on Friday, {set up day} so, you set, and sell. It can be a little crazy!
The Show was o.k., but not fab, like August. { we got spoiled in August!} I think 'Junk Bonanza', in the Twin Cities, was a huge factor, it is a wonderful show, and many of my customers are vendors there. You can't be two places at once! { check out 'Fern Hill', Steph set up at J.B., and you will see how wonderful it was!} Many of my customers filled me in on that show, and said that there were several Fall Festivals in the immediate area, that always shrinks the crowd.
The booth went together very well, I love Fall... Loads of pumpkins and straw!{ my friend, Dale F., was kind enough to bring a bale of straw from his farm, and it was really cool!} We had straw hanging from the rafters! All over the floor, all over us! I had neighbors, on our little Island, dragging pieces of straw back to the booth, from the other side of the building, that had gotten tracked in their booth! {it was pretty funny...}
We had our usual 'Saturday Night at Michaels' treat! Sweet Sarah, Colleen, and Gayle joined us! We had a Marvelous time! The place was packed, but they always seem to get us right in, and keep the Margaritas flowing! The food is the best, anywhere! If you ever get to Rochester, Minnesota, you MUST dine at this Fabulous, Over the Top, Family owned Restaurant! { it looks expensive, but it doesn't cost any more than a 'chain' steak house, really! The atmosphere is unbelievable! The service is the very best, they treat you like a Queen, if your in your grubbies, like yours truly, or a Evening Gown!}
I had so many wonderful comments, about the booth. People that were just walking by, stopped, popped their heads in, and told us how much they loved it. That means soo much. They may not be into our kind of stuff, but they made the effort to comment. I thought about that on the way home, how much a kind word does for your spirit...
We sold several cupboards, show cases, brown transferware, vintage textiles, early glass, wooden trunks, galvanized pails, gnarly wire baskets, mirrors, vintage hardware, and lots of 'dibby dabbies'. I bought some cool stuff for the 'Fall Harvest Sale', here at home, I'm really pumped for this sale, my foot was tapping all the way home, wishing I was tearing into it, instead of driving! I have some great Ideas for the Store, but with only a week and a half, I'd better get crackin'!
'til next time,
Barb C.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Sweet Canadian Girls, and their Treasures!
A Sky High Load... { I Love Those Chairs!}
My Buds' Allison and Kevin
The Canadian Girls Took the Area By Storm!
I was so surprised when my friend and fellow blogger, Sharon {Sweet Repose} called today, and asked if I was open, she said the Gals from Canada wanted to stop by... I'm loading for a show, thank goodness Carolyn A. popped in, and was helping me pack! We were tearing up the place, but if the girls could stand the mess, I can always stand the company! { I did tell them, however, if they stayed too long, I was putting them to work!} We all had a great time! They found some cool treasures, and we even went out to lunch, and kept right on gabbin'! It is sooo nice to meet folks, that you just seem to 'click' with! Those Gals even talked me into showing them my messy house.... I don't let ANYONE in my house at showtime, ever... I was pretty much humiliated... The Girls were very kind...
I kept on working, then I received two calls, friends that had some fun stuff, and were cleaning out. So I took off, and gathered some great stuff! Several cupboards, mirrors, vintage prints, the coolest vintage barrel back, leather chairs,{ that I have been trying to buy, for years!} and a lot of dibby dabbies! Perfect for Gold Rush, and my Fall Harvest Sale! It's pushing 10:00, and I'm beat... I'll finish loading in the morning.{ we unload, and partially set up tomorrow afternoon...} We weren't going to take the Little Ford, but I'm tempted to just leave it loaded, and have Liz drive it to the show...We'll see...
I may not be able to post over the weekend, it depends on the hotel's wi-fi, if not, I will be back Monday!
'til next time,
Barb C.
Loads and Loads of Pumpkins!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Canadians!
I should have been loading...
The last three days, instead of getting my work done, gathering things together for 'Gold Rush', I've been goofing off. Am I stressed, nervous, tearing my hair out? Nope. I've been visiting with my friends... Yesterday, I spent several hours with my dear friend Polly...I was so glad we had the opportunity to get to know each other a little better, it's amazing how many things we have in common. I think we could have talked for days...Then I spent several hours helping my friends at Fern Hill, load their truck for 'Junk Bonanza', after loading, we got a little loaded ourselves, on great wine and conversation, around the fire. We called our friend, Ed, from 'Leftovers', in Texas, and laughed until we cried! Priceless... The day before, I spent a big share of my day, as you know, with my friend, Don. It was hi-time I visited his wonderful store. A real treat... And today.... I went to Sister's Garden, popped in at Barntiques, on the way, and had a wonderful chat with Nancy, the proprietor, and Sweet Carolyn A., who is taking on a large space in the 'Barn', it's really a neat store, and I never leave empty handed!
I was greeted at Sister's, with the most wonderful Mums, that was my reason for the drive, I needed some of her beautiful Mums for my booth, and Steph, from Fern Hill, needed a bunch of them and Bittersweet, for her Show. Barb always has the best, and the best prices! So Barb H. and I picked out some beautiful ones. Barb surprised me with a darling gift, a little plaque, that reads 'At Rest', she had no idea that I have been collecting these for my bedroom, Barb said it was for my soul, my soul needs peace... She's right, she's always right. I think this 'goofing off', is my soul, seeking, and finding peace.
I always run it down to the wire, always, but I get pretty frantic, the closer my nose gets to the line... not today. No apologies, I'll get done what I can, and what doesn't get done, well, doesn't...
I made fast tracks, to Fern Hill, with the beautiful flora, picked up some cool pumpkins, from a Farm Market, hit the grocery store, then home, and found the recliner... I'll load in the morning....175 miles today, is enough...
On a sad note, some dear friends of mine, have recently had a sudden death in their family. Their entire family are in my prayers, and I hope others who read this, will include them too.
'til next time,
Barb C.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Amana Colonies Antiques... You won't leave empty handed!
Beautiful John Deere Watch Fob... Don Harvested from a Lisbon, Iowa Estate
Darling Patriotic Little Girls Dress...
A Wonderful Visit at Don's New Store...
I took a short drive yesterday morning, to Amana, Iowa. My friend Don, had found some wonderful cast iron book shelves, that had originated from the old Law Library, at the University of Iowa, in Iowa City. He wasn't sure about purchasing them, and I asked him to grab them, and I would take them, sight unseen. They are wonderful, heavy, but wonderful. I have been soo busy this summer, I haven't had the opportunity to check out his new Store, so this was a real treat!
Don is an amazing man, I've mentioned him several times in my blog, he is extremely knowledgeable in so many categories, and has truly been a life line to myself and others. Don is also one of the most honest, people in the business that I know. I send many people to him, when they have interesting merchandise for sale, that I have no knowledge on. I have no doubt he will treat people with respect, and be totally fair. He is in my book, beyond reproach.
Here are just a few of his categories: Country Store pieces, advertising pieces from everywhere, Civil War Memorabilia, Vintage Paper{ diaries, journals, letters, labels, posters, Business letterheads, postcards, calling cards, anything of importance to small towns, and communities} toys, from Disney to match box, games, dolls, movie memorabilia, lodge memorabilia, farm collectibles, original art work, folk art, vintage clothing, jewelry, apothecary pieces, pharmaceutical, and medicinal memorabilia, books, kitchen collectibles, Amana and Iowa City memorabilia, tavern and restaurant memorabilia, sports collectibles, 'Hawkeye' collectibles, political pieces, as I'm writing this, I think the list would be shorter, if I told you what he wasn't knowledgeable on.... I really can't think of one category, that he doesn't have some degree of intelligence on, concerning antiques and collectibles... Wow....
It was a real treat strolling through his Store, he is always willing to educate people on his collections, he is soft spoken, and though he could boast about his wonderful, rare finds, he never would. He could laugh at my ignorance, instead, he shares his knowledge, freely, and educates in a language I can process.
I hope you have the opportunity to visit Don, and just listen, as he walks you through his diverse collection. He is an amazing person, with some amazing pieces. His prices are always fair, just like he is. You won't leave empty handed, promise....
Don is located in the village of Amana, on the east end of Main Street, he may be reached at 319-430-5043 {dfj@netins.net} or come visit any day, except Tuesday, at the Store. You will love it!
'til next time,
Barb C.
Wimpy and Rose...The Dear Hearts...{ and the best Kolache makers anywhere!}
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Down on The Farm...
I would have to say, one of my favorite loves, would be farm related things... From items that once lived a farm life, hog troughs, feed bunks, iron fragments from tractors and farm machinery, to things found inside the farm house, old cupboards, work tables, gnarly spoons, with the bowls warn down, from stirring gallons of preserves, and paring knives, that are paper thin...from a 100 years of use, the worn and well loved things, that are still very useful today.
Yes, I still use these wonderful, vintage, 'farm life' artifacts daily, they are not collected to simply sit, and be admired for the wonderful object that they have evolved into, though they could be considered an art form. They are still doing their job, and because of superior craftsmanship, are doing it well, a century later....
I wonder if the farm wife of a hundred years ago, would have even had a fleeting thought, that her favorite paring knife, or table spoon, would be admired, and used daily, by someone in the 21st century... Or the old metal pig trough, she threw the table scraps in for the pigs, would now grace the harvest table, filled with pumpkins and gourds, garnished with bittersweet...hmmm...
My friend, Bart, stopped in today, after he had hit a Great auction, we sorted through his treasures, and I found a wonderful old post card, from 1913, the year my Dad was born. It was of a beautiful group of pigs, that were going to be sold at action, from Washington, Iowa. { about 70 miles south of my home.}It's difficult to see, my camera isn't the best, but on the front of the post card it reads,'Sunny Slope, Herd of Pure Bred Hampshire Swine, C.A. Brook, Washington, Iowa.' I really appreciate images like this, it's like a window to our past. When I find old photos like this, it always gets me thinking about the everyday life, a hundred years ago, or better, in our part of the country, and the vintage, 'every day' pieces, that I have gathered, that most people don't give a second thought to, I love these things, they seem to bring a warm, comfortable feeling to our home.
I spent several hours at my friend Don's new shop, in Amana, today. It was my first visit, and his store is amazing. It will take me some time to tell you about it, so I'll post all the images tomorrow. My neighbor, Rose, who makes the BEST Kolaches in the world, called me earlier, and is stopping by with a plateful early in the morning, so I need to get to bed, it's after mid-night...{Rose's Kolaches for breakfast...mmmm....I can't wait!}
'til next time,
Barb C.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Old Cupboards...
What is it about old cupboards, that will have me drop everything and run... My friend Vi, called yesterday, to let me know she had gotten in an old, rough cupboard. I had customers visiting, friends that were on their way to see me, and I totally dropped everything, called my friends that were on their way, we'd have to re-schedule, invited my customers to either ride along with, {130 miles} or keep shopping and call me with any questions... I was out the door! One of my customers took me up on the ride, and we had a great visit, and totally corrected all the world's wrongs...
The funny thing is, my friends and customers totally understood. Go, Go, Go! They didn't want me to miss this old cupboard either! { I have the Best Customers in the world!}
When we got to Vi's, we walked out back of her store, and took a peek at this old Farm House Work Horse... The Old Gal is on the rough side, but the potential is there, the poor old soul, it just said, please take me home... I loved it, and when John works his magic, it will sing, and stand proud.
I hope to have 'er done this week for Gold Rush, if not, it will be wonderful for the Fall Harvest Sale, here at home.
A busy day awaits, so let's take it on!
'til next time,
Barb C.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
A Fun Day!!! { This was ALL Lori's idea...} { just look at that grin!}
Lori was working at the store, and said Sharon was en-route, we had to play a little trick on her... Sharon was coming to do some shoppin', I had the Little Ford pulled up to the door of the store to load, and Lori decided to put a little sign on the truck, I waited, just out of sight , and when Sharon walked up, to take a gander at my treasures, she found her little message! And I got a great shot!
It was priceless! We all had a good laugh, and a wonderful, way over due visit! These Gals are a hoot! They have a darling shop in Palo, Iowa, and have wonderful treasures and hand made soap at Sister's Garden, near Kalona, Iowa.
We spent hours visiting, and I'm soo glad the coin flipped the way it did...
It's 9:30, and I've traveled 250 miles today, enough!
Have a Great Tomorrow!
Barb C.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Val's House...The Crown Jewel...
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