Sunday, March 16, 2025

The 'Amana'... Party's Over. Thanks... So Much!!

Thanks So Much... to Everyone Who Attended
The Amana, Iowa... Estate Sale.
Thanks... So Much, to Everyone who Shared The Sale, and a Huge Thanks...
to Pal, Dale Frese, and Grandson... Justin, for HELPING SO MUCH!!
; )

The Sale... was Over The Top!!
We Sold Down to The Walls!!
The Beautiful Ford, Sold... today, as well.
; )

Will be a very easy closing.
; )
I'm taking tomorrow...

St. Patrick's Day.
; )

Son, Justin... turns The Big 40, tomorrow.
Spoke with him this evening...
told Justin,
 I... just can't understand how he could Possibly be turning 40,
when his Mom is only 39.
: )
Everyone... Got a Big Laugh, outta That One.
; )

The Beautiful Amana Wardrobe, Sold... Today.
The New Owner's didn't get the Original Key.
: (
We believe they are from Amana.
If... anyone knows Who... bought the Beauty, let them know...
I have The Key!!

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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