Thursday, March 20, 2025

Road Trip. : )

Picked up a Nice... Load of 'Garden'... and Vintage 'Treasures' for 
The Rabbit Hole...
Junk Jubilee.
{March 28 - 30...
The Fairgrounds, in Des Moines!!}

Pal, Dale... rode Shotgun.
: )
He Almost... had to walk home.
{The Ford's Cab... was Packed Tight... Too!!}
: ) 
Poor Dale, was Wrapped in a Fabulous Early...
Room Size... Vintage Rug.
: ) : ) : )
had enough room, to Grab Gears, and Shift The Ford.
: )

We Had Great Fun...
; )

Teeny... Tiny... Snippets of The 'Honey Hole'.
; )

Oh... my.
; )

I remember... John telling me Years ago...
when I'd come Rollin' in at Home, with a 'Load', 
all he could say... while smokin' a Lucky, and shaking his head...
as me, and The Ford rounded the West Cemetery Road, and... Stallman Drive corner,
"The Gypsy's Home."

; )

; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{Thanks So Much to Southern Iowa Pals, for helping Load,
 and loaning me a few more ratchet straps.}
; )

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