The Amana Estate Sale is Coming Together!!
; )
We moved the Furniture, mostly... yesterday.
; )
We're trying to condense the Furniture, into fewer rooms.
; )
{When I say "we"... I mean, Pal, Bill... and Grandson, Justin.
: )
Felt like such a loser, not helping them much.
: (
We All Knew, I had to be very careful. One more 'twist', could be 'bad'.}
; )
Mid 1800's Amana Wardrobe.
It's Shelved Out, inside.
Which... I'm guessing Buck, the Woodworker... who lived here, most likely did.
That's GREAT!!
Wardrobe's were mainly built to hold hanging clothes.
Most Homes, back in the 1800's, and before... didn't have 'Closets'.
A Dwelling was Taxed, back then... by how many Rooms were inside.
Free-standing 'Wardrobes' were 'Closets'.
; )
I have a mid 1800's Wardrobe, in my Bedroom. It has two doors.
Behind one door, are many, original shelves.
Behind the other, is set up for hanging clothes.
I... LOVE IT!!
Frankly, I would Never buy a Dresser with Drawer's...
for Clothing, again.
Use our Dressers for Linen... Bedding, and Quilts.
So LOVE having folded clothing on Shelves.
; )
Jeans... and Tops.
I hang Favorite Coats... on the opposite side.
: )
The Shelves... Buck fitted the above Wardrobe with, thankfully... he didn't nail in, so... they can be removed.
{but... Why?? : ) }
The Wardrobe is Walnut...
{Native Iowa Lumber}
Door's are pegged, and hand chamfered.
All 1800's Amana Furniture, was.
Mid, to late 1800's Pie Safe.
I'm guessing the above... is closer to Mid 1800's.
One Board Sides.
Full Cut Lumber.
Not Paneled.
Back in 'The Day'... these Wonderful Cupboard's were used for far more...
than Pies, and Bakery.
; )
They were Workhorses.
The Lovely... Punched Tin Panels, allowed ventilation...
The Cupboard,
Not Insects.
; )
Often, 'Food'... was stored short term inside, as well.
Back then, when these Cupboard's were constructed, there was No Electricity.
; )
At Best.... Ya might have an 'Ice Box'.
from an
Ice House,
{A Building on the Farm... that held Ice, packed in Sawdust...
that was
Hand Cut...
with Ice Saws, saved in the Winter from Creeks, Rivers...and Ponds...
that were
Close to Home.
because when they cut the Blocks of Ice... most of the time, they'd Hand Carry...
Big Block's of Ice...
to a Sled, they...
Hand Pulled...
Depending on where the Ice... was Harvested...
Horses, and Mules... may have helped.}
Not Often.
Pie Safe...
Number Two.
; )
It's a Large Pie Safe.
: )
Early, also... Mid 1800's, I'd guess.
: )
The Deer Mount, is the same... as the one on The Pie Safe, above.
We had to move it.... wouldn't put nails in the wall... to mount it.
the above, is another angle.
; )
Wound the above... German Weight Driven...
Long Drop Regulator, last week.
: )
It was Still Talkin'!!
: )
The Howard Miller Clock, oh my.
We had to move it...
was concerned...
It wouldn't be 'Happy' with his new Location.
: (
He Was Happy!!
Chiming Away!!
Runnin' Like a Trooper!!
There's so Much.. to Show,
Hunting Items...
Not quite, 'set' There, yet. Stay Tuned : ) }
The Above...
Thread Holder...
Touched my heart.
There's sewing items, fabric...
Stay Tuned.
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