Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Junk Jubilee Set Up... Day One.

Loading The Ford... this morning. Hope to be heading to Des Moines, by 11-ish. 
Struggling with this load, quite a bit. 
Was going to take Metal Art, today.... along with The Bones, then Furniture tomorrow, but... sounds like we could get some rain tomorrow, so...
may have to flip everything around.
oh dear. 

Still chewin' on a Whole Bunch that sent me into a tailspin, the other day.
{Personal Crap. : ( }
That'll have to be addressed after The Show.

Ya Gotta Stay Focused at 'Show Time'.
{Seems every Show, something Blows Up, concerning IDOT, or Fairfax. I remember many more than one Show in DM, where I spent Hours on the phone, with IDOT, and Lawyer Meardon.
Those kinda distractions...
Knocks The Hell Out of Creativity!!}
: )
{bless their hearts}


Pal, Allyson... is joining me in the morning, we're sharing The Booth.
Sounds like she's bringing some Fun Stuff!!
; )

Allyson is The Planner, she said the other day, that there are some Interesting Events in DM, we should consider attending after our Show closes, on Friday... and Saturday.
: )
I told Steph that.
She Laughed.
; )
{Steph was the Pal, who asked.. her first time sharing the booth in Nashville... 
{Heart of Country}
"Where's the gym?? I have to work out every morning."
{Oh..... Girl. ; ) }
: )
At the end of the first day of set up, there....
I opened the hotel room door, Steph stumbled in, threw herself on the bed... 
and said, 
 Perfect Description, of how we feel, at the end of each day, at a Show.
"I feel like a Bag of Bones."
That's It!!
Nailed It!!

I assured Allyson, that probably wasn't going to 'happen'.
Yeah... after busting your Fanny, day, after day... loading, unloading... reloading...  standing on concrete, then... throw in a little 'Stress', here and there, on about every level Imaginable, yeah.
; )
At the end of each day at The Shows, it's been my experience...
Ya find a Nice Place to Eat.
Wind Down.
Head to The Hotel, and...

Here We Go!!
It's Show Time!!
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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