I kinda 'Did' It.... again.
: )
Seems while moving the Workbench, a few days ago...
I, twisted WRONG!!
Injured by back, decades ago... in a car accident.
I've learned over the years, it's not about how Much...
I lift,
all it takes, is a 'Twist'.
: (
When Bill, and I... were placing the Workbench on it's base, it began slipping from my hands,
had to make a Big Shift, with the lift, or.... drop my end.
: (
Didn't feel it at the time...
: )
Yeah Boy...
; )
my back,
'Sciatic Nerve'...
has been
Speakin' Loud, and Clear, the last 36 hours.
; )
{bless it's heart}
I'd planned on heading to Amana, anyway... today, if...
Bill, could get his Pal, and Awesome Helper... Danny, to take my place moving furniture.
Danny was tied up.
Looks like Monday, before we can move Mountains.
: )
There's Two... Early Wardrobes, Two... Early...
Pie Safes, a Freezer, a Cool... Vintage Fridge, Tons... of Woodworking Equipment...
that has to be relocated/condensed... for The Sale.
May call in Justin 'J'.
He's a Mover and a Shaker!!
: )
Was Fun...seeing The Hatter Hat, Daughter, Liz... Created, and...
the Images, Sweet... Melody Smith, captured, long ago.
We Had Fun...
That Day.
; )
Melody... doesn't do Photography, anymore....
: (
She is So Gifted.
Quite an Artist.
The above... memory popped up, from several years ago...
Made me think...
of the
below, here... at Home.
So Incredibly
I've been struggling with the 'world', and 'home'... a whole bunch, on a daily basis, as...
I'm certain, many, many... many, are.
I refuse to bring that...
I'm tempted to, often.
feel, like The 'physical' Rabbit Hole,
'The World'...
needs to
Stay Outside The Door.
I've been speaking loud, and clear... on FB.
Been on the go... quite a bit, for a long time.
Always seem to be putting out Fires.
; )
Today... with my back out, decided... for Some...
Insane Reason, to... start cleaning the Junk Drawers, in the kitchen.
: )
Cleaned One.
The Worst.
I'll call 'That'...
; )
When I pulled the drawer open, Nearly...
grabbed a garbage bag, and...
Dumped It All.
After all, if I haven't used anything... from That Drawer...
for Years, was... kinda guessin',
Don't Need Any Of It.
; )
The 'Saver'... in me,
Pumped The Brakes.
{above is what I DIDN'T... Pitch. : ) }
A Couple Dollar's in Change.
The Taz... Watch!!
The Camera...
hoping, I can retrieve some images from.
The Cadillac...
Hood Ornament.
; )
quite a bit more,
that brought back
Fond Memories.
: )
See the 'ring'...
just below the Cadillac piece???
If you read my Blog...
you may remember...
a couple of Thanksgiving's ago,
I lost my ring, after preparing the Thanksgiving Turkey.
Took the ring off, while working with food.
When I cleaned up the counter...
my ring, was gone.
I... Looked Everywhere.
: (
Warned Family, and Friends, at Thanksgiving... to be Very Careful
while eating the Turkey, and Dressing.
: )
'Could Be'...
Ring Inside!!!
: )
It... never showed up.
: (
Thought, I must've swept the ring up... in paper towels, while cleaning, and... it was long gone.
in a Million Years, expected to ever see it again.
: (
The Ring found It's Way... to the Kitchen 'Junk' Drawer...
I'll never know.
; )
<3 <3 <3
Gave the Ring a Much Needed, and Deserved...
this afternoon.
While sharing my Thanksgiving Story, with Dear... Friend,
Deb P., last year...
She Got It!!
more, than I knew.
Deb, brought me the above... Left... Ring,
to make up for the
Thanksgiving 'Loss'.
<3 <3 <3
: )
Her ring... fit Perfectly on my right hand's center finger, where my Lost Ring, had.
<3 <3 <3
Gonna have to lose some weight.
{I've gained a few, after quitting smoking, last July. : )}
Today... Placed The Lost... Old Ring, back... where it should be.
Moved Deb's... to my Right Ring Finger, but... it's a little loose.
: (
Hopefully, in a little time, I can move Deb's Beautiful... Gift, to my left hand's Center Finger.
Justin 'J'... sent me the above image, with a Video...
of This Ford 7.3, late this afternoon.
{Gizzy Ridin' Shotgun!! <3}
One of Justin's Dear....Neighbor's...
'J'... The Ford.
It's been sitting for years.
Justin 'J'... with help from Friends, and Neighbors....
have been Trying to Get That 7.3 Rollin'!!
'J'... has been So Frustrated the last few weeks, with it.
He Didn't Give Up!!
: )
It's Rockin' and a Rollin'... Tonight!!
; )
So Proud!!
: )
Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.
Barb C.
{So sorry to hear of Gene Hackman's death. His, Wife... and their Beloved... Pup.
Posted my favorite Gene Hackman movie clip, from Mississippi Burning, yesterday.
So... Sad.}
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