Heading to Brother in Law, Bill's...
Visitation, this Evening.
Funeral, tomorrow.
Never really got to 'Know'... Bill,
After Dad passed away, in 1987, well....
Dad was the Common Denominator...
between his older Kids, and me.
Dad... was a 'Free Spirit'...
I was always the one who defended Dad,
and, maybe......
some might refer to...as,
; )
Sister, Jo Ann, and... Bill, were very structured Folks.
Dad, was very 'Fluid'.
; )
People who are 'Structured'...
often have a difficult time, 'understanding'...
Folk's that are...
; )
Spent a little time, over the last several years, with Jo Ann, and Bill.
They seemed Very Happy, and... were doing a lot of traveling, after Bill retired.
Dare I say it...
'They were Livin' 'Fluid'!!'
: )
Jo Ann, passed away, a few years ago.
I know Bill... Missed Her.
Bill, Truly... Enjoyed his last few years.
Was So Happy... to See Him Livin' Life!!
: )
Bill, and I... had a brief visit, last... late Summer.
Grateful... for That Opportunity.
Bill, was a Good Man.
Always, Always...
looking out for his
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