Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Keep It Movin'.

<3 <3 <3 

Spent this day... after Soakin' in a Long... Hot, Hot...
Bubble Bath, 
Movin' Mountains.
: )
Folk's picked up Big Purchases, from Amana, today.
The Fridge, Freezer... Cub Cadet, then...
me, and Bill... delivered The Amazing German Workbench, to a Lovely Home, Filled with Amazing Antiques, in North Liberty, Iowa.
; )

I...was a bit nervous about moving the Workbench, again.
One wrong twist, like before... oh, my.
; )
Thankfully... Son, Justin... and Justin J... were picking things up, today...
; )
Asked them, if they'd put it on The Ford, for me...and Bill.
: )
They Very Kindly...
; )
We Lucked Out... Again, at North Liberty.
; )
Two Young Dudes, from next door... to the Home we were delivering, 
saw me and Bill... slide the Heavy, Heavy... Bench Top off of The Ford, and... asked of we could use a hand.
: )
We Sure as Heck Wouldn't Turn 'em Away!
We 'Coffin Carried' the Top.
Two on each side...
Didn't even need the Dolly.
; )

Flood of 2019 in Fairfax.
It flooded all around us.

Guess where It Didn't?
 Never Had...
The Highway 151 IDOT/Fairfax, Iowa... Bike Trail Project.

T. R. O. U. B. L. E.
: ( : ( : (
We're in a Bowl... Now.
Now, it'll be interesting to sadly See, what Hall & Hall's {Fairfax}... Does to Us, and... 
our Neighbors with The West Cemetery Road/Bridge/Bike Trail...
22 foot bridge replacement, that Hall & Hall designed nearly THREE TIMES as Long and Wide, Multiple Million's of Dollars, will be spent on replacing that tiny, barely... used, at best... a couple hundred vehicles a day, utilize it, but... Hey, it's Only Our Money.
: )
{Some seem to FORGET Where 'Free Government Money' Comes From.
It's NOT... FREE.
Makes Me Sick.
Our Recorded Agreement, with The Iowa Department of Transportation, 
concerning the Highway 151 Bridge
wouldn't have been, Breached, 
It All Ties Together.
West Cemetery... and 151.
oh my.
: (
Million's of Dollars would've been Saved, and.... our Home, and Property wouldn't have Flooded
Again, and Again... Again...
In Drought Years.
: (................ 
Had... I simply been told The TRUTH, by Fairfax, and IDOT District 6... in the beginning.
: (...................
Thank God for Lawyer Meardon.

Shortly after my first meeting, with Lawyer {Charles} Meardon, I shared some information... I'd gathered from a very kind man, at the Iowa Department of Transportation District 6.
: )
Charles asked his name.
I, really... didn't want to share his name.
I was in fear, that... he'd been so helpful, and kind...
 {knowing how IDOT 'Wasn't' with us, in the 1990's Condemnation of our Land. Learned MUCH, about IDOT, back then. : (}
I... didn't want that Kind Man, to be in any kind of jeopardy concerning his job, for helping me so.

leaned back in his chair, and gave me some wonderful...

Oh...My God.
: (
When Charles.... pointed out some records, with the 'Kind' man's... name, and His Words...
 All Over Them, 
oh my.
: ( : ( : (
I'd Been Played.
Big Time.
: (
I wanted to vomit.
: ( : ( : (
: (


when I say,
The Department of Transportation, or... a City/County Official comes knockin' on your door, 
with a Big Smile, Promises and... Best Offers.
; )

Smile back.
; )
{bless their hearts}
; )

Close the door.
Call a Lawyer.
A Damned Good One.
; )
in my opinion...
You're Gonna Need One.
; )

Happy 15th. Birthday to Miss. Scarlett Belle.
<3 <3 <3 

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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