What A RIDE!!!
The Weather, was a Force...to Reckon With!!
Oh My!!
: )
Like, always.
: )
Folks Showed Up...
Got 'er Done....
Bless Their Hearts!!
It was a Full House!
The Crowd...was Great!!
Those Hot Turkey, and Dressing Sandwiches, didn't disappoint!!
: ) : ) : )
So Very...Thankful to All, who Helped Out!!
Filled In...
Pinch Hit!!!
The Last...
<3 <3 <3
Thanks, to Wanda, and Terry... {'Gatherings', in Anamosa}
for putting me up, for two nights. <3
I didn't have to drive back and forth, that...was a Blessing! : )
Their Home...is Beautiful...and, I got to visit, some of my Most....
Cupboards, and Treasures, now...in their Home.
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This is an Early, Early...Mule Chest, Wanda bought at our Estate Sale, last Winter. I'm sure....the prior owner, would be happy, it's found such a Loving Home. <3 |
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Truly...enjoyed, visiting with Wanda, and Terry. <3 It was a Grueling few days, but....so relaxing, at Their Home! <3 <3 <3 |
I so Appreciate All, who were involved with the Show!
It was Great Seeing So Many Early Birds!!
Especially, when it was Zero Degrees Outside!!
Oh My!!
: )
It Took a 'Village'....
We Had 'Em!
<3 <3 <3
Mark, and I...were the last ones out, as usual.
Everyone got out, in Great Time!
Brandon, my Wonderful...Helper, Busted his Fanny, helping load, and mop floors.
: )
I didn't drive the FUSO, Box Truck....this time.
Had the Trailer Loaded, and Brandon's Chevy Truck, Loaded.
Knew, I'd be busy....helping others, so, went with a lighter load.
As we were nearly loaded, I hooked my coat on the truck, and took a Fall.
: (
My body, hurts so bad...at this show...anyway, for some reason, {always has. }
maybe...it's the floor, I don't know.
When I hit, I felt...like I was going to shatter, in a million pieces.
: (
Had, to sit down.
Brandon, loaded the last pieces, by himself.
Bless His Heart!!!
I, was Done!
{Thanks, to Lori, who folded my Big Rugs, up. <3 Blessing!}
When we were taking off, I...was about frozen.
My feet were sopping wet, from mopping the Floor.
The heater, in Brandon's Chevy, just wasn't working at all.
I'd questioned Brandon, abut that...on the way, to the Show.
He said...it had been going through a little antifreeze, but...we were watching the gauge, {real gauge, not a light} and...it stayed between 170, and 180. Never got hot.....
I, thought...it might be a thermostat issue, as the heater would blow warm, off and on.
We weren't worried, as long as it wasn't getting hot.
We, could live with the cold...for the hour drive.
We got about 5 miles from home....
I, thought....Brandon, had let off of the gas, as the Truck....bogged down.
I, asked him...Immediately...
If He'd Just Let Off of The Gas.
He said "No."
I, said...
"Brandon, we...are in Trouble."
No more than spit those words out....
and That Chevy Started to Knockin'.
The Engine....Blew.
: ( : ( : (
He tried to limp it, as far as he could....we knew, the motor, was Gone...and, we couldn't hurt it anymore.
: ( : ( : (
Made it, about two miles, {about three miles, from Home.}
Pulled over on the shoulder, began to freeze, and weigh our options.
Tried to call Family, to no avail.
It was about 10 p.m.
Nobody answered.
: (
Called Mark, who was behind us, and asked him....if he could dump his trailer, at home...
and double back, and grab mine.
{God Knows...I hated to ask that of him. : ( : ( : ( }
Being the Dear Friend, he is....he agreed.
: )
Called Pro Tow, they are Great, we use them, at the Shop. <3
They could haul the Truck, but not the trailer.
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Took this picture, from inside The Chevy, as the Pro Tow Dude.... was rollin' his Rollback, back, to load The Frozen Chevy. oh...my. : ) |
The Pro Tow Dude, and Brandon...jacked up the trailer, pulled the truck ahead, and loaded it, then...we all went home, unloaded the Chevy, and bailed in The Ford.
Raced back, to the Trailer...where Mark was waiting, along the Highway.
When we went to hook up the Trailer, to his Van....
The Trailer, was blocked up, too high.
Mark's Van's...hitch, is very low.
We needed a Floor Jack, to get the blocks out, and lower the Trailer.
It was below zero.
Told Brandon, we'd just run to the shop...and grab the Floor Jack.
He, informed me, Justin...{Son} had changed the locks,
{because they'd broken a key off, in it. }
and....Mama, doesn't have a key.
: (
: (
: (
I, gotta tell ya...
I, nearly....drove to the shop, anyway.
Thought, I'd sacrifice a window.
{I, was kinda....'not happy', by now. : ( }
then, decided....
to drive to town, and buy a new jack.
: (
I'm not a walmart shopper, but...was thankful, they were open.
; )
We got the Trailer hitched, and beat frozen feet, towards home.
: )
It was 4 a.m. before we all, made it to our Homes.
Brandon, took The Ford, home.
{I was telling him to take The Ford, to his Home, before his Truck died.
I, was worried about him driving his Chevy, Home, blowing cold, like that.... }
Needless to say, Monday....was a Wash.
Tuesday...wasn't much better.
: )
Just stopped shivering this morning!!
Glad to Be HOME!!
Thankful...for Such Wonderful...Folks, in my Life.
<3 <3 <3
Brandon, has another motor waiting, for his Chevy, at his Home.
Told me he knew...something hasn't been right with this one, for a while.
The Gauge, in my mind....is what was Wrong, with the Chevy.
It was BOILING HOT, when it came to a stop, on the highway.
That Gauge, was right where it should be.
: (
As most everyone knows, we...are 'Ford'....Folks.
Brandon, and his Family...are 'Chevy' Folks.
I felt so bad, I couldn't even give Brandon a hard time.
{He and I...like to tease each other, 'Ford vs. Chevy' ; ) }
Livin' The Dream!!!
The Tow....and, Jack....were expenses, I sure didn't count on.
Thankfully, I had the Dough, because Folks Came, and Shopped!!!
Another, Blessing!
<3 <3 <3
Two Deputies stopped by, as we were hooking up the Trailer.
They had Big Smiles, on their Faces!
So Kind!
The Pro Tow, Folks....{Dispatcher, and Driver...} were So Funny!
Kept Crackin' Jokes. : ) : ) : )
Sometimes, Humor...is The Best Way....to Survive Such
oh my.
; )
Love, to Ya!
Keep Smilin'!!!
Barb C.
{Gonna have to sit, and ponder, which 'Tune'....fits the above post.
Oh My. : ) }
{Just called Justin, to say I am sorry...
I wasn't laughing this morning, when the Boys,
{Brandon, Justin...and Eric : ) }
pulled Mustang, Sally....out of the drive,
she was stuck...{they are putting brakes on her, today.}
They slid her, off of the drive, and nearly....took out the Outhouse, next to the drive.
they didn't.
: )
Sally, is Fine. <3
I...kinda Barked.
Told Justin... I'm tired. : )
a Little Raw, from the Weekend.
I, Adore...Those Boys. <3
<3 <3 <3 }
Oh My. : ) }
{Just called Justin, to say I am sorry...
I wasn't laughing this morning, when the Boys,
{Brandon, Justin...and Eric : ) }
pulled Mustang, Sally....out of the drive,
she was stuck...{they are putting brakes on her, today.}
They slid her, off of the drive, and nearly....took out the Outhouse, next to the drive.
they didn't.
: )
Sally, is Fine. <3
I...kinda Barked.
Told Justin... I'm tired. : )
a Little Raw, from the Weekend.
I, Adore...Those Boys. <3
<3 <3 <3 }
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