I worked on the yard.... all day... yesterday......
oh my....
it was Cold....
I...nearly... froze... to death.
Had the Burn Barrel... Roaring.
So...Much... to get done, before the Snow... really flies.
It's heartbreaking... to burn.... I see 'Good'.... in every little thing....
I'd throw... a pile in.... then... dig some out....
couldn't Stand...it!
I set aside... a pile, for a friend.... and called him.... to see... if he could use any of it....
He does some light repair work....
Thankfully.... he could.... and rescued some. : )
At the end.... of the day.... I found my way...to the mailbox.
I don't pick up the mail... like I suppose, I should.
There is rarely... anything...'Good'... to see....
mostly... bills.... and lots of 'em.
In with all of the bills.... were two cards....
One... was a Lovely... Thanksgiving Card... from our Friends... Lynn and Lea.
{Oh My.... : ) I Love Those Two. <3 <3 <3 }
The other.... had no return address....
I opened it... to find a Christmas Card.
: )
I opened the card... inside... it.... was a 'Gift Card'... for the Critters.
and... such a lovely... lovely.... heartfelt... letter.
I sat in the truck... and wept.
{I can't even write about it.... without... sobbing.... oh my.... }
This anonymous Friend.... found me on fb...then... visited the blog.....
and read back... for three hours.
oh my....
Seems... we share a mutual Love... for our Rescued...Critter Families....
and... she wanted to be sure... they had Treats... this Holiday Season. : )
oh.... my. : )
{The fact is.... our Critters... eat... before we do. <3 }
but.... Thanks... to her... they will have some very... Special... Goodies... from her.
Her Kindness.... reminded me... again....
I...still... haven't written 'Thank You' Cards....to the Others...
like... my Anonymous.... Friend.... who have helped... so...Very Much....
and...without them.... 'The Angels'....well.... I don't know... if... or where... we would be...
There are days.... I find it difficult... to get out of bed.
and... doing that.... is The Best.... I can do.
Thankfully... somehow... when Push....comes to Shove....
I...can... and Will.... make it happen.
but... not nearly...as quick... as I did... a year ago.
I...can't begin to write... how Blessed.... I am... and John was....
{tears...tears...tears........... {This Is Why.... I Haven't Sent Cards......
I can't get through....even.... a few sentences..... It just.... Drops Me.... to My Knees. }
Please... Know.....
I don't forget a Kindness.....
I...simply.... can't go there..... and...I'm sorry.
I Thank You... All... from My Heart... and Soul.
Love You...
May....God Bless You... as You...
Have Blessed Us.
Barb C.
{When John was in the Hospital.... he told Everyone... about His Beautiful..... Horse. : ) }
{along with...all of His... Beloved... Critter...Family. <3 } |

Pierre and Benny.....{Grand Pups.... }
Happy... Fish.
Scout.... : )
Polly.... <3
Sweetie....{Grand Pup... : ) }
Philly.... {he has his Mama... and Two... Sisters here.... too. : )
Brutie.... {Grand Pup... : ) }
Our... Angels....
Love Us... Unconditionally.....
oh my.....
: )
1 comment:
The critters are family in every sense of the word-and blessed is your annonomous person who sent you that gift card-only wish I had thought to do that first...Now, about that Scout-he is certainly a clown...I love his photo eying up the apple-and that tongue...wow! Barbara-you need not worry about thank you cards-they are written, read and tossed. Your thanks comes daily in the blogs you write! Much more meaningful!! Love ya--
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