Monday, April 28, 2014 on the ladder of my life.

I can't light...
no more of your darkness....
all my pictures...seem to fade, to black and white...
I'm growing tired....
and time, stands still...
Frozen... here...
on the ladder of my life....
Too late to save myself...from falling.

oh my...
what perfect... lyrics....
I couldn't have written them... better... myself.

The Junk Jubilee... was Wonderful...
I can't sing enough Praises.... to Micca... the Promoter...
Everyone... was so kind....
It was Such a Gift.... to see... and Squeeze.... so Many... Friends....
the Event, was Over the Top...
Mark... and I decided to come back...
in November.
He was very impressed, too. : )
It was tuff....
getting set up.....
We left home... at 4:30....
hit some bad weather....
arrived at 7....
unloaded in the rain....
I was in my stocking feet....all day...
didn't want to ruin my shoes.... wading through water....
then... we worked 'til.... 9 that night.... setting up...
what a Blessing it was... that my Friend, Jo...{and Bob}... let us stay with them...
The old Farm House... Jo... moved to... is... like Heaven....
the moment... I walked in the door....
I felt.... like I was in Heaven....
It's...amazing.... she and Bob... have made it.... so beautiful....
It's... like... a Cottage..... so warm... warn cozy....
They took such...great care of us....
Jo did shows for years...
she knows.....
It wasn't until...this morning..... I figured out.....
why... I was so...sooooo...taken by the old Farm House....
there were
no... worries....
inside those walls....
What a Wonderful....
Friday.... was Crazy.... at the Show...
I nearly sold out of concrete.... so had Liz...bring the loaded Ford... with the rest....
{nearly sold out of that...too... }
then.... a couple approached me.... wondering if I had any way to get a Huge...Cupola back to Cedar Rapids....
As a matter of fact... I had a Flatbed Ford...en route... that would be running home... empty.....
I loaded that thing.... by myself....
{Mark was busy with customers...}
{I'll deliver it...tonight..}
while Liz was taking care of Scarlett.....
I wanted them back on the road.... as it was getting late.... by then...
I worry about a the dark....with her driving...with Little Miss.... : )
We all unloaded the concrete....
and loaded the Big...Beautiful Farm House Cupboard....
that had sold...
Friday... was C R A Z Y
and...I H U R T
by the end of that day....oh my... 
Foolishly.... we stayed up... 'til 2 a.m., Saturday morning....
all of us...taking a Moonlight Ride...
through all of Jo's Land...
{35 acres.... then...I told  Bob... to take us...around again... oh my. }
on their Gator...
then....we visited around a Big Bonfire...
I never wanted the end...
wish... I would have ended it...sooner...
had to be at the show by 7:30.
 Saturday morn... to finish resetting...
oh my...
it was Crazy.... Busy....
Insane.... Crazy.... Busy.
Then... we reset...again... Saturday nite.....
didn't get back to Jo's until 10:00
Thankfully... we didn't have to be back at the show...Sunday... until 9.
at 4..... we began loading...
It took us 6 load...
I called Mark, on the way home....
and asked....
"What in the World...took long.???"
He didn't know....
oh my... we sold like crazy....
we should have been out of there... in 3....
We did have to carry things...a bit further, than at any of our other shows.....
so... maybe... that was part of it...
We didn't stop...for breaks.... I...still... don't know... what took us so long....
Storms... came through Des Moines...Sunday afternoon... but not bad....
we only heard what Folks told us.....
Never listened to the radio, or t.v.
We had no idea.... the Storms... we were driving into... on the way home....
oh my...
The FUSO.... and I... had a whirlwind.... to battle through.....
It's so high profile.... go 45 mph.
Blinding Rain...
Big Bolts...of Lightning....
When I got home... it was after Midnight.....
I saw the 26 foot tent, behind the rabbit hole.....
looking like it was a Hot Air Balloon.... waiting to take off....
the winds.... were at least 60 mph.
I tried to tie the corner leg down.... got hit in the face.... by a pole....
then.... just turned.... and walked away.
grabbed my luggage....
came inside...
where the door was blown open.....
{but...everyone was fine... inside.... } but was faced by......
more.... upheaval....
on...many... many levels...
oh my...
I... took care, of what I could....
sat down...on the bed....and wept.
closed the bedroom door ...
Polly.... and I...
 went to bed.
I woke up...
at about 8.....
in my sleep....
my pillow...was soaked....
still am.... as I write this...
I hear the tent poles... still banging... outside... from the Still...
Howling... Winds.
I can't even...go outside.... and look....
I won't
I don't want to see it...any...of it.....
I...don't know... if the green houses are standing....
I don't want to know....
{just heard... 90 mph winds... came through.... yesterday.... just south west of us.....{near Norway, where Mark lives.... his place is fine... : ) }
 and the tornado sirens went off.... here at 5, yesterday afternoon.... oh my. }
My camera... went away...with the drysink.... that sold...
I'll get it back, today... or..tomorrow... or...some time......
I took many images... of the Beautiful... Beautiful.... Show.
So Many... Creative...Spirits...
{I had to laugh... our Sweet the show.. Brooke... who is in her early 30's...
said to me...
"How... do you do this...? I have watched you... the last couple of days.....
you never stop....
just keep going...and going.....going....
I'm soooo tired...... I don't you have the energy... to keep going.... ???
and... never stop..."
I laughed....
: )
the trick is...
to just... keep going....
whether you have the energy...or not....
{I lost that... a long, long...time ago......}
You just keep going.
that's the only choice... I have.
There are.... no other options.
You Get 'er...
Love to ya...
Barb C.
{and... no worries....
I won't be 'frozen on this ladder'.... for too long....
I don't have that...
Most of us... don't. }

{I...just need...a 'moment'. }

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