The Gang.... there is a herd of us, heading for Michaels, tonight... Oh My... We are going to Rock Michael''ll never be the same!

Here are the amazing Mums. from Sisters'... Everyone wants them, here in Minnesota... but... no way... They are Fall Harvest Bound!

Oh my gosh.... This table, will totally blow your mind... This Could Sooooo Be a Keeper...

Oh my... The fun never ends.... Yes, yes... this is, the smallest show, at Gold Rush... but... laid back, and it's wonderful to have time to visit... oh, yes... And... time to my Wonderful 'Regulars', who always seek our booth out, 'First'... { Tho... some folks would say... well... I am a bit....ahhh... 'Long Winded'...'Blog' wise... and... in 'person' wise...some... like me, love to visit, and read...
Here's a snippet of Gold Rush...
Wish You All... Were here, to visit, and have the most wonderful Supper... at Michaels....
My Love to Ya!
Barb C.
Looks like a lot of fun....we survived Junk Bonanza and had an amazing time!!! Can't wait for it to continue tomorrow when we find you at Gold Rush!!! Wait till you see the hat I bought!!! : )
How the heck did you hang that sofa? Looks amazing!
That table is a keeper, I never seen any like that,it is awesome
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