This is a Child's Sugar Bowl, in the Old Mother Hubbard Pattern... I love this... It's from the 1880's, and really touches my heart... Beloved Dog... Old Cupboard...what more could anyone want... well... maybe a bone, for the Dog...

This is the emblem, on my top oven door, from my old cook stove... It's wood/gas combination.... We use the gas side, only... I love it... It's from the turn of the last century, it is a Superior brand...{ I think it is a real jewel...} I bought it from my old friend, Cindy B. {Lady Bug Antiques...Waterloo, Iowa} Many years ago...{ I haven't added anything, lately to the "Iowa Farmhouse Style" blog... But have no fear... I will...I am very excited with this new adventure... it is something that has Always been very close to my heart... I'll let you know when I start posting...}

These are the darling Sterling Berry Forks, Amy N. found for me, at Gold Rush!{ Amy found two groups, of them... one group at 45. each, the others at 5. each... I opted for the latter...I will pay up to 20. each for them... I collect them, and they are not for resale, at this time...} The center fork is for pie, or desert, it is pretty common... but... it has 'Mother' monogrammed on the handle... Love 'em!

This is a Gnarly Old Glass Ladle, with a Gnarly twisted wire handle.... The ladle's bowl, has a crack, probably a hundred year old one, but I love it, anyway...It's a Cool Thing....

I spent the day, grocery shopping, Old Mother Hubbard, found her Cupboards Empty... John won't set foot in the grocery store, unless he is almost starved to death...I completely forgot to grocery shop, before I left, and was shocked when I opened the fridge, to find it, almost totally empty, when I got home Sunday night... oh my...
I didn't run down the road today, antiquing, ... so... no new images... I poked around the house and breezeway, tonight... and saw a few fun treasures...Here they are...
Please say a prayer for Maggie... Liz's Beloved Friend... She is having her leg amputated tomorrow... my gut is churning... I hate this... I'll be on the road, all day... Headed back to Des Moines...The road, always brings me peace... It's going to be a long, long day...
Barb C.
{ when I got home, late Sunday night, tho the cupboards were bare... there were soup bones, simmering in the crock pot, for the Hounds... Our Babe's will never be without a bone... no way...}
I was reading "Streams in the Desert", tonight...{I wish everyone, would have this book... I can't begin to tell you, what it has done in my life...The first year, I followed it, day by day... then, I let the Lord guide me, to what I needed for that day... God has never let me down... It's always the Perfect Lesson....
Tonight I read...{a portion of page 287}
{There are times when everything looks very dark to me.... so dark that I have to wait before I have hope. Waiting, with hope, is very difficult, true patience is expressed when we must even wait for hope...When we see no hint of success, yet refuse to despair, when we see nothing but darkness of night through our windows, yet keep the shutters open, because the stars may appear in the sky, and when we have an empty place in our heart, yet we will not allow it to be filled with anything less than God's best....that is the greatest kind of patience....}
It is difficult, to believe... and keep faith... when you can't see through the darkness... A dear friend of mine, has been going through a very difficult time, and is angry with God... We are all in the middle of a most Glorious Painting, it's titled 'Life'.... The Master, isn't done yet... Though things may seem unfair, and the loss is great, in my friend's mind....The Lord is waiting... When my friend, forgives...looks up... Thanks God, for everything he has endured, asks for help, and God to Shower him, with Blessings... they will come... maybe not in the package my friend expects, or dreams of... but... they will be much more Grand, than my friend could ever imagine....
Barb C.
{ I have to remember this...'s difficult...when life starts smothering... sometimes it takes me weeks to come feet get pretty bloody, from the rough and rocky path... but... they always heal...and are a little 'tuffer', for the next 'go round'....}