Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Biggest.

I get reminded... of Much, on a Daily Basis, through Google.
; )
It's not all bad.
: )
Love... the Above.
That Wine, and... the Depression era, Stemmed Glass...
were mighty...
; )

Loaded images for this post, this morning... 
before, heading to The Amana, Iowa...
Estate Sale.
{March 13 thru 16.}
 Stay Tuned... I'll have images tomorrow!!
; )

It was Quite a Day, in Amana.
: )
Pal, Bill.... and me, did a Lot of Movin' and Shakin'.
; )
We... Stage, after... The Family goes through.

Last Night... at 'Home'...
was Ugly, tho.
: (
Miss. Peanut, for the very first time, in 5 years, or so...
since, I/We... 'Rescued' Each Other...
: ( : ( : ( 
: ( : ( : (
A 'Thud'... woke me up, about Midnight.
: (
I could hear Peanut, trying to find her feet... find her 'way'.
: (..........

Miss. Peanut, is blind...
tho, you'd never know it.
She's Pretty Amazing.

 I Scrambled... to Comfort her.
{Knew... She Had to be Terrified.}
: (

She was.
: (
She'd come close to me, but wouldn't allow me to touch her.
: (

I... left her alone.
: )

Hearing her nails tapping on the wood floor, in the bedroom, wouldn't let me sleep.
I...Tried, Over, and Over... through the night, to coax Peanut back in bed.
No Way.
: (
Grandson, Justin... a few days ago, asked me if Peanut is an American Bully.
Told him... I didn't know.
I can tell ya This, 
Miss. Peanut 
Won't Be Moved, 
She's Willing.
She weighs about a 100 pounds, and...
Digs In Deep, when she doesn't want to be

at, about...
4 a.m., this morning...
She... was Willing.
'Allowed' me, to lift her back in Bed.
We captured a couple hours of sleep.
; )

Pal, Jan... 'Artist', is HOME in Arizona, and Already Creating!!!
Above, is Jan's text, this morning.

The above... image, is of Jan, at her Home... in Santa Fe, back in 2018, when she Graciously Invited me, and Pal, Allyson, to Visit.
Jan, helped me So Much, on that Visit.
: )
I... carried a Thousand Documents, 'with'...
 fighting Fairfax, and IDOT.
Couldn't leave 'Home'... without 'em. 
; )
Seems some things, Never Change.

Before, Pal, Allyson... and me, headed for Santa Fe, 
to visit Jan,
A Linn County, Iowa... Sheriff's Deputy...  'Served' me. 
A Deputy... Sheriff, stood at our Door, and 
: )
oh dear.

{I... visited with the 'Then', AG, before, I left for Santa Fe.}

 {Iowa Department of Transportation}
bless their hearts.

Grateful... for Jan, Helping me, So, in Santa Fe.
: )
Getting those documents, to 'Josey Wales', for the Very First Time, 
from Santa Fe,
 it turns out...
 Very Big Deal.
The Biggest.
; )

I'll be posting images from The Amana, Iowa Estate Sale... in The Morn!!
; )
Stay Tuned!!

Love to Ya.
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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