Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Iowa is Gettin' a little Snow... today.


: ( : ( : (...............


I've put aside... so many blogger posts, over so many days.
: (
There will be a Time, when I can 'Share'...
Can't do it today.
: (
There's Far Too Much...
 when placed in 
Chronological Order.
: (

: (

Was Grateful... to visit with Nephew, John, an early morning... last week.
{Was Runnin' Hard, to the Estate}

I had some things for him, with his Dad's... my Brother, Sonny's Name/Business, sure wanted him to have.
: )

: )
Told John, jokingly....
"Bring Your Old Auntie Coffee... and Food!!"

That, Nephew... John, Did.
: )
Oh... My.

Love to Ya...
Prayers... for All.

Barbara Conner

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