Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Take a Letter... Maria.

Day started off with a Hot... Bubble Bath, 
Hair Attention.
: )
 Colored my hair, Finally... a few days ago.
Gave it a Style...
 Finally... today.
Normally bundle my hair up in a Clip... and Run, but...
It Deserves Better!!
; )
As Cold as it is... in Iowa, these days, feels Good to Leave It Down.
{Curled... Backcombed... Teased... Full of Gel and Hairspray.
 ; )
It's an 80's Thing. : ) }

Had to go to Fairfax, Iowa... City Hall, today.
Lawyer Meardon has requested a batch of Public Records.
Fairfax won't begin on his request, until their 'Estimate' for the Fee... for his request is Paid In Full.
; )
{More... on That Story, soon... oh my. Ya can't make this shit up. : ( }

Wasn't until... I started putting this post together, tonight...
 noticed the below


: (

After leaving City Hall...
came back Home, and...
: )
{Thank God... for Miss. Peanut. <3 }

Nephew... Billy, picked me up, late afternoon... we went to Supper.
He'd had a Very Long Day, starting to put everything in order, for his Dad.
Billy's a Lawyer, but... he's a Son, too.
Advised Billy, to pump the brakes, a bit.
He's exhausted.

I don't care how old you are... when you lose a Parent, 
there's a part of you, that feels orphaned.
The not being able to dial their number, reach out... to them, when you have a question, that you know...
They Could Answer, in a heartbeat.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

I think of the above quote, often... just... after visiting Fairfax, Iowa... City Hall.
Today... it seems, was no different.

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