Friday, February 21, 2025

a snippet... of The Rabbit Hole

Moved many mountains... at The Rabbit Hole, today, in a very short time.
Felt Good... being there.

Had planned on meeting Pal, Jan... at The Rabbit Hole, but... a little after 2, was 
Pulled Away.
oh dear.
Hated to Miss Her... but, couldn't be helped.
: (

Ran across the Victorian Cast Pulls, today.
Soooooooo Pretty!
Love the Birds!
; )

Bet ya didn't know how versatile 100 year old screwdriver's can be.
: )
They can turn screws... or, be a bookmark.
: )
I've used them to hold The Ford's Gate closed... as well.
Handy Dandy!!
; )

The Lucky Strike sign... isn't for sale.
It's been down the rabbit hole, for over a decade.
; )


Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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