Friday, February 7, 2025

Day Two... was Wonderful. Day Three... 2/8, is 25% OFF. : ) Oh My...

Day Two... was Incredibly...
Busy... Busy.
; )
Thanks So Much, to Everyone Who Visited.

There's SO MUCH on This Beautiful Sale, it's difficult to 'See'.
: )

We've been putting out More, and More... as things sell.
; )
This Estate... is a 'Different' Sale, every day.
; )

Visited with The Awesome Realtor, today... that's representing this MASSIVE Condo, found out the price.
It's about 50,000 less, than many guessed.

This 'Condo'... Is Amazing.
Much, inside... Is, as well.
; )

Don't Miss This Sale!!
Scroll through the posts.
; )
Big Sale.
; )

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