Spent most of This... day, Goofin' Off.
; )
After dealin' with Fairfax, Iowa's... 'City Clerk', yesterday...
needed a little 'down time'.
oh my.
; )
{stay tuned.}
Get mad at myself... often, 'these days'...
for not paying attention, to All of the Beauty...
'Blessings', in this old world,
while focusing...
the 'Mess', in Fairfax, like Annie Oakley.
; )
It seems, when one does that, Everything that's not in the Gun's Sight...
blurs... in the background.
: (
but, sadly... necessary.
what is happening to me, and mine, should
Never, Ever... 'happen' to Anyone, Ever...
Big John, Customer... 'Friend'... from Gold Rush, Rochester, MN. called today.
: )
We talked for over an hour.
Big John... checks up on me, every now and then.
; )
: )
We argue... politics, a bit, but... respect each other's opinion.
; )
We both shared our life's catastrophes, today.
We Both...are Still Alive!!
: )
John was worried sick, a few years ago... when Daughter, Liz... and Son in Law, Adam...
Represented 'Simply Iowa', at Gold Rush.
After the 'Fall'... and surgery.
Big John... was working on a roof, several years ago... lost his footing, landed on the ground,
couldn't walk... after.
That Being Said...
: )
Nothing Stopped Big John.
: )
We talked a bunch, about 'that'.
; )
Nothing... Stops a 'Survivor'.
; )
Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.
Barb C.
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