Settled up with The Family... of The Belden Ct. Living Estate Sale...
Bill, and I truly enjoyed working with the Daughters.
It was So Funny... when we settled up, they weren't expecting, what they received.
: )
{ <3 }
Love It... when That Happens.
: )
I remember... one Sale, several years ago...
we conducted an Estate Sale, that didn't have much for household,
but... the Owner, had some Wonderful... Tools.
Well cared for. All made in The USA.
The Owner, who had Passed away, worked at Collins, knew Quality, and Cared for Everything he had.
: )
When his Son... met with us, to 'Settle Up'...
he threw his checkbook on the Kitchen counter,
preparing to write 'US' a check,
for our Services, and getting the house empty.
I...looked at Pal, Bill.
Bill... looked at me.
Looked at the Son...
: )
"Oooops... "
I said, to the Son....
"it seems we aren't on the
Same Page.
; )
Don't Owe Us,
We... Owe The Estate, quite a little bit."
; )
The Son... Nearly Fell Over!!!
<3 <3 <3
That's What We Aim... To Do.
; )
Received some sad news, early... this morning.
Nephew, Billy... is back in town, from DC.
His Dad, Bill Sr., wasn't doing well.
Billy... has always been very attentive to my Sis, his Mom...
Jo Ann, and.. his Dad, Bill Sr.
Jo Ann... passed away 4 years ago.
She, and Bill... had been Married for nearly 62 years.
Bill Sr., passed away this morning.
Bill, and Jo Ann.
Nephew... Billy, and... Brother in Law, Bill Ronnenberg.
: )
Met with Bill Sr. last... late... Summer, in Palo, Iowa.
I was running from The Shellsburg, Iowa... Estate Sale, to catch up... with The Conner Family, at Whiskey River Grill... that, turns out... late Sister in Law... Shirley Conner's Family, {Brother, Sonny's Better Half. <3 }
the Ralston's... Own.
{and a Damned Good Place to Eat!! Great Food!!}
I sat across... from Bill.
We visited.
Bill... had just been diagnosed with prostate cancer, it was advanced.
Bill... shared that diagnoses, with all of us, that late Summer... early... evening.
This may... seem cold, but... like I've shared with many, many... over the last, many years,
shared with... Bill, that day...
"Ain't None Of Us... Gettin' Outta Here Alive... Bill.
; )
Live Life...
'Tomorrow' is promised to no one.
Enjoy... Every Day, and... don't let any Dr. put a time stamp on Ya. They aren't God."
: )
I truly... Believe, Bill... 'Lived'.
I remember... the very First time, 'I remember'
I, must've been about 3, or 4 years old.
Sister, Jo Ann... was watching over me, for Dad.
When Dad... came to gather me up, at Jo Ann' day,
Dad, and Bill... were standing together, side by side...
in the entryway of Jo Ann, and Bill's Home.
Oh...Dear Lord.
was Taller, than Dad.
In my eyes...
There Was No Human On This Planet,
that could possibly...
be 'taller' than My Dad.
{Despised Bill... for Many Years!! : ) }
Shared that Story... with Bill, last Summer.
: )
We Laughed.... and Laughed.
: )
Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.
Barb C.
{Bill Ronnenberg Re-Built a 4 Barrel Carb, on a 64 1/2... Califorina.. Special, Mustang... that his... way younger sister in law... was driving... back in 'The Day', when I was about 15.}
I was
<3 <3 <3
Turned out...
wasn't so bad... after all.
: ) <3
just... a little Tall.}
: )
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