Friday, February 28, 2025
Thursday, February 27, 2025
A Snippet... of The March 13 thru 16, '25 Amana, Iowa... Estate Sale.
Here's a Tiny Snippet of The Amana, Iowa...
Estate Sale.
; )
{Please... note,
we can't answer questions... or, give price's before the Sale.
We Don't Sell... Anything Early.
It's Pictured, It Will Be at The Sale...
9 a.m.
Day 1.
Make Plans to Attend. }
: )
Love... the Old... Old, Cast Iron Door Stop, above.
This is a VERY... VERY....
Clean Sale.
: )
{The Lovely Home is For Sale, as well. ; ) }
Antiques... and Household.
Hunting... Items,
Mounts, Deer Sheds, Amana Antiques, Intricate Iron Fence Section, with Large, decorative Posts, on each end...
Modern, and... Vintage Items.
Great Woodworking Tools, and Equipment!!
One of THE Cleanest...
Best Maintained...
2001 Ford F150
Super Crew
Trucks, I've Ever Seen!!
<3 <3 <3
We're gonna give him a Bath... and a New Battery,
Sale Time.
; )
This Red Beauty... has been Babied...
to No End,
has gathered a little...
sittin' in The Garage.
; )
Always smile... when I run across 'White Shoulders'....
Mom... wore 'White Shoulders', on 'Special Occasions'.
; )
Takes me back... always.
There's some Nice... Perfume, on this Sale.
There's some Lovely... Pieces, at This Sale!!
; )
The Awesome.... Vintage German Woodworking Bench, is Insane!!
Power Sunroof.
: )
<3 <3 <3
Tire's are Like New!!!
; )
: )
Great Work Bench...
Buffet Table.
The Awesome Bench lifts off of the Base, for an Easy Move!!
; )
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
The Biggest.
I get reminded... of Much, on a Daily Basis, through Google.
; )
It's not all bad.
: )
Love... the Above.
That Wine, and... the Depression era, Stemmed Glass...
were mighty...
; )
Loaded images for this post, this morning...
before, heading to The Amana, Iowa...
Estate Sale.
{March 13 thru 16.}
Stay Tuned... I'll have images tomorrow!!
; )
It was Quite a Day, in Amana.
: )
Pal, Bill.... and me, did a Lot of Movin' and Shakin'.
; )
We... Stage, after... The Family goes through.
Last Night... at 'Home'...
was Ugly, tho.
: (
Miss. Peanut, for the very first time, in 5 years, or so...
since, I/We... 'Rescued' Each Other...
: ( : ( : (
: ( : ( : (
A 'Thud'... woke me up, about Midnight.
: (
I could hear Peanut, trying to find her feet... find her 'way'.
: (..........
Miss. Peanut, is blind...
tho, you'd never know it.
She's Pretty Amazing.
I Scrambled... to Comfort her.
{Knew... She Had to be Terrified.}
: (
She was.
: (
She'd come close to me, but wouldn't allow me to touch her.
: (
I... left her alone.
: )
Hearing her nails tapping on the wood floor, in the bedroom, wouldn't let me sleep.
I...Tried, Over, and Over... through the night, to coax Peanut back in bed.
No Way.
: (
Grandson, Justin... a few days ago, asked me if Peanut is an American Bully.
Told him... I didn't know.
I can tell ya This,
Miss. Peanut
Won't Be Moved,
She's Willing.
She weighs about a 100 pounds, and...
Digs In Deep, when she doesn't want to be
at, about...
4 a.m., this morning...
She... was Willing.
'Allowed' me, to lift her back in Bed.
We captured a couple hours of sleep.
; )
Pal, Jan... 'Artist', is HOME in Arizona, and Already Creating!!!
Above, is Jan's text, this morning.
The above... image, is of Jan, at her Home... in Santa Fe, back in 2018, when she Graciously Invited me, and Pal, Allyson, to Visit.
Jan, helped me So Much, on that Visit.
: )
I... carried a Thousand Documents, 'with'...
fighting Fairfax, and IDOT.
Couldn't leave 'Home'... without 'em.
; )
Seems some things, Never Change.
Before, Pal, Allyson... and me, headed for Santa Fe,
to visit Jan,
A Linn County, Iowa... Sheriff's Deputy... 'Served' me.
A Deputy... Sheriff, stood at our Door, and
: )
oh dear.
{I... visited with the 'Then', AG, before, I left for Santa Fe.}
{Iowa Department of Transportation}
bless their hearts.
Grateful... for Jan, Helping me, So, in Santa Fe.
: )
Getting those documents, to 'Josey Wales', for the Very First Time,
from Santa Fe,
it turns out...
Very Big Deal.
The Biggest.
; )
I'll be posting images from The Amana, Iowa Estate Sale... in The Morn!!
; )
Stay Tuned!!
Love to Ya.
Prayers for All.
Barb C.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
No Idea...
Pal, Bill... is working at The Amana, Iowa... Estate Sale, today.
{3/13 thru 3/16!!}
I'll be There... tomorrow.
Images Comin'!
; )
Received a call... yesterday from a Dude, that wanted to see
The Grandmother's Clock... I had listed for sale on FB.
Tried to convince The Dude...
I, don't have a Grandmother's Clock for sale.
; )
Nothing I could say... would convince him.
; )
: )
He kept sayin'...
"It's On Line...I can see the Picture...
It's at Your Place... In Fairfax!! I'm Very Interested!!"
: )
: )
Finally... said,
"Sir, you are mistaken.
I've Never had a Grandmother's Clock, tho... I am a long time... Clock Collector,
I've never offered one for sale, or... had one on any Estate Sale,
the images you're looking at, are not... mine."
; )
After I questioned him... about the listing he was 'looking' at, realized... it belonged to Neighbor, Barron.
: )
Found the phone number, for Barron, and pointed The Dude, in The Correct Direction.
; )
Me, and The Dude... talked 'Old Clocks', for a long...
bit, after.
: )
The Dude... certainly has a Passion, for Old Clocks.
: )
respect that.
Minnesota/Gold Rush... Pal, Rhonda... posted the above, on FB... today.
: )
While visiting with Nephew... Billy, the other day...
Billy looked at me,
after expressing some of the things in his life, that angers him... so,
and said...
"You... probably don't ever feel that way, or could understand...
you're always so nice to everyone."
: )
I Love My Nephew...
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
; )
{Obviously... Billy doesn't Read His Old Auntie's Blog!!!}
Josey Wales...
{aka Lawyer Meardon}
gave me a call, this morning.
He wanted to go over a conversation... he'd shared, with...
someone, pertaining to our Land.
; )
I gotta tell ya,
; )
It was a Damned Good Thing...
I wasn't sippin' Coffee!!!!
: )
Would've Spit It Across The Room!!!
I Haven't Laughed So Hard, in a Long... Long... Time.
; )
Felt Good!!!
: )
Josey Wales,
oh my.
He's Got a Way... of Putting Everything Into Perspective.
; )
for some, who have no idea.
Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.
Barb C.
Monday, February 24, 2025
Late Nights... Long Days.
Was up 'til all hours, this mornin'...
going through Blog Posts.
: )
Working on putting this Fairfax/IDOT Mess... into
chronological order.
From... the first time Fairfax's Hired Engineer, approached me...
on behalf of Fairfax, to purchase our Land, on the East side of the Creek.
Shortly... after John Passed.
on having any interest in selling to them, or having any 'dealings'...
The City's Hired Engineer, and the former Mayor, a bit later... asked for a sit down meeting,
at City Hall, again... wanting to purchase our Land on the East side of the Creek.
They were prepared to make me an offer.
; )
Asked Pal, Steph... to join me, at that meeting.
Felt... I needed a Witness present.
Wasn't interested... in their 'Offer'.
Much... unfolded just after John... Passed.
2014, 2015, and 2016...
Little 'nibbles' from them... in the beginning.
: )
oh... my.
What I didn't know then, that we know now...
Thanks to The Public Records, Lawyer Meardon requested...
in 2018.
This All was put in the Works, back in 2012.
Fairfax... just didn't 'approach'... until after John Passed.
'Year of Questions'.
no answers...
many lies, and denials.
Chasing my tail... Beating my head... against Wall after Wall.
: (
Imagine how incredibly betrayed I felt,
not... just 'felt',
how Incredibly Betrayed....
I was, and am....
after reading through Lawyer Meardon's...
requested documents concerning the Iowa Department of Transportation's 2018 Condemnation of our Land.
: (
Yes... putting Everything together, in Chronological Order,
concerning this Mess,
is gonna be quite a Journey.
Painful... Journey.
: (
Sent a post to Lawyer Meardon, yesterday... for safe keeping.
: )
Then I figured out, I don't need to bother him... I can send them to myself, in Email.
There's no way... I could search through them all... last night, and early morning, but...
several... I read, and sent to myself... now, make me Sick.
: (
How STUPID I was... to trust, and... believe, some of those people.
: (
: (
in my opinion...
humble advise, to all...
When The Department of Transportation...
or a 'City Official'....
Knockin'... at Your Door,
With a Big Old Smile... on their Face, making All Sort's of Promises...
: ) : ) : )
Smile Back.
; ) ; ) ; )
Say Nothing.
{bless their hearts}
Close The Door...
Grab your phone...
Call The Best Lawyer You Can Find.
Trust me...
it's been my experience...
after going through...
Two, and... Workin' on Three....
in the last 30 years,
You're Gonna Need One.
The Best.
; )
Be Damned Grateful for The Rule of Law.
I Pray It Holds!!!
Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.
Barb C.
{Nephew, Billy... let me know he made it back, safely... to DC.
Old Auntie's Worry.
; )
I... worry about Billy, and Family.
All Government Workers.}
: (
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Beautiful... Visit.
Pal, Jan... and her Sis... Mary Ann, caught up with me, at The Rabbit Hole,
this afternoon.
Jan is visiting Iowa, for her Granddaughter's Wedding.
<3 an Iowa Girl, but... has Summered in Santa Fe, and Wintered... in
Arizona, for several years.
Jan, and I... Go Back Decades.
; )
Jan went through The Rabbit Hole...
Like a Whirlwind!!
She's on a Mission.
Gathering Certain Things, for Artwork, she's creating.
Jan's 'Work'.... is in a Lovely, Santa Fe Gallery, these days.
; )
Jan gathered Piles... of Soulfulness, from The Rabbit Hole.
Can't Wait... to See what she Creates with Everything.
: )
Below... are a few pieces of Jan's Art.
Jan Farley... is one of the Most Talented Artists,
I've been lucky enough, to have known.
: )
Grateful... for the time we spent together, while pulling her Living Estate Sale, together...
in Blue Grass, Iowa, about a dozen years ago.
I'd known Jan, for a long time, 'before'... but, Truly... got to know her, while... basically Living at her Amazing Home, for Weeks... in preparation...
felt I could've been considered a Blue Grass, Iowa... 'Squatter', after living there, so long.
: )
We shared so Many... conversations, while preparing for her Sale.
Amazing Woman, on So Many... Levels.
While going through things, in The Rabbit Hole, today...
waiting for Jan, and Mary Ann...
ran across the old Pin, above.
: )
Was so Frustrated... this morning, when I couldn't find my Gnarly, Old... Fur Collar.
Looked Everywhere.
: (
Finally... had to wear the one, above.
Favorite... Gnarly, Worn... Fur, has an Old... Costume Jewelry Pin, missing a few stones,
when I ran across the Clover Pin, today...
missing a couple stones,
pinned it on the second favorite...
Seemed Fittin'.
: )
It's gonna be St. Patrick's Day...
before we know it.
in my humble opinion...
We All Need a Little 'Luck', These Days.
: )
Irish, should Wear a Shamrock...
: )
As I was shutting the lights out, at The Rabbit Hole, today...
Favorite Old...Gnarly Fur, by the door, where I left it,
RUNNING Out The Door!!!
Lord Have Mercy!!!
{Long Story... about being 'Pulled Away'... yesterday. Gads.}
; )
Always... an Adventure...
Down The Rabbit Hole.
; )
Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.
Barb C.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Elevations.... and Encroachment.
Gathering images... of 'Before', pretty much... daily.
We'll be headin' to Trial, one of these days.
The above... was after a Huge Storm, that took the '49 Ford's Hood...
Clean Off!!
; )
Where The Ford sits, in this image... is about where the New, IDOT/Fairfax...
Stallman Drive, is now.
We moved The Ford... Much Closer to The Rabbit Hole.
No 'Ditches' anymore.
WE... are The Ditch.
Where The Farm House, is... in this image...
sits a
Dollar General, now.
Nephew, Billy... is headin' back to DC...
in the morning.
Me, and Jethro...
Billy, to his 'Next to The Airport'...
'Accommodations' this...
late, afternoon.
: )
{Billy... Loves, that old... Jethro. <3}
Billy Treated his Old... Auntie...
to Supper,
at Texas Roadhouse.
Holy Smokes!!
Most Everything Pictured, came Home with me, in 'To-Go' containers!!
Warned... Billy, probably shouldn't order any appetizers.
: )
Billy was Hungry.
{when he Ordered 'em. ; ) }
Billy conceded, at the end of the meal, his old... Auntie, may have been right.
; )
{Miss. Peanut will be Very Happy. ; )}
Picked Billy up, at Sister, Jo Ann, and Bill's.
It's been many, many... years since I've walked through their Home.
When I was little, spent so much time there, but...over the last 5 decades, not so much.
Somehow... even tho, things have been updated,
felt the same.
Billy will be back, in a week and a half, or so.
His Dad's Funeral, will be then.
Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.
Barb C.
{While Billy and I, were enjoying Supper, Billy said, "I remember the song you loved so much, back when we were Teens."
{I... couldn't begin to guess. Gads... <3}
Asked Billy... to refresh his Old Auntie Barb's...
; )
Billy said...
" 'Lido Shuffle' Boz Scaggs. "
: )
Posted two videos of that Tune, above.
One... for the Video, one... for The Sound.
: )
Friday, February 21, 2025
a snippet... of The Rabbit Hole
Moved many mountains... at The Rabbit Hole, today, in a very short time.
Felt Good... being there.
Had planned on meeting Pal, Jan... at The Rabbit Hole, but... a little after 2, was
Pulled Away.
oh dear.
Hated to Miss Her... but, couldn't be helped.
: (
Ran across the Victorian Cast Pulls, today.
Soooooooo Pretty!
Love the Birds!
; )
Bet ya didn't know how versatile 100 year old screwdriver's can be.
: )
They can turn screws... or, be a bookmark.
: )
I've used them to hold The Ford's Gate closed... as well.
Handy Dandy!!
; )
The Lucky Strike sign... isn't for sale.
It's been down the rabbit hole, for over a decade.
; )
Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.
Barb C.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Lockin' The World Outside.
Oh my....
: )
Long Day.
I've been doin' a lot of Political Grumbling on FB, recently...
I'll spare my Blogger Pals, from that, today.
The above popped up, on FB... today.
: ) : ) : )
Friend, Lee... commented,
"Some people would be"
; )
; )
{Lee... lives in Fairfax. We've been Pal's... for decades. Lee 'Knows'...
'The Story'.
Some of it.
Believe... when it's All, Said.... and Done, even Lee, will be Stunned.}
Been scanning through a few more 'Before' images today.
Elevations... Storm Water Retention.
: (
It's Warmin' Up...
Little by Little!!
Think it got up to about 10 degrees today.
: )
The Day's Are Gettin' Longer!!
Spring is Just Around The Corner!!!
Can Feel It!!
Heading down The Rabbit Hole in the morning.
Justin 'J' carried a Bunch there, for
Oh Boy!!
The 'way' this insane world is, oh dear...
looking forward to
Lockin' The World
; )
Love to Ya...
Prayers for All!!
Barb C.
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