Thursday, September 7, 2023

Angels... Standing Guard.

Crazy Morning...
Feeling Very Blessed, on Many Levels.

Son, Justin... and Helper, Brandon...
went to pick up a round bale of hay, for Romeo... this morning, 
on their way back to the shop... 
just as they turned onto 151, in Fairfax, by the D.Q., 
going up the Viaduct hill, 
the front driver's wheel sheared off all of the lug bolts. 
Dropped The Ford Truckasaurus... Down, on the pavement...
the Wheel BOUNCED across 151, across Fairfax's Bike Trial...Bounced over
 a Fence, landed a Football Field... away, {or better...} from the crippled Ford, in a Bean Field.
: ( : ( : ( 

Praise God...
No One... was hurt.
That's a Miracle.

I gotta tell ya, my mind was Racing... when Brandon called, just after it happened.
{They were on the South side... of the Viaduct. A block, or less... from Home.}

If that wheel would've hit a vehicle, a pedestrian... someone on Fairfax's Bike Trail, oh... dear Lord.
: ( : ( : ( 

 Great... Linn County Deputies, helped us look for the wheel, and kept traffic clear.
The Deputy walking with Justin... told him, that the same thing happened to him, once.
The Deputy's wheel came off... he believes, because someone tampered with it.
: ( : ( : (
We don't know what caused this to happen, today.
: (
This 'Happens'... More Often, than people realize.

Son, Justin, and one of the Kind... Linn County Deputies.

Justin called one of his Favorite Tow Drivers... he was there, QUICK!!

Justin 'J', and Brandon... found the 'Rogue' wheel.




The Ford Truckasaurus is Safe, and fixed. Much to Fire Chief, Spanky... {Sankot's Garage, Fairfax. } for bringing Justin some new lug nuts, right away.

Justin said there was no warning.
The Truck... was driving fine.
They've been driving it daily.
80, to 90 miles a day.
Don't know... if the bolt's were compromised when the tires were changed...
that was some time...back.
if... they had 'issues', and over time... they let go???
They were sheared off in a strange pattern.

 Had the same thing happen to me, way back in 'The Day'.
I was driving a '73 Pontiac Firebird.
Had stopped at a stop sign, went about 50 feet from the stop sign, the front driver's side wheel took a walk.
The Firebird Dropped, HARD.... the tire bounced Higher than the Trees... as it headed across a Very Busy Intersection in Cedar Rapids.
I watched helplessly... as the wheel missed cars, and finally came to rest in front of a Huge Picture Window, of a house.


I had no warning, either.
The Firebird drove fine, until... it came to an Abrupt HARD STOP.
Holy Smokes!!!

Grateful... I was going slow.
Grateful... Justin, was too... this morning.

We've had other people's wheels come off... in front of our Home, on 151, over the years.
One... came Flying off of a Trailer, during a Sale... 
It Came Bouncing up the Drive, Sky High....
{when it was a Much Longer Drive, Long before... the Trail Accommodations}
Rolled between people, and Customer's vehicles... that were parked in the drive.
It came to rest... right beside the breezeway door, of the house.


So Grateful... Justin 'J'... wasn't with.
Justin 'J' was doing his schoolwork... in the house.
Grateful... The Boys, and Bear... weren't injured.
Grateful... Nobody... was Injured, or Worse.
That Highway is So Incredibly Busy.
It's a Miracle.

If it was because of the bolts being flawed, this could've Happened at Any Time.

Could've happened on the way Home... from Gold Rush, with the Trailer.
I'm not pointing fingers.
Things wear out, man-made things... aren't always perfect.
'Sh*t'... Happens'
: (
I remember watching The Challenger Space Shuttle go down, in horror, as all who were living at the time...did, because of an O-ring, temperature factors... etc.
 'Perfect Storm'.
: ( : ( : ( 
{Storm's 'Happen'. That's why a Bike Trail... on These 151 Fairfax Bridges, and Next to 151 have driven me insane. {Flooding, and Wrongful Encroachment... issues, aside.} 
IDOT, and Fairfax, Iowa... City Hall. oh my. : (
 'Safety Studies'  should be Mandatory... next to Any Federal Highway, where Children... 'Humans', are Invited. One would Think...Our Government, Their Workers... {IDOT} Mayor's and Council... would Care enough about the Safety of Their People, to Ensure... 'Safety'.
 yeah... not so much.}
 : ( : ( : ( 

The Angel's... were Definitely... Standing Guard, in Fairfax, this morning.
<3 <3 <3 

The Angel's... are Standing Guard, more often than we know, I believe.
: )


Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{'Silly Silo'. : ) }

While visiting Allyson, and Bethany, the other night... somehow we got on the subject of 'Aliens'.
: )
Shared a meme, I'd read a while back, with them... that... made Perfect Sense, to me, living in Fairfax.

'When Aliens pass by Earth...
They... roll Their windows up.'


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