I worked around the rabbit hole... today.
Worked on the Fish's Tank....
and, planted the poor...Flowers...we had used at Junk Jubilee.
: )
They... were tired, and thirsty.
: (
I haven't had much time, to work outside.
well... I haven't taken the time.
We'll be leaving for Gold Rush... in Minnesota, a week from tomorrow.
it's gonna get Crazy... pulling everything together, for The Memorial Day Weekend Sale, here.
I'm so tired... so....tired.
Physically... mentally...and emotionally.
So Many.... Obligations.
so many.
{I feel like Scarlett O'Hara.... : )
"I can't Think about that now... I'll think about that...tomorrow.
After all, Tomorrow...is...
Another Day. "
oh my.
As Polly and me, walked down the path, to the rabbit hole's door...
I stopped, and looked at the old concrete statuary, Peg sent Home with me last Fall.
Most of it... was from the night...years ago...
she and I climbed Mountains... of Dirt Piles.... and into the Creek...
{with flashlights...}
to rescue it...after we saw a Dump Truck, across the road... dumping piles...of broken statuary in the Creek, for 'fill'.
The Driver, said we could have all we wanted, but... we were enroute to a Show... and couldn't pick it up, then.
By night... the the Driver had dumped dozens of piles of dirt.... in front of the concrete.
oh dear.
The little Girl, with the nest, below... was Peg's Favorite. : )
She must weigh...80 pounds.
Not so bad, unless...you have to dig her out of the Creek....up the bank...
and carry her over Mountains...of Dirt.
: )
but... We Got 'er. : )
and a Whole... Bunch...More...
{after working all day...at a Show, still...in our Dress Clothes...and 'Good' Shoes. : )
{that...in no time...were Filled with Dirt! }
The book, below...
'To Bee or Not to Bee'...
was a Gift, from Peg, many years ago.
: )
Peg and I... 'visited', while we worked. Tried to solve 'The World's Problems'... : )
Several times, over the years... 'things' happened, that...I...simply...couldn't understand.
I'd be so hurt.
'It' always seemed to boil down to money...
Peg, couldn't understand it...either.
We both knew... how worthless... money was.
It couldn't 'buy'...the most important 'things'....in life.
yet... folks, would climb all over ya... to get to it.
When she found this book, she was so excited...to give it to me.
: )
to this 'Bee'... there is more to life... than just making 'Honey'.
: )
tho, as I wonder... from day to day, how... I'm gonna keep the Hive... 'Hummin'...
: )
I really, wouldn't change...anything.
I'll just keep... 'Trusting'.
I've looked around, and wondered...
'What... do I need to do, to make things... easier...better.'
I...finally realized...today, I need to quit 'wondering'... and stay the course.
: )
I can't be, something...I'm not.
never could.
I'm just gonna keep doin'... what I do best.
{ sometimes....my 'best'... isn't what it was, but...it's better, at times...
than it has been... the last couple of years. }
That's all...I can do.
Be 'True'... to myself.
The Rabbit Hole... is an 'Acquired Taste'... : )
not, for everyone.
to Those, like myself... {and Peg... <3 }
it truly is...
: )
No amount of 'Money'.... could 'create' that.
'That'...comes straight....from the Heart.
: )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{I sat...for a moment, and watched the Birds, yesterday.
They were all Singing....so....Beautifully. <3
Four Goldfinches... landed next to me...
and drank from a pool of water, just feet away from me. : )
What a sight. : )
John and Peg... were Smiling... I'm sure. <3}
{when I was about Two.... we lived, out....in the Country, not far from the Cedar River.
I remember, laying in bed...at night, listening to the Whippoorwill...sing.
: )
I've never heard them, since.
I'll never forget... their Beautiful 'Songs'. }
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Peg's Prize! oh my. Peg Loved... this little Girl, holding the Bird's Nest... in her hands. <3 |
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One, of Two.... Lilacs... Peg and I... planted, {through a Ton of Rock...} oh my..... : ) They are getting so Tall... and have such Beautiful...Blooms. <3 |
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I sold several of the Quirky Rabbits... but, these two... have never been for sale. These are mine and Peg's. : ) |
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