I worked down the rabbit hole...today.
Michael, {Peg's Beloved} stopped by...to see me.
He had some things... Peg had wanted me to have.
Peg, has 'Given' me...so Much.
I was taken back... by this visit.
She wanted me to have some of her Dad's... old Hardware.
: )
{He, loved 'Antiques' throughout his life...too. : ) }
Mike, also brought more... of the Old Statuary... Peg and I rescued, from the Creek...so many years ago.
I'm working on 'Special' places...for them. : )
Mike handed me... a little velvet pouch.
was the sterling bracelet... I'd given Peg.
oh my.
I'd bought that bracelet... from Friend, Jo...
When I saw it, I Immediately thought of Peg.
It was so Intricately done... 'fine'.
It reminded me... of how Peg... always...always... worked down...to the Tiniest...
'detail'... on whatever...she put her mind to.
: )
Peg...Loved It!
Shortly, after I gave it to her...
she stopped by, on her way Home...from her Daughter, Sara's.
I met her, in the drive....
she...looked at me... and Burst...into Tears!!!
She said...
{I thought... she was trying to tell me... her cancer had returned.... I couldn't understand...a Single...Word... coming from her!!!}
I said.. "WHAT??? What's going On????"
"BLAHHHHHH Blahhhh....Blahhh Blah.....: ( "
oh dear.
I finally got her...to take a Breath.... and Tell Me... What... she was So...
Worked Up...about.
"I LOST....The Bracelet..."... and Sobbed.
: )
oh my.
: )
I Roared!!!!
Is THAT...all????
: )
oh my.
: )
Peg...was devastated.
said... she and Sara... had backtracked... EVERY...single place... they had been, the day she lost it.
Peg said... she knew... she shouldn't have worn it... as, the clasp... tended to open, and she was going to have a chain... put on it.
BUT...She Wore It Anyway!!! And...LOST IT!!!
hahahaha : )
{I had to laugh... because... she Scolded me... for leaving one of her Beautiful Gourds....she'd made for me...
in the rabbit hole... over night...
and a mouse... devoured Peg's Favorite Bug she'd placed... inside. : (: ( : (
{I was Sick... and Crying... when I called her... and broke the news... : (
Now, Peg...understood.... how Shit...'Happens'!!! : ) }
No Worries!!! : )
Peg... was inconsolable.
oh dear.
Two days later... Peg called.
Michael... had Found... 'The Bracelet'... on the floor, under the recliner...at Sara's.
: )
Peg spent... a LOT... of money... having a chain... put on, and all of the joints redone... by a Jeweler...in Missouri.
{oh my...: ) }
She Loved...that little bracelet.
it's come back...Home.
: (
It's so tiny... like, our Peg.
and...so Beautiful... : )
our Peg.
Michael and I laughed... and cried...
over...and over, today... as we visited.
oh my.
He said... he didn't think... it has all 'set in'... yet.
I told him... I'm not sure, it ever will.
I was Blessed.... with Little Justin....and Miss. Meadow, before...Michael stopped by.
I'm Thankful... for Them.
Life... in it's Youth.
: )
and....Racin' around.
Love...to ya.
Barb C.
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I found the old keyhole covers....in Peg's Dad's.... hardware. They... are 'special'. : ) I'm keeping them... with Peg's Bracelet. <3 |
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One of Peg's... 'Rescued'... pieces of Statuary. <3 |
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Katie...and Miss.Meadow...Lovin' on The Old....Lilacs. <3 |
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Little Justin... in The Buggy, his Daddy... fixed up for him. : ) <3 |
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