Thursday, December 31, 2015
Happy New Year!
Wishing You All...
a... Very....
Happy New Year.
Thank You...
each and Everyone... of You...
who have been such...
Beautiful.... Blessings... in my life.
: )
I Hope.... you 'Dance'... light on your feet....
in, and throughout...
: )
Barb C.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Workin' Down the Rabbit Hole... Open This Weekend!
Spent the day unpacking... new arrivals....
and re setting....
have Miles to go... yet.
But... the Rabbit Hole... is Cozy and Warm!!!
: )
{and... Crowded... oh dear. : ) }
I had a Heck... of a time... getting in the door... it was packed in tight....
with the Snow.
when I finally walked inside....
I immediately... knew something was Wrong.
No Music.
: (
We had flipped the breakers... off and on... so many times...
'Troubleshooting' the Furnace Escapade....
I'd re start the cd player.
That... was my First... Move. : )
I mistakenly... hit repeat 'one' song.
: )
It played Over and Over....
I didn't care... : )
It's the Rabbit Hole's 'Welcoming... Tune'.
{above... <3 }
Has been... Forever. <3
It was Happy...I think... to have me, 'back'... again.
: )
I was Happy... to be there. <3
: )
I'll get some images... tomorrow.
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Sleigh Ridin' and Snow Doggin'!
Took the Old Gypsy... for a 'Sleigh Ride'...
yesterday Eve. : )
We had a pretty Big... Snow, and... John's cats... were nearly out of Grub.
I bundled up... in my Flannel Bed Coat... Work Boots... and Denim Jacket...
and took the Old Gal... out for a Spin. : )
I've never locked her in... {to 4WD} and... was hoping... she'd dig in. : )
She did.
but... I heard a noise... so, asked Son, jump in... and drive 'er....
see what he thought.
: )
He took Mama... and Old Gypsy... for Quite a Ride!!!
{My finger nails... will be Forever... in her Dash!!! Holy Smokes!!!
That Boy... is Fearless!!! }
He thinks it's a wheel bearing... not, too bad, and can wait... for a bit. : )
He sounded just like his Dad... {and Mine...too. } when he said...
"Just Drive'r! We'll get it in.... "
: )
So...away we went.... Stopped at The Bank... and the Plow Truck... was in the drive thru...
oh dear...
I had to go INSIDE... in my 'Winter Duds'!!!
Thankfully... They are soooo Great... {and 'Know' me... : ) }
No one gave me 'the look'... in my 'Duds'... : )
After I picked up Cat Food.... I went on.
: )
Found some unplowed Gravel Roads... not far from Home...
and The Gypsy and me... Slung Some Snow!!! : )
We The Cemetery... where Dad's buried...
someday... Mom's Ashes will be there, too.
Me and John... as well... someday.
I Love that little Cemetery.
: )
The narrow lane...going up through the Cemetery... was sooooo Beautiful....
The Gypsy... and me... didn't have the heart.... to disturb it. : )
I used to ride Admiral... up there, as soon as we went over the hill....
on Cemetery Road...
overlooking the little Cemetery....
He'd Stop.
Ears... Twitching... Head High.....
and Stare... at The Cemetery.
I'd boot him... a little.... he'd take a step or two... then... Freeze... again.
with a watchful eye... he'd cautiously...walk on.
{every... single... time }
: )
I always.... wondered what he saw... or heard.
The Wind, always blows... through the Old Pines, there. me, but... maybe... not him.
As I watched the video... when I got home, last night... that I took, at The Cemetery.
{I didn't take any video... while we were 'Snow Doggin'... Both Hands... on the Wheel! }
I was surprised... to hear...the music... {'Wrecking Ball'...Gypsy's Tune : ) }
It was staticky.... as we were going up the Hill... right where Admiral... always... Froze.
The Music.... was perfect... in my ears... while I was driving.
No Static... in my Brand New CD Player... and Speakers...
Justin put in for me... <3 <3 <3
{Surprised me...with. <3 }
Where the video stops... is where we live.
When Justin.... took Mama and Gypsy... for a Ride... yesterday, it was on 151, when we reached the top... of the Viaduct.... {1/4 mile... South} I Yelled at Him!!!
{Mama doesn't scare easy... }
but.... I Really Panicked
told him to "Shut'er Down!!!"
oh dear....
around noon...
a Man was killed... at the top of the Viaduct... 3 others... injured....
in a 3 car accident.
I was on the phone...with Liz, when I saw the Ambulances.... go by....
and Prayed.
oh my.
Life... is short.
As The Gypsy and I sat at The Cemetery....
I thought... How Much.... Dad and John... would have Enjoyed Riding With...
'Snow Doggin'.....
: ) : ) : )
I glanced.... over the Cemetery... looking at the 100's of Stones...
each... representing...
One... or More... Souls...
and thought.....
They All...
would like to be... 'Snow Doggin' with us.
: )
I suppose... some people... think I'm Crazy.... for 'Turnin' It Loose'... once in a while.
: )
Bless their Hearts. <3
Love to ya...
Barb C.
{If you watch the video... you'd better take a Dramamine.... : )
The Old Gal... She's a 'Ruff Rider'!!! : )
She can Sling Some Snow!!! oh my. : ) }
{better put ear plugs in... too. : ) I Like... my Music... LOUD!!! : ) }
{John would shake his head... when I'd come rollin' in... The Windows... would be Rattlin'... <3 }
{The Heart Shaped Stone... with the little Scrub Bush.... is my Dad's Stone.... <3 <3 <3
There was a Beautiful... Pine, there.... when he Passed. A Storm took it...
{missed his Stone... by an inch.<3 }
John and I... said... over the years....Dad would have liked the 'Volunteer'... Better. <3 }
{They had a 'Tow Ban'... out... last night....
if you ran in a ditch... you'd be walkin'.
: )
I figured.... if the Gypsy and me... Bit Off... more than we could chew....
I Know a Guy...
: )
With a Big... Power Stroke Ford... with Stacks....
that would pull us out... <3 }
{It would take.... One Hell... of an Avalanche... to put me.... and the Old Gypsy.... in a place...
we'd have to make... That Call. : ) }
Friday, December 25, 2015
Merry Christmas... to You and Yours.
Hope you all... had a Wonderful Christmas.
Our Christmas... was Lovely. : )
Love hearing Children's Laughter.... !
and... feeling the Energy... in the house... that Only...
Christmas... can provide. : )
I've been running... like crazy... trying to get shopping done....
gifts wrapped... food prepared.
oh my.
: )
I took these images... last night, when I could finally... put my feet up. ; )
I did a lot... of 'soul searching'... as I gazed at the 'Memory Tree'.
It was the first time... this year,
I counted my Blessings...
oh my...
there are many. : )
I Thanked the Lord... for the Wonderful People...He has brought to my life.
My Folks.... John... Kids... Family and Dear Friends...{Family <3 }
even.... the Folks.... I meet, He sends... on this journey.... for moments...
oh my.
and... for...
All of the Beloved... Critters.
<3 <3 <3
I sat... and admired all of John's work...'Art'... in the Big Room.
I recollected.... our conversations... as we pulled it all... together.
The Room.... was mostly created from... what others threw away, or... saw little value in.
It's ironic....
I have rescued Critters.... that no one else would...
that... otherwise... would have been put down.... or went to 'kill'....
John... rescued... wrecked cars... that, no one else... would touch...
he never gave up....
If... he couldn't find a part... he'd make one. ; )
I... rescue... 'Antiques'... these days...that... many... don't 'understand'.
or, somehow.... can't find the 'good'... in,
yet, thankfully... I'm not alone... in understanding the Soulfulness.... of the 'imperfect'. <3
As I looked up... at some vintage ironwork....I'd dragged home... one day, and John incorporated...
on the Top... of the Landing, I remembered... how...when he and I would take a moment, to appreciate our hard work....
he'd say... {every time}
"Why didn't I put that broken piece... to the side?!!!"
: )
I... every time... would say...
"It doesn't bother me... ; ) It reminds me... of an Amish Quilt, they always had an 'imperfect' square... in every quilt, honoring The Lord... 'Only God' is perfect." <3
I must... however... have had 'the look'... when he put the fabric on the ceiling.... and the pattern was running of course.... oh dear.
I didn't ask him to fix it... but... my look... was enough... for him to RIP it Off the ceiling... in a flash!!!!
{and re apply. : ) }
{I could have lived with it... but... never... 'looked' at it again... }
He knew, after all the years.... 'imperfection'... doesn't bother me....
; )
'Symmetry'... however....
oh dear.
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well.... 'Christmas' 2015... has only a few minutes... left. Hope Yours... was Wonderful. Cheers. <3 <3 <3 |
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Pretty Paper...
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This is titled... 'The Christmas Tree'. It's from the 1860's. Love It. |
I picked up... some Beautiful... 1860's and 70's 'Paper'... last week, at a Friend's Sale.
: )
It was a 4 hour Sale... and... I nearly... didn't go.
Had So Much... to get done...but... went on... : )
{Liz... pushed me... out the door. : ) }
I am so Very Blessed... by Friends... that call... : )
I..hate... to let 'em down.
and... know... they Bless me, and I need to go... when the bell rings.
I can't tell you... how difficult... it is, these days... to 'Run'.
I think... some were amazed... at how much I got done... last year.
{myself... included. }
{had a few Angels... that helped carry me, too. : ) }
My 'World'... was crashing down... around me, yet... I kept on.
had to.
the 'adrenaline'... isn't enough, anymore.
There isn't enough... of any... 'stimulant'... to get me going.... anymore.
Christmas... is gonna be... slim... this year.
It is... what it is.
I can find... enough strength... to get done... what absolutely... Must... be done.
no more.
I read, years ago... about a Horse.
The #12... Fire Horse.
The Horse... was en route... to a Fire... got his hoof caught... in a railroad track....
Lost his hoof... but... continued running... to the Fire.
Well... I'm no hero, like # 12 was. : )
I understand... how 'adrenaline' ... will carry you... through a Fire.
I, also.. understand... when... the Fire... is out, well.....
there's nothing... as the ashes.
There are days... I can Run... like the Wind.
I can't find my feet.
That's...just how it is.
I so wanted.... needed... to get the shop open, before Christmas.
It's not going to happen.
I'm going to try... for New Years Weekend.
: )
Love, to ya....
Barb C.
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As I was helping, Pal... Bill... last week, I ran across this. : ) It's an Old... Room Key... fob, from The Opryland Hotel. : ) oh my. 'Merry Christmas'... to me. <3 A Gift... from... 'My Happy Place'. : ) |
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Here we go... again. The Open House... Isn't.
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Mountains... and Mountains..... and.... Mountains. |
The Open House.... isn't going to happen, this weekend.
No Heat.
I about froze...working on
and... it's going to be colder, tomorrow.
Liz, changed the Bless her Heart.... : )
but...that... wasn't it. : (
Had a Guy... come, this afternoon... he worked on the furnace... until...just a little while ago, and couldn't get it goin'.
I remember John... working on that furnace... : )
The Guy... noticed some of his handy work....
oh my. : )
It was ruff... watching someone else... 'trouble shooting'... this time.
If John was here... he'd have it all... figured out, like he Always... did. : )
It's... for the best.
So Much... has left.... the rabbit hole, so Much... has just come in.
There are Mountains... to work through.
I'm tired.
very... tired.... on every... level.
I'm also.... frustrated....
Frustrated... to tears.
I'll let ya know... when I get things... all... pulled together.
It will be Soon...
it has to be. : )
Love, to ya....
Barb C.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Bad... to the Bone. : )
I have an Open House...
beginning Friday Morn.
: )
I've spent more time... 'Gathering'... new Treasures...
getting the rabbit hole... in shape.
oh my.
It's Packed...
Sold things... have left Holes...
New Things...
are Piled High.
I was planning on working there...all day,
a Dear Friend... called.... : )
I gathered another...Awesome...Load....
Sold... some of it...
on my way Home...
Delivered it...and Visited... : )
I have One Day... to make... the Impossible...
happen. : )
oh dear.
Why...oh why... can't I Simply... stay Home... and work.... : )
instead... of Chasing Junk.... down the road. : ) ?
The Good News...
The Rabbit Hole... is Brimming... {seriously...}
with some Awesome... Old...Stuff.
{You may have to wear a Hard Hat... to get to it... : ) }
Liz said.... we'll git 'er done... tomorrow.
A Months worth of Work... whittled down... in a day. : )
{That's My Girl. : ) }
oh my...
I am Bad....
: )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{Keep us... in your Prayers. <3 }
Saturday, December 12, 2015
My Pal, Bill... is conducting a HUGE Tag Sale...
in Cedar Rapids!
The HUGE HOUSE... was Packed...
from Cellar to Attic!!!
They have Sold... Masses....
are Still... Unpacking!!!
Most Things... will be 50% off Sunday...
75% off... Monday!!!
I Picked up a Load... today...
am going back...
the next two!!!
Come Dig!!!
the address is...
362 21st. S.E.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
You can find his ad.... on
Iowa Tag Sales on fb.
I also shared that site... on my Simply Iowa fb page!
Loads of images...
Sale... is a Must Go To!!!
Vintage Clothes... Primitives... Mirrors... Cupboards.... Household...Vintage Glass....
Linens... Dolls... TONS of Christmas... Tons... of EVERYTHING!!!!
{this is a teeny...tiny...snippet... on the main floor....
The Cellar... 2nd Floor.... Attic...and Full!!!!
They have Sold... Mountains... but... there are Mountains...yet to Climb!!!}
I could go on....and On!!!
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
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Loads... of Vintage Cook Books.... |
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The Kitchen... is Full... there is Much... Vintage Copper. |
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Star Trek... Stuff. |
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There are Many... Old Cupboards... and Tables... of Every Shape... and Size! |
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Many Tin Types... Picture Frames... {Dozens and Dozens!!!} |
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Tons...of Jewelry!! |
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Dolls...and Doll parts! There are MANY Complete Dolls! |
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Loads... of Vintage Dishes... Crocks... Jugs.... etc.... : ) |
Friday, December 11, 2015
Angels... Among us.
They come to us...
in our darkest hours...
Show us how to live...
Teach us... how to Give.
Guide us...
with the Light...
of Love.
: )
Bet you didn't know...
They also....
carry Shovels.
: ) : ) : )
oh my.
After all... that has transpired... over the last...
many... months...
The 'Trials'... and Tribulation...
{that promises to continue.}
When... I think... we have hit... 'rock bottom'...
and Know... we have to Dig Deeper.... no Matter...
how Weary... we are.
We Have to Dig.
It's then...
The Angels...
called from Your...
Continued Prayers....
show up...
to Help Us Dig.
: )
Thank You.
I can't get into the 'story'.....
Thankfully... You... don't need to hear it...
to send Prayers. <3
They Matter.
Love, to You.
Barb C.
I am posting 'Angels Among Us'... as my tune... for today...above.
We All... Have Them.
<3 <3 <3
I am also posting... a clip... from Smokey and the Bandit.
{I know... sounds crazy.
Consider the source. : ) }
Just... the first... minute... of that clip.
It... gives me chills.
Just... the first... minute... of that clip.
It... gives me chills.
I went to see that movie... when I was a teen.
I always... throughout my life...
reflected on that 'clip'.
: )
I, in times of my life... have been him.
I've been 'The Bandit'... well.
: )
I've been 'The Bandit'... well.
: )
I am So Blessed... that...
So Many Times...
The 'Snowman'... has Come Through... for me... and mine....too.
: )
Grabbed a Shovel...
Pushed Through... what seemed to be....
An Impossible...
{to most}
Grabbed a Shovel...
Pushed Through... what seemed to be....
An Impossible...
{to most}
They Didn't Have To.
they did...
and Could...
and Could...
they are...
: )
"Hot Damn.... We're Gonna... Make It!"...
: )
"Hot Damn.... We're Gonna... Make It!"...
: )
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Oh... Dear. More.... bad news.
I am going to have to postpone....
The Christmas Open House...
due to a Family....situation.
I'm going to try it again...
December 18th, 19th and 20th.
: )
If you had made special plans... to come... this weekend,
I can be here for you by appointment.
I soooo Appreciate... your Support. <3
Thank You...
keep me and my Family in your Prayers.
Love, to you...
Barb C.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
I have Good News... and... Bad News.
I have Good News...
Bad News.
The Bad News... first.
The Christmas Open House....
Down the Rabbit Hole...
: (
The Good News!!!!
It's Rescheduled for...
December 11th thru 13th!!!
{10 'til 6 Friday and Saturday... 12 'til 4 Sunday!!!}
There will be Tons... of New Arrivals!!!!!!!!
{I'm headed 'South'... this Weekend... to Gather
Santa has Fallen Down the Rabbit Hole...
: ) : ) : )
Mark Your Calendars!!!!
Stay Tuned!!! ya...
Barb C.
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