Meet Miss. Meadow Rain Helm.
<3 <3 <3
We have a Brand New.... Granddaughter!!!
Justin and Katie... are so Proud... of her. : )
as they Should be.
: )
She is Absolutely... Beautiful....
Perfect... in Every Way! <3
She has a Full Head of Hair....
{Runs on Both.... sides of the Family : ) }
She was Exactly... One Day Old.... as I held her... in my
: )
Happy Day!
Love, to ya....
Barb C.
{Just think... Two Beautiful.. Grandchildren... only a couple of weeks apart. : )
We... are Blessed. <3 <3 <3 }
Meadow... is such... a Gentle.. little Spirit. : )
She is such a Snuggler....: )
She seems.... very... 'Content'... with 'The World'.... : ) |
When Justin sent me a picture... of Miss. Meadow, yesterday.....
all I could see.... was Him.
: )
This is her Daddy... when he was two months old.
Then... today... as I held her... in my arms....
I saw both, Katie, and Justin....
Katie's Long.... Eyelashes.... : )
Justin's.... Ears. : )
Katie's... Chin.... : )
Justin's.... Expressions... : )
oh my.
What a Beautiful... Beautiful.... Child. : ) <3 <3 <3
{I feel sorry....for the boys... that Miss. Meadow.... will bring home to meet her Dad. : )
oh my.
: )
I... have a feeling.... he's gonna be a Protective... Daddy. : )
She... may... never... Marry. : ) : ) : ) }
My Nephew, Jimmy.... told me.... as we were visiting... many years ago.... when his First... Daughter... was Born. : )
"Yeah.... with a Son.... you only have to worry....about one... penis.
With a Daughter.... you have to worry.... about All of 'em!!!!! }
I have Never.... forgotten that.
oh my.
: )
{It Cracked...Me Up. : ) : ) : ) hearing a 'Daddy's... Perspective'.... : ) }
It made me think... of the top... video. If... you have a moment...listen. : )
That.... Is... {will be...} Son....Justin. <3 }
Mama's...and Grandmas..... don't need a 'gun'... : )
They... have 'The Look'.
: )
We all 'know'...
'The Look'.
Don't Mess... with 'The Look'.
: )
It's Feared... for Good... Reason. : )
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