Directions.... to my 'Happy Place'.
: )
Today... was one of the ruffest days... of my life.
I realized that... at about 10:30 this morning.
I had to testify... in a Courtroom...
concerning our Children.
I Love 'em all.
I 'Hurt'... for them all.
I... don't want to get any to it.
I have been so 'sick'... all day...over this.
It appears things are moving in the right direction.
Please... keep our Family... in your Prayers. <3
When I left the Courthouse... I honestly didn't know which way to go.
I drove... in circles... through town, then.... looked up... at a light... and there was Daughter, Liz...
just ahead of me.
: )
I...don't think she saw me.
I thought..... she, too... must have been going in circles...and... somehow...
we landed... on the same... street.
oh my.
I was driving Jethro.... and there was no way.... I could go Home.
I needed to find The Road.
Feel the wind... on my skin.
I drove all over... the outskirts of Cedar Rapids...
headed towards my old... stomping grounds.... when I was little.
I felt the need... to visit places.... where I could pull fragments... of Happier Times.
I drove to the little town of Shellsburg, Iowa.
My Dad... had hired an Elderly Woman there... to watch me... one Summer..
{when I couldn't go to work... with him. }
She had a little Barn... behind her House.... where I kept my Pony... 'Joe'
I was 8.
I'd bridle him up... every day... and ride him to The Lazy 'H'... Tavern.
I'd tie him out front....
go in... and...visit with the Ladies... who cooked there.
Have a Root Beer... and listen to 'Country Roads'... over and Over...
on the Old Jute Box.
{Lord.... 'Bless' those Ladies. <3 }
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Not much... has changed... at The Lazy 'H'... in 44 years. : ) The name has... a couple of times. I... can't tell you what they call it now. It'll always be... 'The Lazy 'H' to me. <3 |
I walked in.... and looked around... at the Old Structure.
Seeing... that much had changed... yet.... I my mind... where Everything... was before.
and... Nothing... had 'really' changed. : )
The Counter... where the Ladies served... the Noon Lunches...
It was gone... and so were the Ladies.
I saw them... Day. : )
I never wasted my quarters... on food.
Oh No... The Jute Box... got my hard earned cash!
I never went hungry tho... seems those Ladies... were always... making too many French Fries....or... one piece...of Chicken... too many... for their order....
or... had a little...too much Pie... and needed 'Someone'... to help get rid of it. : )
The Old... Farmers... seemed to think... every now, and then.... I ought to have an Ice Cream Cone. : )
oh dear.
: )
The Lady... working there.... today... was very nice.
She was much... like the Ladies... from before.
: )
She asked what I'd like to drink.
{I gotta tell ya... a Vodka... Martini... would have tasted mighty fine.
And... fit the bill.}
I ordered a Root Beer. : )
Fried Chicken.
: )
I asked if they still had a Jute Box....
They did.
They did.
One that takes Credit Cards. oh my.
You'll Never Guess.... what I played....
Over... and Over. : )
I couldn't eat... much of my meal.
sat there... until.. the last... song.... played.
Paid the nice... Lady... and gave her a nice...tip.
{I owe those Gals... a Whole... Bunch... of 'em. }
She was concerned... I didn't eat much... and was the Food... o.k.
I assured her... it was. : )
I...simply.... didn't have much of an appetite... today.
She was concerned... I didn't eat much... and was the Food... o.k.
I assured her... it was. : )
I...simply.... didn't have much of an appetite... today.
I bailed... in Jethro... and we headed for Keystone.
about 15 miles.... or so.
When I got to the 4 way Stop....
I remembered... my Folks giving directions to people... on how to get to our Place.
"A Mile... West... past the 4 Way Stop... then... Right.... on the First Gravel... it'll be the first Place...
on the Left. { 'bout a Quarter of a Mile. : ) }"
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One Mile...ahead. then... 'bout a Quarter Mile... {First Place.... on the Left. : ) } |
It's been Gone... such a long... long... time.
That Big Beautiful... Old... Farm House....
with the little front Porch.... and squeaky... old... Screen Door...
that... always 'slapped' the door frame twice... every time... I ran outside.
: )
The Barn.... and Hen House... the old Corn Crib.... yep.....
it was all.... gone.
Like the Old... Lazy 'H'...
I could see it All...
Standing... Welcoming... me Home.
I pulled up... to where the Drive was....
Shut Jethro..down....
and sat there.
Listening to the wind....blow through the Corn Stalks.
It was whispering.... in my ear.
I noticed... how small the Corn was..... where the Drive... was... leading to where the Old Farm House..... had set.
oh my...
It was a Blessing... for the Farmer... who owns... this Land, now....
I wasn't driving Old.... Gypsy.
She and I... would have had a Seat... on The Porch.
I would have driven... to.... that Corn Field... today.
just... to get...a little... closer...
oh my.
When I left.... I stopped at Convenience Store...
{that was built... long... after we moved away. }
bought myself... an Ice Cream... Cone.
it just seemed.... 'fittin'.
I drove through the Little Town.... recalling the Good Times... spent there.
: )
When I hit the Highway... headed towards Home....
my mind... was racin'.
I pulled out.... and.... about a mile... after....
a Corvette.... came up... on Jethro... and me.
He rode our tail... hard.
He couldn't pass.... too much traffic.
but... Lord... he had his nose... up our Tailpipe.
We weren't driving slow.... he... was just.... rude.
He finally passed us... then... he was stuck.... behind a Dump Truck.
and.... was rude... to him. : (
Jethro... and I... had to look up... his... tailpipe.
He passed the Dump Truck....
I could hear John....
"Go ahead... Mama... : ) Show that old Chevy... what Ol' Jethro's got....under the hood. " : )
: ) : ) : )
: )
That... was Sweeter... than the Coconut... Cream Pie..... the Ladies made... Every Day....
at the Lazy 'H'.
: )
Love, to ya....
Barb C.
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