I began pulling Ironstone.... from the house today....
for Gold Rush.
oh my...
That was a Tuff.... Job.
: )
John and Liz.... had packed a 'Cupboard Full'.... away....
Four... Very... Full... Totes...
when I sold the Pie Safe Cupboard.... it all was residing in.
{That.... was also...a Heartbreaker. Lord... I hated to see that one go. <3
but... Bills have to be paid.... and.... it went to a Most Loving Home. <3 }
I don't know where I was... when they unloaded it.
Probably... on the road... somewhere.
I haven't went through... any of it... until today.
It was Heartbreaking.... seeing how carefully John had packed the Old... Dishes.
oh my.
: )
Knowing... his hands... were the last...to touch them....
was difficult.
oh my.
I sorted... cleaned.... priced...and packed.....
what I could.
I left alone.
The Tea Pot.... below....
was going to go.
Then... I began looking at it.
It's spout has been repaired.... {It's such an Unusual Spout... : ) }
It has an old... crack.... on the bottom.
but... It's design... is so Beautiful.....
I bought it years ago.... from my Friend... John W. <3
I thought... 'No one... will 'love' this... like I do.
Whatever I price it at.... they'll try and beat me down..... I'm not going to subject myself.... or...this Old Soul...
to that. '
: )
It Stays.
I felt the same way... about the little Pitcher... below.
John placed it in the tote... with the Coin Silver Spoons... inside it....
Just... as I had them... in the Old Pie Safe.
: )
It stays.
: )
I did... load a Tote... I will be filling two more.... from the house...
for Gold Rush.
I have a Loyal.. Following... there.
There is No one... in the World... I'd rather Share... my Beloveds with.
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
This one.... stays Home. |
I am taking a stack of Early Ironstone Plates.... and Soup Bowls.
Relish dishes.... Little Servers.... Bone Dishes....
a Beautiful... Tureen.... and more. |
Couldn't part... with this little Pitcher... either. |
I... struggled with this one.
: )
I priced it... and it's packed.....
This is an early Ironstone Bread Plate.
It has 'Served' on our Thanksgiving and Christmas Tables.... over the years.
They are soooooo hard to find.
I've always Loved it.
Things... have been so Insane... around here.
I'm just now.... unpacking things.... I bought...over a month ago.
{and forgot I'd gathered at all! }
I simply... Couldn't get it all... Done!
This Mountain of Vintage Prisms.... were tucked in an Old... Metal.....
Picnic Basket....
oh my.
The Good News... Is....
It's Like Christmas!!!!
oh dear. |
After I took the above image....
I found Another... Pile!
oh dear. |
This little Hair 'Wreath' of sorts.... was something I'd picked up...earlier this Summer.
It was in a pile... waiting to be put out. : )
I couldn't decide how old it was.... tho... 'Hair Jewelry' and Wreaths...were very popular in the last half of the 1800's.
It appeared the paper inside, with the Strawberries may be newer.
After sitting down with it... and really...looking it over....yesterday....
I think it must be from the 1880's.
{even with the 'paper'... or... maybe... it's an early Hankie....that is... in reality 'cloth'.
I can't be sure... without touching it....yet...
I didn't want to disturb the back... It has never been apart.}
I did... pick off some the loose backing paper...
That... was very informative.
The 'maker' of the Shadow Box... used many Labels from The Sparks Furniture Store in Buffalo Center, Iowa.
Buffalo Center, Iowa is in the North Center of the State... near the Minnesota border.
I couldn't find this business... but... the style... of the label dates it... in my opinion, to the last quarter of the 19th Century. |
The box is covered... under the brown paper.... in those labels.
This business sold Sewing Machines... Glass... Furniture... Edison Phonographs... and more. |
Written on the back.... it reads....
"My Mother's Hair when she was a young Girl
Grace Meyer Swiet
{below that it says.... "give to Annie" }
Sadly... there is also a .50 cent price.... It must have been sold... long ago.... at a Rummage Sale....
or Church Sale.
I found it interesting that it says that this was her Mother's Hair... when she was a Young Girl.
So many people.... think that 'Hair Art'.... was gathered from people who had died.
I always knew that wasn't true.
{Tho.... people did save locks of hair.... {I still do. } when Loved Ones... Pass.
They kept the clippings in Lockets.... }
In the Victorian days.... there were pieces made.... for Dresser Sets... {Comb, Brush... Mirror... etc.}
to 'keep' hair.... called
'Hair Receivers'....
Woman and Girls... made Jewelry... Watch Fobs.... all sorts of things.... including much more Elaborate Flowers.....
from their own hair... or... hair saved from their Family....
then placed their Creations... in a Shadow Box.
This one... is very small....
I.... find it... 'charming'... <3
It's been an interesting 'Journey'... with this Old Shadow Box...
It's not often.... we are given so many 'clues'.
This could go further....
Having a Name... on the back.... and... the labels... really... helped...
I would bet.... in no time.... I could trace the Family.
at this time...
that's all the time... I have.
These Old Souls... always find their way....
so shall this one.
{I have to mention.... how... Beautiful... Grace's hair was. It's such an unusual color.
Strawberry Blond.
: )
: )
that's 'why'
The Strawberry lining. <3 }

I love reading your blog, it never fails to bring tears to these "old soul" eyes, especially the "unpacking". I too lust for early ironstone and struggle with what to keep or take to a show. Will the buyer appreciate it as much as me, or will it be another dealer who will just try to make $ on it. Sometimes its just the finding story behind it that makes me keep it. It hurts to have to sell something I love just to keep the lights on. But I have to look at the positive, I love what I do, the finding, the fixing, the stories, the customers, other vendors. After being stuck behind "desks" for most of my life its so freeing to live my life even if its a huge struggle. Thanks for letting me vent, hope to meet you someday at a show.
Thanks, for the Lovely.... 'comment'.... Victoria. : )
I'm happy... you are now, following your Heart... even tho... I know... how difficult that can be, financially.
but... money isn't everything... : )
I would like to say... a little about 'the dealers' I sell to.
They really are wonderful. I don't have a problem with them making money... after all... we are all trying to 'stay alive'... and, most of the ones I deal with... share our Passion. : )
The ones... I have a problem with... are the ones... who buy to be trendy... couldn't care less... about 'the journey'... and 'thanks' to some t.v. program... or magazine article... they, no matter the price... are encouraged to 'beat you down'... just because... they think that's the way it works. oh my.
What these folks don't seem to understand... most of us... who 'deal' are also... 'collectors'. We buy things we Love... so... to have someone... 'Pick' something apart... for a 'better' price... is insulting. {When folks do that... with my Beloveds... I kindly tell them... "This Piece... simply isn't for you... You need to hold out... for a 'Perfect'.. Item."
{Bless their Hearts... <3 }
We all try and 'work' with folks... I ask for a 'better' price... sometimes...too. but... only... if I think... we are close... but... not quite close enough. I'd Never... Pick something apart. {Usually the owner does that... they point out every 'Flaw'... : ) I say... "That's why I Love it... <3 It's had a 'Journey'... if it were Perfect... I wouldn't be interested... : ) "
Thanks... for letting me... 'Vent'. : )
Yes... I hope we meet someday. Shows are tuff... I'm usually Exhausted... and running on 'empty'...
What I need to do... is have a Gathering... down the rabbit hole... once a year... a 'casual' one. : ) Invite folks to come visit... and relax... for a day. I would Love to meet the Folks who visit here... when Fire isn't Breathing Down my Neck!!! : )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
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