Monday, August 31, 2015
Another little pile of treasures.... headed for The Once in a Blue Moon... Sale.
Fun Treasures....
Old... and Newer....
{Lots of Great Stuff... for Fall!!!! }
oh my...
: )
SOOOOOO Much... more....
to get out....
oh my.
Sale Opens at 9 'til 6
{or Later... : ) }
This Friday!!!
September 4th... through the 11th! ya!
Barb C.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Our Grandchildren's Parents. : ) oh my.... How Proud... we are... of Them.
August... has been Quite... a Month.
oh my.
So Many... New Additions...
The Best... was Little Keeden John... : )
{K.J. } : )
John's Youngest... Grandson. : )
When Andrea sent me a picture... on my phone...just after he was born... on the 27th...
it was difficult to see him...
I Knew...I could Tell....
he was a Beautiful... Child.
: ) : ) : )
{He is.... oh my... : ) He weighed an ounce over 10 pounds.... and is...
{I should say... 'Handsome'...}
I have to say... 'Beautiful'.... : ) }
The Helm Lines... produce Big... Beautiful.... Babies. <3
That's all... there is... to it. <3 : )
{My Sister, Chery... told me... as we were visiting.... some... 25 years ago....
"You and John... sure... make Beautiful... Babies."
{I have to say... the 'Beauty'... belongs to his... genes. }
{I'm not saying... my family... doesn't have Beautiful... Children...
all four...of my Brother, Sonny's... Girls... were Homecoming Queens.... : )
{but...he, also... had a little help... : ) his Wife, Shirley... was Stunning. }
oh my.
Keeden... and Big Brother, Kaycen... are... 'Beautiful'...
as is...Lillie... John's Oldest, Granddaughter....
Little Justin.... could be a 'Model'...too.
Then... Miss. Scarlett... oh my. : )
The Helm Genes....
are simply... Beautiful...
Inside... and Out.
{After all... James Dean... could have doubled... for John... : ) }
: )
I sat down... this morning... looking at the images I captured last night... and wept.
John and I... have spent so Much... of our lives... 'working'....
John and I talked about that.... a couple of years ago...
how... 'They all... Grew Up... on us.'
The sad thing... looking back..... I don't know... how we could have changed any of it.
and... still... 'provided'.
We also.. realized... as we discussed the Kids....
What a Gift... our Children are... to their... Children.
: )
We sat back... and looked at them all...and both said....
what Amazing... 'Parents'... they all... are.
I was crying... when Liz came to gather up...Miss. Scarlett, this morning.
Seeing that little Offspring of John's... oh my... and the Years... that have slipped away... from us both.
oh my.
I told her... that I knew... we weren't and aren't the best... Parents... and Grandparents...
but... we did... the best... we could.
Times were tuff... when the Kids were growing up... seems... they are...always.
She smiled.... and said.... "You taught us... how to Love...and always... took care... of us."... : )
oh my....
We... always worked.. but... when the Kids... need us.... we are always... there.
John and I... are Very Proud... of who our Children... have become. : )
oh my. : ) ya.
Barb C.
{Katie... is 'due'... any time... any day....
John... will have a New... Youngest... Granddaughter... very... soon....
oh my.
<3 <3 <3 }
I played 'Cat's in the Cradle'... because... sometimes... John and I.. have both felt that way.
I Know... given... the cards... we had us...
we did.... The Very... Best... we could.. and can.
Like my Dad... said... when I was a little girl.....
"If... you know... in your Heart... you did the Best... you could... then... have no... regrets."....
We did... : ) <3
{and.. unlike.. 'the child'... in the above tune... Should we need our Children.... They would be here... in a Moment... <3 }
I think back.... on how many... 'Mother's Days'... I missed... with my Mom...
because of a Show... that conflicts... {tho... I called her... and visited her... before... and after. }
I think... of when John... went 'Home'... during the Memorial Day Sale... last year... and... I kept working....
Then... had to continue... and delay... John's Memorial... until his Birthday... because I was under contract.... to 'Git 'er Done'....
now... when Andrea... called... I was working... out of town... again.
oh my.
I feel bad... but... if I didn't keep my nose to the stone....
all the Pins... would the ground.
John... understood this...too...
We Lived...our lives... Praying... we could Keep... all of the Pins...
in the air. <3
By The Grace.. of God... and His Angels....
we Always... Pulled Through.
always....will. : )
after all... we have Folks depending on us......... <3
{For the record... John and I.... never hired a 'sitter'...
{my Best Friend, Roxie.. doesn't count... : ) She's 'Family'... }
Tho... we worked hard...and long hours... when the Kids... were little....
we worked around their schedules...
No...Day Care... No... Sitters.
I'm proud... of that.
{ we never could have afforded them...anyway. : )
another 'Blessing'... <3 }
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Andrea... and Keeden John Snitker. <3 |
<3 <3 <3
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Horsin' Around... and Playin' with The Dogs...
Life... for me...these days....
is Absolutely...Insane.
The ONLY...Moments...of Solace I find...
is when Scout needs his Toenails Trimmed....
and... Sweetie... needs a 'Pat'.. on the head. : )
oh my.
I lost... two days... inside myself... after being put through the wringer... by people...
Critters... are Such...a Gift. : )
The Lord and I.... have had Long... Chats... over Many...Years.
A Minister... told me... when I was 16....
"No, Animals... don't go to Heaven."
uh oh.
From that moment on... I spoke to The Lord... myself... didn't trust anyone..... to convey my Thoughts.... or... His.
: )
I've told The Lord... Many Times... over Many Years....
"if.... our Critters don't go to Heaven.... Lord... : ) send me... where they go.
Heaven... simply... wouldn't be 'Heaven'... for me... without them. <3 "
I Thank The Lord... Every Day.... for His Beautiful... Critters... He has Blessed me and mine... with.
Like Angels... they have carried me...and mine... through some Mighty Ruff Patches.
Today... they were such...a Gift.
Such... a Gift.
The 'thing'... about Critters.... as I have Thanked The Lord for... time, and again....
is the Unconditional Love... they have... for us.
The Greatest... Gift... of All. : )
{Just got the News... John's Oldest Daughter, Andrea... had her little Boy.
Big Boy.
He was an once... over 10 Pounds!!!!}
I'm going to visit them... on Saturday. oh my.
John... would be Thrilled. <3
The 'Once in a Blue Moon' Sale.... is Fast Approaching!
It will be September 4th thru 7th!!!
Oh.... DEAR!!!!
Love, to ya....
Barb C.
{I'd... have to add... 'Horses'...
{all Critters... really. : ) }
to the above... tune. : ) }
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yep... like... The Song... Says. <3 |
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As I was visiting with Justin... in the Body Shop... this Eve.... Sweetie... Claimed an Old Seat... for herself. Yes... She... is a Princess. <3 |
Monday, August 24, 2015
Working...down the rabbit hole.
I am cleaning.... and... cleaning... and...
there was only a path.... through this little area....
just a few days ago.
Things have been Stacked.... and Piled..... in this little Green House... for some... time.
I have not paid it any attention... for.... a long... long... time.
The Girls... have Spruced it up.... during Sale Times....
but... I... have not 'personally' touched... it... for a couple of years.
oh my.
It takes me a LONG time... to 'set' a room.
Details... Details... Details...
oh dear.
: )
I get Lost... in a 'project'... like this.
Between 'cleaning'.... I've been piling... sentimental... Gnarliness....
on the Huge... Light... that hangs in the back Green House.
I bought two.... a few years ago....
They came from a Grand... Hotel.... in Des Moines.
One... was perfect, and sold.. quickly.
The other... : ) had been stored with the first... in a Barn.
A Farmer rolled over it... with his Tractor.
oh my.
John... worked so hard... to put it all back together...
I...Loved... it... when he was done.
I didn't care... if it Never sold.
He brought it back to Life.
When the Boys... were moving it...inside the Green House...
they dropped it....
oh my...
I broke down... and wept.
It wasn't that they had hurt it... any more... than it had been... to begin with.....
It was... all of John's work...
He really... worked hard... to make it 'whole' again.
oh my.
Yesterday... Liz and I... moved it... I wired it all back together... seeing John's Miraculous Repairs....
with every turn.
: )
Today.... as I was 'cleaning'.... I kept gathering all sorts of 'fragments'...
Fragments... from Peg... and other Friends....
Bird's Nests...from Charlie....
Worn... Velvet Pieces....
Broken.... Pieces... from Friends... Long... ago.
{one Beautiful Broken Piece... was from Friend, Eudora............ another...
from Friends... John and Carolyn... oh my...
I also.... ran across a tray... with 'Dug Finds'...from Jerome... oh my.
Treasures... that have been buried.... in the Ground.. for decades.......... }
I began to layer... the Massive Light.... with...
: )
Liz would call my day... 'filled... with Shenanigans'...
When I... can take... my time... Yes.... I fill my day.... with 'Shenanigans'...
: )
When she dropped Miss. Scarlett off tonight....
she peeked inside... the Green House.
: )
Tho... it's still a Mess...
She Loved it...
: )
She said... it reminded her of the Movie, 'Sweeney Todd'.... : )
I take That... as a Huge... Compliment.
I never knew... who Tim Burton was....
until I saw the Movie...
'Alice in Wonderland' with Johnny Depp.
I was Breathless... by his set designs...
Later, I have found... I Loved so Many... of his Movies...
'Beetlejuice'... 'Big Fish'... and... tho... Creepy...
'Sweeney Todd'.
When I saw 'Alice'... I Swore... The Director... 'Tim Burton'.... had visited....
'Rabbit Hole'.
I... have to believe....
He and I... were separated.... at Birth!
: )
I have a Long go... in this little area....
and a Million Miles... to cover... before the
'Once in a Blue Moon'... Open House....
I'll get done.... what I can.
I...won't be rushed.
Mark your Calendars!
September 4 thru 7. : ) ya...
Barb C.
{and... Yes... Danny Elfman... also created the Amazing Tune... above, for 'Alice'....
He also has created Most... all of the Music for Tim Burton's... 'Creations'...
of Course... he did.
Amazing. }
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The Sun... was Bright.... down the rabbit hole... this Eve. : ) |
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Huge Cupboard.... finds a Home... Huge... Vintage Sink... fills the void. : )
Been working in the back Green House.... down the rabbit hole....
the last couple of days....
oh my.
: )
So MUCH... to Move...and Shake. !
The Beautiful... Old Concrete Sink... just found it's way here.
Perfect Timing!
A Huge Pass Through Farm Cupboard... that was resting there... found a New... Home....
Liz and I... carefully walked the Massive Sink.... from the road...
to this open spot!
{We Really should have a Video Camera.... going... when we move these Mountains }
There is Much... to be Done... EVERYWHERE.....
before the
'Once in a Blue Moon'..........
Open House...
over Labor Day Weekend.
oh my.
: )
Lots of New Arrivals....
Fun Stuff.... that I'll be Pricing... to Find... a New... Home.
Love to ya....
Barb C.
Summer... Treats.... and... Feet. oh my.
Miss. Scarlett and me... went to visit Justin and Katie.... the other Evening...
Little Justin was Fishin' with his Grandpa Kevin... : )
but... made an appearance before we left... : )
Justin's Garden....
{I call it that...because Katie said... this year... Justin... has been The Farmer!
Katie is nearly 'due'... Yep... we'll have another Granddaughter... very.... soon. : ) : ) : )
Katie's 'due date' is September 13th.... but... I gotta tell ya.... I'll be surprised it she waits that long....
I took a picture of her.... but.... she said... NOT to post it... : (
She is soooo Beautiful.... but... I understand. : )
Liz and Justin picked us... Some Beautiful.... Produce.!!!!
oh my...
I have been Craving Fresh Tomatoes....
broke down and bought some 'store bought' Romas the other day.
{They aren't my favorite... but... they were on sale. }
I had visited a wonderful Wine Bar....the other day...
'Ramsey's' in Marion, Iowa.
Ordered a salad.... It was Amazing....
They served it with Roma Tomatoes that had been marinated in
Olive Oil... Vinaigrette...Fresh Herbs... and... their 'secret' ingredients....
: )
I had to ask.... what kind of tomato I was Enjoying!
: )
I was stunned... when the Sweet Server... said, "Roma"...
She said.... Romas work well.... for this. They are a solid, firm... tomato, and absorb the marinade well....
{ Yes... they do! }
So... when I purchased the store bought Romas....
I did the same thing... with them.
: )
Picked Fresh Herbs.... that Liz and I have planted here.....
made my own... 'secret sauce'....
{Raspberry Vinaigrette... Salt, Pepper... Garlic...
{LOTS of Garlic : ) }
Olive Oil... Fresh Basil, Rosemary, and Sage....
put 'em in one of our Big Ironstone Servers....
Covered 'em... weighted 'em down.... in the fridge....
let them marinade for a few days....
: )
oh my. : )
{From a Roma?.... Who Knew? }
I am... a Tomato Connoisseur....
I could Live... on Tomatoes... and Onions.
oh my. : )
I eat canned tomatoes in the Winter.... Can't Stand....
Cardboard Tomatoes!!!
I so enjoyed... that Restaurant and Wine Bar.
I was driving/working that day, so.... no wine.... but... I will go back....
with a Driver! <3
They have Live Music there... as well.... oh my. : )
Justin's Tomatoes.... on the other hand...
Need Nothing.
: )
They are So... Sweet and Tart.....
They are Heaven... all by themselves. <3
The Peppers... smell sooooo Amazing....
When I opened the bag they were in... I about Fell Over.
oh my....
There is nothing Better...
His and Katie's Produce.... is sooooo Pretty....
I had to put them in something... that was Equally.... as Wonderful...
: )
Our Beloved... Patched.... Wooden Bowls. <3
They look even Better.... with the Beautiful.... Produce nestled in them.
oh my.
Love this Old... Stuff. : )
A Sweet Gal.... popped in the rabbit hole... yesterday, with her two Sisters.....
{I was so Tired... when they arrived...Liz and I moved a HUGE Concrete Sink... into the back Green House...
{From near the road... a Long... Haul... oh my. }
It's Amazing
I know... I wasn't the perfect Hostess. : ( }
My Friend, looked at an Early Wooden Trencher.... I had bought at Michael's Auction... in Rochester...
It's kind of expensive....I paid 'up' for it....
but, then.... It's Quite a Trencher. : )
I'm bringing it to the House.... until the 'Once in a Blue Moon' Sale.
I would like to enjoy it.... for a little while.
: )
It'll be for sale.... then... but..... I think.... it would like to serve.... again.
As I looked at it, yesterday..... I wondered how long... it had been.... since it had 'Served'....
and... 'what' was the last.... food... that rested... on it. : )
Whose... hands.... served... it up.... whom.
: )
The old Trencher.... must be.... from the early to mid... 1800's.....
like the Bowls.... in this image.....
all hand made.... patched....and patched.... and... patched.
: )
oh my.
I'm working in the
Miss. Scarlett, too.... : )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
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Justin.... Definitely.... has His Dad's.... Green Thumb! |
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Daughter, Liz..does too! {Katie is an Awesome 'Farmer' too............. oh my..... } |
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: ) |
Friday, August 21, 2015
Keep Your Calendars... Open.
I am thinkin'.... plannin'... envisioning.....
the Event... spurred from Gold Rush....
here at Home.
: )
oh dear.
: )
Everything, most every event this year.... for the last few....years... really, have been pulled together from
Thin Air.
From out of... Nowhere.... or....
Back to Back... with no time... to catch my breath.
This One... will be a little... 'Back to Back'... too...
I think... I have the time.... and energy... to do this one...
'with Feeling'....
: )
I'll have more details.... in days to come.
I'm thinkin' it will be over the Labor Day Weekend....
Friday thru Monday.
It'll be my
'Once, in a Blue Moon'... Event.
I call it this....because....only Once... in a Blue Moon....
will I offer the kind of Things that will be included on this...
: )
I'm thinking about Opening up the House.... as well. : )
Stay Tuned!
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{I posted the above Patsy Cline quote.... because it has crossed my mind... so often.... over the last few years.
I used to 'live' by this.
Then... somehow...somewhere along the line....
it was more about
'Git 'n 'er Done'...
'Doin' it... with Feeling'.
Much of it... the loss... of feeling... numbness.... has been here... surrounding me...
to 'save' me.... 'Self Preservation'.
To 'feel'... or have feeling... is such a Gift... in Everything... we do.
your heart... is being crushed....
then.... one is Thankful... for the paralysis.
I am still... so very numb, I see that... in most everything I do.
I am going to find... some 'feeling'... for this Event.
It will be here, at Home... : )
I'm going to see... if... I can find the 'Soulfulness'... that is still... inside, I'm sure... it's there.
: )
: )
I'm going to do this one....
'My Way'...
Guess... we'll all see... what 'that' is.
how 'much'.... 'muchness'.... is left. : ) }
I just posted the tune, above...tonight.
I heard it for the first time... today.
Miss. Scarlett, The Old Gypsy and me... were heading in to Town.
The Old Gypsy... is a Ruff Rider.
I had my mirror set, to watch Scarlett... in the back seat.
She was Bouncing... as much as me.
oh my...
I thought as tired as she was... she might get aggravated by the 'Ride'...
When she saw me... looking at her... she Grinned...a Huge... Grin. : )
As I listened to the lyrics... and bounced....down that Ruff road....
they reminded me... of so many...Loved Ones.... including... Miss. Scarlett...Liz and myself.
Somehow.... it also reminded me of the day... John and I went in to the ER.
We were both... so... very... weary....
John had been so sick...for weeks....
We didn't know... at that point... what was really... the problem.
The ER Dr. came in... and was such an Ass to John... and me.
I just stood there... for a moment... stunned.
Spun around... Fired him... told him to Get Out... and Never set Foot... back in that room....
Told the Nurses to get our Family Dr. on the Phone... Now.
I turned to John....
he had a Big Grin... on his face....
and said....
"Go Get 'em... Mama... : ) "
: )
I think... he's telling me... that... now. : ) : ) : )
I was a little taken back... when I heard this....tune... because.... John... could have written it.
We have said these words... 'Sung This Tune'... to each other...
Many Times...
Many Miles....
Ruff Roads...
<3 <3 <3
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Gold Rush.... and the 'things'... I didn't do.
I didn't get many images of the booth...
at Gold Rush.
I didn't get unload... on time....
I... didn't set elaborate walls.
I...didn't bring the things I'd had set aside....
oh my...
I missed much... as we began to set the booth.
I would have Sworn... we had them loaded... but...
Things were so chaotic... as we were loading... so many... distractions.
It doesn't take many... to trip me up...these days.
So... there are many wonderful treasures... packed... down the rabbit hole...
that are still... waiting.
oh my.
I Did... have Wonderful Help...
Liz... Miss. Scarlett... Lynn and Lea.... Don J. from Amana and....
Barb...from Minnesota... who helped pull rugs off the floor.... when they sold...from beneath our feet....and under Furniture...
oh my..... : )
They sold... to a Most... Delightful... Young Woman. <3
I wanted to Squeeze her... but... it was soooo Hot and Sticky...
'Hugs' were handed out... Loosely... : ) }
She purchased two rugs... One... was one... I have owned twice...
It was Sooooo Beautiful... Room Sized... Covered in Roses.....
barely... hanging together...
It was so tattered.... and worn.
I priced it to her... for the same price, as one we had on the floor.
She asked, if I would consider a little less... for the Floral... because of the condition.
: )
I said...
That rug... was soooo Stunning... in shreds... I told her... I'd never put it on the floor...
would be a Backdrop.
A Stunning... Backdrop.... for a Wall.
I told her... some Folks... would cut it up... and 'create'... with it...
She didn't allow me to finish my sentence....
She said...
"I Would Never.... Cut... this Rug... I'll make it work... just as it is."
{That... is why... I wanted to Squeeze her. <3 She... 'Gets It'... : ) }
Liz and Lea... really whipped the booth into shape....
I... mostly spun in circles.
oh dear.
I am so very Blessed... to have such... Beautiful... Angels... in my life. : )
Not surprisingly... the show was down... for me.
The booth was too sparse.... I'd left.... too much... behind.
The Heat... was awful.
I felt so sorry for the Shoppers.
It was Great... to see my Neighbors... and Friends... : )
all in all...
It was All... Good. : )
I was so wiped out....when we got home....
I fell into bed....
and... slept until 4 in the afternoon... on Monday.
The Heat... sucks the life... right out of ya... oh my.
I'm going to have to have an event... here... in September... to pick up the losses from Gold Rush.
there are some Wonderful Treasures... still...waiting... to be unpacked. : )
I haven't decided... 'when'... but.... I have had some 'Ideas'... flash through my brain. : )
I... think... it's gonna be....
'Over the Top'...
: )
Right here... at Home.
in and around...
The Big Rabbit Hole....
'Our Home'.
: )
The Gazebo is getting a new roof.... soon....
John's Old Oak... would like to have Folks Gather.... under it....
mingle.... and shop....
: )
I will be pulling an 'Event' together...
: )
The October Sale.....
'Fall Harvest Sale'...
will be October 8th thru the 11th...
: )
It'll be Good.
The One...
will... be a
in a Blue Moon...
Don't Miss It.
: )
I posted the tune... above... because.... from the Moment...
I Knew... I'd have to pull an Event Together... for September...
{on the way Home... from Gold Rush... }
This song.... Fit. : )
The images below... are from Gold Rush.
: )
Thanks, to All... who came to Visit...
Hope you know... how Much... we Love Ya... : )
Thank You.
Love... to ya...
Barb C.
{One... thing... I 'Didn't Do'.... made my heart... skip a Beat or Two....
After we left Racine, MN. my Friend, Linda's Shop......
I followed Liz... in The Ford.
We had loaded some things, at Linda's... precariously... on The Ford.
About half a mile... down the Highway... I remembered...
we had not Closed... the Big... Back... Door.... of The Fully Packed... FUSO... Box Truck...
I...was driving.
oh dear.
I pulled over.... looking in my mirror.... behind....
for Debris....that should be Strewn... down the Highway....
The Angels... were riding With!
An Old Rug... was making his way... to the Highway....
I caught him... Just... in Time!
oh dear....
what a ride. }
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yeah.... : ) Insanity.... The Hatter.... oh my.. |
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
When I say.... "The Old Souls... 'find me'....".... I'm not kidding.
This day... began... twisting.... in a Whirlwind!
after all...
'It's Showtime!'
oh... dear.
: )
I had located a couple of Amazing... Early... Cupboards...
a couple of weeks ago.
One... I was Sure... I had owned... many, many years ago.
I knew it... by a knot... in the wood... and an old square nail....that sticks up... that is next to the knot...
on the 'step back'...
{Funny... : ) I remember Grade Schools Friends... by their eyes....
Old Cupboards... by their unusual... imperfections. }
A Friend... was going to take the Old Cupboards to Oronoco... {just North of the show I do...
in Rochester, MN. 'Gold Rush'... at the Fairgrounds. }
Then... due to a pulled muscle... he's not going... and is sending them... with me. : )
Oh my...
Liz and I Hustled...and Bustled.... to get them loaded today...
before Miss. Scarlett's Dr.'s appointment.
Things were clickin' right along....
Had the day planned out.... to the minute.
As I was Motoring towards my Friend's Shop....
in the FUSO... with Liz... and Miss. Scarlett, not far Sally.....
: )
Yes... we would get Everything Done...
I saw Blue Lights.... flashing.... in the side mirror.
The DOT pulled me and The FUSO... over to the side.
oh my.
{These Officers must really.... get a Chuckle... when they pull us over.
Oh My. }
Thankfully... I had all of the paperwork... somewhat... in order.
: )
He pulled me over... because the stickers on the license plate... were covering part of the plate.
John's doing. : )
I smiled this morning.... again... when I noticed it. {Knowing... it really wasn't a 'Good Thing'... : )
I couldn't change 'em. : ) }
Thankfully the Officer just gave me a warning...
Liz... pulled over as she passed....
Was worried Sick... because I'd forgotten my inhaler... and had her grab it.....en route.
When she saw the lights.... and I wasn't in the FUSO... she thought I was sick....
oh my. : )
As I watched all of the Semis pass us.... I told the Officer...
"I'll bet they're Glad... to see this Old Box Truck...keeping you occupied : ) ..."
{I told Liz... as she stood next the window... while I was sitting... with the Officer....
to go on... take Scarlett.... to her Appointment...
We could never make it all happen... now...
Then... turned to the Officer... and told him... if he wasn't busy... on his Lunch Hour... we could use a hand... Loading Some Big... Cupboards!.... }
When he turned us loose.... I told him to Git 'er Done...
Get those Guys.... in the Big Rigs... who actually might be making a few bucks...
at their job. : )
{I am soooo... Naughty. : ) }
He was very... nice. : )
{You should have seen his face... when Liz pulled in... ahead of us...
He said... "Her Plate... is covered in stickers...too....."
I smiled...and said...
"Yeah.... the Same Guy... put those on.... too. : ) "
When we got goin'....
I did a little Shoppin' in Marion....
while waiting for Liz.
I had looked at a Little Norwegian Hanging Corner Cupboard....
a couple of weeks ago.
My Friend... gave me a Good Price.... so... today...I bought it.
There was just... 'Something' about it.... that was soooo Sweet....
I...Love It!
I bought some neat old Shutters... and some Awesome Chairs....
Then... we Loaded.
That...was a Trick.
we got 'er Done. : )
I took the FUSO Home...
and bailed in the Ford...
A Gal had called me about some Iron Fence...
about 20 miles from home.
I had an appointment with her... at 6:30... this Eve.
I looked at it... then... she said she had some things in a Barn...
where her Most...Awesome Old Victorian House was.
: )
I noticed... she had some Rosemaled Furniture... in The Barn...
{We had to unload them... and even had a Mouse.... jump out.... at us.... oh my...
That... was Hilarious! }
I said.... "I just bought a piece....painted like this... today.
Had to... : ) it was soooo Sweet!"...
as I described it.. to her...
she said...
"That... was mine. It came from here... too. "....
oh my.
What are the Chances.... of That.
these Old...Souls...
find their way.
: )
So... We are going to have some Very... Pretty...
Early.... Early....
Hand Painted Pieces....
at Gold Rush!
{Along with the Most Awesome... Old Tavern Sink!!!! }
You can't see it on the below image....
I'll be posting one... tomorrow. : )
It's a DANDY!}
I need to get a few things posted on fb...
Snuggle... with Miss. Scarlett.
Liz is working Late.
oh my...
{Thanks... so Much... to Katie... for watching over her.... while I was Diggin' in The Barn.
Scarlett... Loves.... spending time... with Katie... and Little 'J'... <3
Me Too. <3 }
Love to ya....
Barb C.
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Sweet.... as.... Pie. <3 |
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This is such an Unusual Load... to be Pulled.... this late in the Game.... from a Barn... no less. oh my. |
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Love It All! |
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These Old Shutters... are Awesome. : ) So is the Bird House..... I Love the Fixture... I HOPE... I'll have time, tomorrow... to get it wired. : ) |
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