Sunday, November 23, 2014

For...The Love...of Old.

Oh... my.....
: ) 
Wanda called me this morning.....
asked me if I knew Marlene Wright...
I said... I know a 'Marlene'... she never misses any of the Sales....
here, down the rabbit hole....
She went say.... Marlene...Wright had just passed away....
I said... it can't be the same Marlene....
 I had just seen her at the Mid West Show.... we had visited.... 
We enjoyed each other's company... and Loved many of the same things....
No...who she was thinking of... couldn't be the same person.
I got online.....
to see if there was an image.... on the obituary....
Well... the picture looked a little like Marlene....
but... no...
This couldn't be... Marlene....
not the Marlene... I know.
Marlene, used to work at The Smokehouse Antique Mall....
so... I called Cindy, and asked her...if Marlene's last name was 'Wright'....
{I was wasn't....
 I know their Faces... their Eyes... 
through their Love...of these Old Things...not by last names.... }
Cindy... asked..."Why...? what has happened....? "
my Heart...sank.
oh my....
Marlene was such a Gentle..Spirit.... : )
She always found the most... soulful little treasures.... down the rabbit hole. 
She loved so many Old Things... across the board. {like me... : ) anything... that could be found... in an Old... Iowa... Farmhouse... <3 }
Handmade... Vintage Lace.... to Gnarly...Primitive... treasures....
She... Loved... 'Old'... <3
I think of her... every time... I look at the old tin cookie cutter, above.
I bought Duwa's Amana Auction... several years ago....
Marlene said, when I showed her... what I had splurged on....: )...
 if I was ever going to sell it... she'd like to buy it.
I had paid... dearly for it....because, it was something... I had wanted to keep.
She knew... but... loved it, as much as I..... : )
It's hand made... from early Amana... and... 'Hearts'... and me.... well... 
we go way back.
I Promised her, I'd put her name on it....
{and did...that day. }
 and when I felt the 'need'... to sell... from the House....
She would have first shot. : )
We joked about it... the Mid West... in early October....
I told her... her 'Heart'... was in good hands... : )
and... someday... when it couldn't be mine... it would be hers... 
It Has Your Name on It! <3
oh my..........
After I hung up the phone... with Cindy....
I pulled the Old Heart... out of a display I have it in... next to me....
along with the tag... I'd put on it... several years ago.... with Marlene's number.
oh my.
Cindy and I... are going to the Service... on Tuesday... together... 
I'm sure... we'll see many faces, that have a mutual...
I'm gonna miss that Girl. 
{I have met...the most Wonderful People, thanks to our Mutual...Love... of these Old Things.
What Beautiful... Gifts... they have brought into my life. } ya...
Barb C.
Prayers.... to Marlene's Family... and Friends.

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