Friday, November 28, 2014
Thanksgiving.... past. {and... the Big Surprise.... of the day.... oh my. }
Hope you all... had a Beautiful Day....
filled to the Brim....
with Blessings. : )
I was up...late.... Thanksgiving Eve....
had... a melt down.... : )
Received a couple of calls....
that threw my evening...out of whack....
I had to wait...for one of the calls.... that evening.....
so... kept busy prepping...
Sat down with the 1865 Cookbook....from the Amana Sale.....
searching.... for a Sweet Potato Pie....
then... it hit me.
out of all...the groceries.... I had dragged home....that day.....
I hadn't bought eggs.
I couldn't get any.
{had to be close to all of the paperwork...}
Something... started to boil... inside.
I knew...this was going to be tuff....
It was nearly 7.... by the time I got the call...
then...another followed it.... that rattled my cage...a little more....
all the time.... I was sitting... at the end of the Old Harvest Table...
looking at the chair... at the other end.... would be... empty... for the first.... time....
I forgot to buy...eggs.
No.... Sweet Potato Pie.
I, know.... to some.... that really.... doesn't sound... like a big deal.
It was to me.
a very....Big...Deal.
I sat down.... posted it... of fb.... and mixed a Black Russian....
{John's Fave...}
a little while...later.....
I had a knock... at the door.
It was my Fairfax Neighbor....
with 8 eggs.
and...a Big... Shoulder.
: )
oh my....
What a Blessing... she is.
She told me.... to go to bed.... take things on...
in the morning.
I, agreed.
I...was.... done.
I got a Burst of Energy.....
Whipped up those Pies... scrubbed floors.....
it was after Midnight....
before I turned the oven off....
I had been posting the Progress...on fb....
My Friend, Linda... saw them.... and said... "Are You Still Up?"
"I'm on my way home.... could be 20!"
I told Come On!
: )
She had a couple bottles of wine... under her arm....
We sat...and visited... until 3:30.....
oh my.
Linda lost her Beloved... nearly a year ago.
Seems... we find ourselves... in similar... boats.
As I sat there... and thought.....
while visiting with her.....
It wasn't the Nerve Racking calls....
that had me so....
it was the eggs.
There is much.... I knew, that wouldn't be the same....
this Thanksgiving.
Things... I can't change.
I was soooooo Determined... to keep Thanksgiving.... as close....
to 'normal'....
as I could.
For... all of us.
Without... those Pies....
the oven going...'til all hours.....
well... it seemed.... as I had feared....
nothing...would be....even...semi 'normal'... again.
Who would have thought.... a half dozen eggs...
for a couple of pies....
could important.
I was up... by 7:30.... got the Stuffing goin'... : )
{I want that be my Last Last...Meal.
oh my.... it's insanely... delicious. }
When I told... Kathy, the night before.... I...didn't know how.....
I was going to get through.... the day.... looking at that empty chair....
she said... "Fill it Up... Fill it up... with John's Favorite Things!"
she went on to say....
"John's Here... : ) He'll Never Leave You... He's Right.... Here!"....
I...know, that's true... because... I couldn't stand... being here, without him.....
I'm.... getting through.
My... Soul..... must know... he's here.... or I couldn't find....any peace.
Justin arrived.... earlier than the rest of the Kids.
{He is...Our Early Bird.: ) }
It was so nice... visiting with him.... we seldom..... 'visit'.....
as I looked at him..... such a Big....Man. : )
{when I hugged him.... I said... I think you've grown 6 inches taller..... : ) }
He's a Good.... Man.... : ) John...was so Proud...of Him. : ) {me...too. : ) }
He walked in the dining room..... and.... it hit me.....
Justin... should sit... in his Dad's Chair...
That's what John... would want.
I... simply I looked at The Chair....
"Justin... why don't you.... sit here, today. : ) "
nothing more.... was said...
: ) : ) : )
Liz and Katie.... prepared some Wonderful Pies... and Sides....
Liz, cooked the Turkey... and brought it....
it was Beyond. : )
When Liz peeled the the Turkey....
she said... "Mom.... look at this.... do you see it?"
It was a perfect little... 'Heart' shape........ that the steam... had stained... into the Foil.... around the Heart.
: )
oh my....
: )
We had way...too much food.... but, then...we always do.
As we all sat.... eating away.... it was quiet.....
I heard something....
like a timer...ticking.
I asked.... "What's that....noise.... it sounds like a timer....
{I don't use a timer... for anything...}
what's that.... 'ticking'...sound????"
We...all... looked around..... the room... trying to figure out... where the noise was coming from.....
Then.... I saw it.
Looking right at me.....
{literally.... it has little glass eyes... that move back and forth...when it tics....}
It was the little Owl Clock.
I haven't wound the clocks.... any of them...since John got sick.
That was his...Sunday Job.... : ) and...I said.... until he was back on his feet....
they would stay...silent.
The little clock.... only runs for a day....on each wind..... and... it's missing it's pendulum... so... we never wound it.... much, anyway.... it's...just cute. : )
It hangs...too high...for the little ones to reach....
and... none of us.... touched it...
so... Kathy is right....
John... is... here...with us.....
but, then....
my Heart...and Soul....
already... knew that.
: )
Love to ya....
Barb C.
Well.... I just got a Big.... Surprise!
A Young Woman....... just walked in the House.....
into the Big Room.....
didn't knock....
just... walked in. : )
Polly.... was not... happy.
oh dear.....
{the door was unlocked from the Kids.... going in and out.... downstairs....
I... have been sitting here... crying... as I write....
I'm still in my apron... from yesterday... that I slept in.....
I'm wearing an old ripped and torn.... Flannel Shirt.... under it...
the sleeves.... just hang......big....tares......
haven't brushed my hair...or teeth.....or washed my face.
{I must have looked like an Old Witch to her... as I stood...stunned.... on the landing..... looking at her...just inside... the door.... being harassed Loudly.... by her feet. }
I had one sock on.... but... both shoes.... because the floors are cold.... and didn't bother to look for the other....sock....that's probably... under the covers...somewhere..... a mess.
She said she wanted a wash tub.... for her Christmas Tree.... base.
and...saw I have one.... at the rabbit hole.
: )
I burst out.... in tears.....
{after I got Polly.... put away..... and came to my senses.... of sorts...quickly....took off my shoes...and sock... so...I didn't look... quite... so frickin'.... INSANE!!! oh my....before I walked her.}
The young Woman... felt so bad... I could see.....
oh my....
I sold her the old tub....
apologized... profusely... about the house.... and mines....
and said.... well.... I at least.... made my feet... match... for ya. : )
I explained.... this is our home...not the shop.....
and... I obviously...
wasn't expecting Guests. : )
She said.... "Oh...That's o.k. : ) "
when she left....I locked... the door.
Today.... the day after Thanksgiving....
John and I... always put our tree up.....
{oh... he hated that job.... but... would do it... for me....
there were a couple years.... times were so...ruff.....for one reason...or another..... I'd said... to him....
"maybe...we'll just not do a tree.... this heart....just isn't in it...."
then... I'd come home....
and he'd have it up.... for me.
He knew.... how Much.... Christmas... meant to me.
God Bless Him.....
This... has been workin' on... and workin' on me..... since... he left us....
oh my.......
oh... my.
So.... I sit... back... in my chair... the Old Harvest Table.....
and.... wonder.....
how... do I do this. : )
oh my. }
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
It's Official! Mark Your Calendars... for December 13th and 14th!
Mark Your Calendars!
The Hatter.... says....
The Rabbit Hole... Needs....
some Visitors. : )
Energy... that Christmas... brings... Best.
A...Winter.... 'Wonderland....
down... the rabbit hole. : )
A...Winter.... 'Wonderland....
down... the rabbit hole. : )
I'm handing it all...over to...
The Hatter.
Giving her...a Free Hand.... and let her Magic... do...what it will...
{oh...dear.... }
I lose myself... when I find my way...there....
and... can so...easily.... leave the 'world'... outside.
So... The Hat Goes On....
Come Visit...
and... Bask... in The Holiday....
with us.
: )
Hope to see you. <3
Love to ya...
Barb C.
{ Rita... from The Collector's Journal,{ Vinton, Iowa.}
She... always... gets me goin'....
Love Her... and...The Journal. <3 }
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
The Old... Souls...
When I'm my last match... I light the stove with it... : ) |
One year ago... today. |
true... true...true. |
two years ago... |
I saw a post... a little while ago... on fb, that my Friend, Wanda... had posted.
: )
She put an image on...of a little... old... wall box... that is so wonderful.
It happily sat... inside the Old Drysink Cupboard.... then... hung...on the side... of the Old Cupboard, that came from Dad's... 1850's Summer Kitchen.... : ) : ) : )
She bought it from me... last year, when I sold things...out of the house.
It was so difficult... letting things go....
{yes... everything I let go of... has claw marks. : )
especially...when they come from the house. : ) }
but... times were tuff... and, gotta do... what you...gotta do.
You can either... quit... and lose... or keep forging ahead.
Seems...the the old Forge... has had to stay pretty hot... these last couple of years.
{I know... two different meanings.... <3 }
As much... as I love... these old souls... God Bless Them.... they have carried us... through many trials. forever Grateful... to them, for that.
{makes me...Love them... all the more. }
It doesn't stop, with their sacrifice.... at the point of 'sale'....
The people, I have met, through them... like Wanda, and so many...many others... well....
that makes them... Priceless... to me. : )
The images I posted... were taken over the last three years....
I could have kept going...and going....
many... soulful.... memories. : )
Miss. Scarlett and I...went to Marlene's Memorial... this morning....
I, really haven't been out... for days.
I've a touch... of something... and just stayed hunkered down.
I dropped the key off... last night, with Jon and Heather... {and Little William... : ) }
from the Estate Sale... in Amana. Their Amana house... sold... : )
Miss. Scarlett, and William, are Good Friends.... so we wanted to let them play together, one last time.
{They live near the Twin Cities.... who knows... when we'll meet again. }
They invited us, out for Supper, it was Lovely....
: )
Kathy, the Historian, from Amana, joined us... : )
yes... these old souls... have placed many wonderful Folk... in our lives.
Like... Marlene.
I visited with her Family... briefly... this morning.
Told them... how Blessed, we all were... to have known her.
She...was a Gift. : )
and... will be...Missed.... <3
I picked up...groceries... for Thanksgiving... on our way home....
Liz met the store....and, Scarlett and I... parted ways.
As I was driving.... I got to thinkin'.... how everyone, thinks...I am so strong.
: )
{oh dear.... : ) }
It made me think of 'Cassius Clay'.... {Mohammad Ali }
Dad's All Time... Favorite Boxer.
Dad and I watched... Every Ali Fight.... that was televised....
Ali would take..such the ring...
He was famous... for something called the 'rope -a- dope'.....
Ali, would lay back... on the ropes.... and let his opponent beat on him.... and beat on him....
until... his opponent was worn out.
I couldn't understand... how Ali... could absorb... all of the beatings... then...go on... to win.
until... now. : )
I know... folks are concerned... about me.
Please... just keep me in your Prayers...
{Like I did...when I was a little girl...sitting next to Dad... watching every fight... for Ali... : ) }
Yes.... I am... up against the ropes...
Yes... I am taking some mighty tuff... blows....
don't confuse laying on the ropes.... as a sign of weakness.
: )
but... like a Boxer... even Ali... could only fight one a time.
One round... at a time.
I visited with Peg...the other day... she's fighting her...own 'Foreman'... as I fight mine.
I said... "Ya know... I don't remember... much of anything... about the June.
{I was there...nearly a month... }
Just... 'moments'... of it. "....
She said... "Barb... you were Toast...."
The thing is....
no matter what comes down the line....
I may be 'toast'.... but... like any Boxer... worth his salt....
when he steps in the ring....
you'd never know it.
So... if you don't hear from me... and... when you see me... I look a little ruff....
don't worry...
I'm just layin' on the ropes.... absorbing the blows.....
Ali said...
"Inside of the ring...or out...
ain't nothing wrong... with going down.
It's staying down... that is wrong. "
I love this quote, too....
"Life is like a Boxing Match...
Defeat is not Declared when you Fall....
but when you refuse to Stand... again. "
: )
I'm still... Standin'. <3
{a little dazed... at times....
Still... Standin'.
Keep those Wings... Poundin'! }
: ) ya...
Barb C.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
For...The Love...of Old.
Oh... my.....
: )
Wanda called me this morning.....
asked me if I knew Marlene Wright...
I said... I know a 'Marlene'... she never misses any of the Sales....
here, down the rabbit hole....
She went say.... Marlene...Wright had just passed away....
I said... it can't be the same Marlene....
I had just seen her at the Mid West Show.... we had visited....
We enjoyed each other's company... and Loved many of the same things....
No...who she was thinking of... couldn't be the same person.
I got online.....
to see if there was an image.... on the obituary....
Well... the picture looked a little like Marlene....
but... no...
This couldn't be... Marlene....
not the Marlene... I know.
Marlene, used to work at The Smokehouse Antique Mall....
so... I called Cindy, and asked her...if Marlene's last name was 'Wright'....
{I was wasn't....
I know their Faces... their Eyes...
through their Love...of these Old Things...not by last names.... }
Cindy... asked..."Why...? what has happened....? "
my Heart...sank.
oh my....
Marlene was such a Gentle..Spirit.... : )
She always found the most... soulful little treasures.... down the rabbit hole.
She loved so many Old Things... across the board. {like me... : ) anything... that could be found... in an Old... Iowa... Farmhouse... <3 }
Handmade... Vintage Lace.... to Gnarly...Primitive... treasures....
She... Loved... 'Old'... <3
I think of her... every time... I look at the old tin cookie cutter, above.
I bought Duwa's Amana Auction... several years ago....
Marlene said, when I showed her... what I had splurged on....: )...
if I was ever going to sell it... she'd like to buy it.
I had paid... dearly for it....because, it was something... I had wanted to keep.
She knew... but... loved it, as much as I..... : )
It's hand made... from early Amana... and... 'Hearts'... and me.... well...
we go way back.
I Promised her, I'd put her name on it....
{and did...that day. }
and when I felt the 'need'... to sell... from the House....
She would have first shot. : )
We joked about it... the Mid West... in early October....
I told her... her 'Heart'... was in good hands... : )
and... someday... when it couldn't be mine... it would be hers...
It Has Your Name on It! <3
oh my..........
After I hung up the phone... with Cindy....
I pulled the Old Heart... out of a display I have it in... next to me....
along with the tag... I'd put on it... several years ago.... with Marlene's number.
oh my.
Cindy and I... are going to the Service... on Tuesday... together...
I'm sure... we'll see many faces, that have a mutual...
I'm gonna miss that Girl.
{I have met...the most Wonderful People, thanks to our Mutual...Love... of these Old Things.
What Beautiful... Gifts... they have brought into my life. } ya...
Barb C.
Prayers.... to Marlene's Family... and Friends.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Ya learn something new.... everyday.
The last couple of days...have been ruff.
The Show Season, is over....
My thoughts are turning towards the Holidays...
and important work... paperwork... and battles.
I...can, mostly... function... while I work....
but, every morning and night... still...
tare me apart.
I started thinking about that... this morning.
I've known 'sorrow'...'heartbreak' and 'loss'...
throughout my life.
I've spent time, alone... and struggled....
and... have always... shook it off...
walked on...
Mended the wounds....
and... never forgot... the love... and loss...
that have left the beautiful... scars....
but... I realized...
I never knew...
We have finally met.
This 'Lonely'...
is not... simply being alone.
I... have never really... known, even that kind of 'lonely'...
I can find contentment... while alone.
I... have never really... known, even that kind of 'lonely'...
I can find contentment... while alone.
This... kind of 'Lonely'...
is feeling alone, when you are surrounded by Crowds...
Friends...and Loved ones....
'Lonely'... and I...
had never met...
Whoever wrote the old saying...
"It's Better to have Loved and Lost... have Never Loved at all..."
never met...
When you lose... the One... that kept 'Lonely' away....
kept it...from ever touching you....
crushing... you...
you realize... what a Gift... he was.
I...have never in my life...
'felt' this.....
'Known'... this.
I...was Blessed...
Love... to ya.
Barb C.
The Vince Gill tune...I posted, above...
pretty much...
says it all.
I'm so sorry...for Vince, he wrote it....
oh my...
He's met 'Lonely'.... too.
{click on the top version.... oh my....
the video... is amazing. }
{click on the top version.... oh my....
the video... is amazing. }
Monday, November 17, 2014
Wow.... What Crowds!!!
Holy Smokes!!!
What a Turnout!!!
Junk Jubilee Jingles...
had a Crowd.
oh my...
Miccia Humphrey and her Team.... really made it happen.
We had a ruff start.... getting everything together...last week...
we Got'er Done.
oh my...
I didn't have any idea...what... all was coming off the Trucks....
or...what Mark had....
it was like Christmas.... as they kept piling the Booth.
: )
I decided to create a Gazebo .... in the center, we fashioned from Mark's Porch Posts...
put a painter's drop cloth, canvas top on it...{the same as we use for the walls. }
using old quilt rods.... we carry with us, for walls, on the roof....
It made it possible, to hang a Chandelier, from the center.... and expand, to the back walls, with more Lighting....with extended rods, off the Gazebo...then... goop it all up with fabric and greenery...
{and... Vintage Christmas... of course! }
The Booth... became a Miniature Rabbit Hole....
in a few short hours.
: )
It was such a Gift... having the Most Amazing....
Dream Team!
Liz, Brandon and Kelsey...
were God Sends.
{Load out...we had them...and..Steven! We were packed and loaded out... in two and a half hours.... Record Time!
When Mark and I did this show, in April.... it was Midnight... when we pulled out....
It was 6:30... this time... : ) }
It's usually.... just me... or... my Show Partner....
trying to do it all....
It was Amazing....having the Extra Hands!
We got it put together... Fast....
and..the Kids pulled ALL of the smalls out....
I..never could have gotten to them all.
It was Cold.... Very...Cold....
but... everyone stepped lively...
and made it happen.....
It Snowed, Saturday, into Sunday.....
We thought it might hurt the show...
oh my...
If it did...we didn't notice!
People Came Out!!!
I really...really....enjoy this show.
Everyone... is so friendly... and creative.
Miccia, the The Best.
: )
I, am so Blessed... to have dealt with the Best Promoters .... over the years.
They all work so Hard.... and...Embrace... my Insanity... : )
It was Great seeing so many Folks...that follow the blog....
Thank You... for the Hugs... and Squeezes. <3
Made some new Friends, too.
Kara, bought the old settee and chairs....
She Loved it.... as Much as I.
Just Like it Is....
: ) : ) : )
we are kindred spirits.....
: )
She... is a Beautiful... Spirit. : )
I also visited with Sue Whitney... Author, Designer, and Show Promoter....
I met her many years ago.... at a 'Junk Show'... she was co promoting....and I set up at....
it was great... visiting with her, again.
: )
She invited me to do her New Show... next Spring, just north of Rochester, MN.
I'm... thinkin' about it....
: )
Thinkin' hard. : )
Sue does Everything...Over the Top....
this...will be no different. : )
It was so... funny....
Everything...always happens for a reason.
I wanted to get a picture of the 'Junk' girls.....
Sue insisted... I... be in it.
{Oh Dear!!! : ( }
So... she asked a Gal... shopping in the booth...if she would take one, with both of our cameras....
The Gal... smiled.... and agreed.
I then, shared with the little Gal... who she was taking an image of....
: )
The Gal.... then said... she is a Pulitzer Prize Winning Photographer....and works for a major firm... in Des Moines. : )
Oh My...!
{No wonder... she looked so us... when asked to capture a couple images... : ) : ) : ) {Wonder what she thought...when I handed her, my Patchouli... incensed ... beat up... little camera.... oh dear.... : ) }
She and Sue, began visiting....... and Great Things.... may be coming the Photographer's way... : )
oh my....
what transpires.... down the rabbit hole.....
: )
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One corner of the booth. I forgot to pull the handy broom out.... before the show opened... : ) We kept it busy... wrangling Straw....all weekend! : ) |
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The Little Toy Trucks... were Loved.... <3 |
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The Little Tractor... found a Good Home. : ) |
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Mark kept Busy! and.... he Bought...some Very Cool Stuff.. too! |
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Mark's Awesome Legal Cupboard...sold right away! |
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Much...found New...Homes. |
The Junk.... Girls.
It was Great Visiting with them..... : )
Sue {right} is so excited about her New Show... next Spring....
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The Crowds... were Insane. All Three Days. oh my... : ) |
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Bought this Amazing Victorian Iron Fence... Sunday Morning. oh my... It Is... Stunning! |
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It's difficult to get images...of, even... a miniature rabbit hole. : ) but... everyone who entered.... seemed to enjoy the surroundings. It felt like... Home. <3 |
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