I'm still unpacking treasures... Oh dear... Lots of interesting things... I am scouting for a couple Big Pieces... I keep thinking about an Amazing Cupboard, I saw on the trip to Chicago... It's a lot of money... but...Wonderful... It just keeps Haunting me....It is very Large... 8 feet wide...or so... 8 feet tall...or so... wonderful dry, buttery yellow...with old dry blue underneath... it has open shelves, on the right....{like a Buttery...{buttery; a shelving unit, where you would place butter, in crocks, to cool...on an early farm} and a full working cupboard, on the left side... I Love It! But...the money... oh dear...[sigh]....
I have to go to Illinois, to pick up a Wonderful...Early...Early Loom....In Shocking Blue... soon...{I would be pretty close, to where the cupboard is...oh dear...}
{I just called the guy...and had him put a 'hold' on that CUPBOARD!!!{I can't help myself...just writing about it.... gets me goin'!!!} he shot me a bit better price... oh dear...I need to sell...sell... sell....}{send a prayer...}
I gotta get goin...Gotta make it happen!

This is the Loom....{it's all pegged...so it is in pieces, now...we will put it together, and see how she sings...!} I will try to sell it, as a Loom... first... but...I hate to say it...I may have John make a very cool something out of it...a Most wonderful Table...or Island, type Counter...perhaps... This is Sooooo Old... {early to mid 1800's...and the paint is stunning, in person... very...very cool...}
Love to ya... Barb C.
{I am so glad, I don't know...if someone can see me, in the kitchen... Everytime I hear this song , as I'm working in the kitchen.....I find myself dancing... a Waltz... by myself....{oh dear... } I just love this song... it's happy... peaceful....}
Love your music. Don't blame you for danceing to it. It's been cold & rainy here again today but gentle rain. At least we're not having the storms. Just need some sun. I'll be anxious to see your butter-yellow cabinet. Take care!
Oh Jan...
I am just Heartbroken, about the South... I woke up, with the t.v. reporting this horror, in the wee hours....
My Prayers Go Out To All...
Please take Care of You...and Yours...
Love to You...
Barb C.
Your music is lovely.. is it French? The loom.. I love that blue - gorgeous! :) Can't wait to see your new cupboard!
Yep...It's French...and I Love it too....it means, 'We are in the Dance'...and...we are....
The Loom Is Cool...The Cupboard...I'm still scraping funds, to get it bought... oh dear...I Love it!
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
Do you still have this loom?
Matthew...it sold...during the Sale...
Barb C.
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