Back to the urns....'New', 'Old Stock'..means... they were made many years ago...but stored... The Elderly Gentleman, that made them, is still living... but, has been ill, for many years... he and his Father made many of them, 50 years ago....tho, some were made, only 20 years ago...they would be the newest... they have just set... since he sold his business out....{Many are all Gnarly...from Moss... from sitting under an old Pine Tree... Lovely...} These were originally created for Cemeterys...hmmm...Cool Cemeterys...any more... you can't even have an above ground head stone....I remember visiting Natchez, Mississippi, with Allyson, last year....The Cemetery was AMAZING....
Oh well...
I worked in the shop...'til I had enough...
I'm Done...{for today...}
A HUGE Son...Justin.... he made life much....Much Easier...
It was Great Seeing Katie..and BABY 'J'!!!!
Love to All...
Barb C.
looks like back breakers! Love the bird bath we got from you last year!
have you seen geraniums any where?
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