Pollyanna, my Best Friend, went in for Surgery, Monday... I picked her up, this morning... She is stiff and sore.... and rode with her head on the dash, most of the way home... She is very sad....{she doesn't know why she has been put through this torture...} I have stayed with her all day... and kept taking her out, every hour... to keep her from getting too stiff...The first time I asked her to go out... I had to gently drag her off of her Wing Back Chair....She wouldn't eat, when I got her home...she hadn't eaten anything since Sunday night.... I finally got her to eat some de-boned fried chicken...sliced ham...and cream cheese...{she even turned down ice cream, when John offered it... she Never turns down ice cream...}
Poor Old Gal...
We're turning in....and watch a little t.v.
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
What did she have to get done?
so glad you got your girl back home. Her supper sounds tasty. Hope she is back to eating ice cream soon : )
It was a 'Girl' thing...and..it was more extensive, than our Vet had thought...so...she was put through the mill...I always worry about blood clots...so far... she's coming around...I was pretty worried yesterday...
She's wagging her tail... and being more responsive, this morning...I'm fixing her an omlet, and ham... she's still not eating her food...it's got to be pretty tasty, or she turns her nose up... {even some cheeses she won't eat...Not Like Polly! She'll eat Anything I do! Even Onions! not today...}
Thanks for askin'...
Love, to Ya...
Barb C.
Hey Amy...
She is perkin' up... I hate to see her not interested in food... That Is Not Polly... oh my...
She is getting back to her old self...she got into the trash, when I was in the shop, this afternoon..... a good sign...{who would have thought, I'd be glad she had garbage strewn in the kitchen!}
Love to Ya..
Barb C.
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