I snapped these images, of my Peaceful Place.... yesterday... of some of my favorite things...down the Rabbit Hole....
I know...in a Blink...it can all be gone....I can be gone.... I'm Thankful, for my Faith...and the moments I may have here...with the ones I love....
Prayers to You...
Barb C.
You said what I have been thinking. My heart breaks for all the people who have lost their loved ones. We all need to cherish each minute we live. I need to quit complaining about things that I will have forgotten by tomorrow. I need to quit complaining, period!
Hey Sue...
I don't know if we complain....or just try and figure this crazy journey out....and vent....
We have Much, to be Thankful for... if we can still take a breath...we are Blessed...
And should be Thankful...
And Sue... You can 'complain', here, if you wish.... sometimes, just expressing... and listening to another's point of veiw... makes the Journey a little...easier...
Love to You...Sweet Pea...
Barb C.
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