One, of Many Old Trucks, that were always close by...like an
Old Friend... |
I Love...Little Baby Ducks...Old Pick Up Trucks... Slow Movin' Trains and Rain...
I Love... Little Country Streams...Sleep Without Dreams... Sunday School in May and Hay...
And I Love You Too...
I Love.... Leaves in the Wind...Pictures of my Friends...Birds of the World and Squirrels...
I Love...Coffee in a Cup...Little Fuzzy Pups... Old T.V. Shows and Snow...
And I Love You Too...
I Love...Honest Open Smiles... Kisses from a Child... Tomatoes on the Vine...and Onions...
I Love... Winners when they Cry..Losers...when they Try.....Music when it's Good...
and Life...
And...I Love You Too....
Me...when we lived on the River...in Cedar Bluff, Iowa.... I was 5 here...with 'Roni', and the neighbor dogs...We would make our rounds, to the Elderly Neighbors houses...in the little River Town... and get all sorts of Great Fresh Baked Treats! {and sit, and listen, to the most wonderful stories...oh my...} |
My Sister, Merry Jo...Neighbor, Linda,.. and me...in the middle...with Little Red...
I Lived on Little Red...
Behind is the Trailer, Mom, Dad, Grand Dad, Merry Jo, Brother Larry, his first wife, Susan, their daughter, Ellen and I lived in....
a 10x40 trailer...
It was Great....
{and Folks say my Shop is too Small...oh dear...}
We had a pond, with Geese and Ducks...Chickens... a Milk Cow... and of course our Pooch...Pepsi...{Dad even brought a Little Monkey home...Sammy...he was a Pistol! He and I went 'round and 'round'...oh dear...}
{we lived off of Chain Lakes Road...in, now..."Conner's Addition"... I'm sure named after Dad... He Knew EVERYONE!!! He was a Real Character... oh my...} {if you have never seen the movie "Big Fish"...you won't understand... Liz says, I'm the "Big Fish", in her life... I sat in the Theatre, and wept, watching it... My Dad... The Big Fish...} {his other kids, never realized... his stories were TRUE! and...I think they dismissed them... I Gotta Tell Ya... I was WITH HIM.... when some of those Crazy things{and People} happened...TRUE...TRUE...TRUE!} |
This is me, and Dad... Eating Ice Cream...in that 10x40 Trailer...
Life...is Good... |
This is Dad, and Dolsey...I am amazed at how much, she and Polly look alike..{maybe, that's why I spoil Polly so...I see Dolsey, in her.....} Dolsey went with me everywhere... I rescued her, when she was going to be put down...She Rescued me...Every Day...there after...I was 15, she was 4....She was an Amazing Friend...
She and Dad....are waiting in Heaven... |
This Old Chevy Truck, Hauled and Hauled... I put Many Miles on the Old Gal! {yes...Lynn...I Once Loved a Chevy...actually I loved a Dodge or two...as well... if they are an old Truck...that's their only requirement...I just wouldn't buy a 'new' anything, that doesn't say FORD... {well...I wouldn't buy a 'New'...anything...'Old'.... is good enough for me...but...'Old Ford'...Please...} The Rings were shot...I carried oil, by the gallon... when the oil pressure dropped...and the lifters started tappin'...I'd pull over, and dump some oil in....The linkage was bad, in the transmission, as well.... it would get all bound up... and wouldn't move... {really sucked..when it was raining...or COLD out!}and I'd have to crawl under, with a big old screwdriver... and get it straightened out... then... away we'd go! |
Dad and I were very Blessed... I, am still... I listen to this song...and it brings back such memories...Many, Many Wonderful Memories...some sad, sad ones, as well.... I guess... with all the Sun...there has to be a little Rain, sometimes....
I'll take it...
Love...To You....
Barb C.
{Oh yeah...There is Nothing Better, Than Tomatoes, From the Vine...And Onions....Dad and I Could Eat Them Like Apples...I Still Do! Oh Dear....}
that song always makes me cry. i have not heard it in some time. i will write down the words. to music i can sing with it. alone, in only words, i could not. written, it will stay with me again.
.....music when it's good....and life.
what a great song.
thanks for sharing it, and your old trucks. i, too, have a fondness for them.
in fond regard, Tilda
Hi Tilda...
It makes me cry...too...
It describes my Dad... to a 'T'... and I miss him so...
I put the song back on....if you scroll down, to the bottom of the blog...and scroll to #7 song...and click on it...it will play...
Bless Your Heart...Sweet Pea...
Barb C.
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