Oh my gosh! What a Day!!! Polly{pollyanns} and I took off, on a 14 hour day,and got to view the Mighty Mississippi!!! We ran through an Estate Sale, and one Antique Shop and Consignment Shop after another... Click, click, click!!! We had a great time visiting, and fixing all of the World's problems!!!! We even hooked up with our Darling Sarah, and had a wonderful dinner, and afterwards, she and her Sweet husband, Matt, gave us a tour of their beautiful home...{ I got to visit several of my favorite things, that now live with them, and I want them all back!} Actually, they are very happy where they are, and I know, would never want to leave! We popped in, and surprised Lori, at her new, Darling Store, 'The Junk Asylum'! How cool is that! She is just starting out, and will be opening up in a couple of weeks! YA
HOO!{ Lori and Polly above...} She and her vendors had tons of cool stuff, and I can't wait to go back! My little camera died, or it's batteries, right after I took this pic, so I'll get more, on my next trip! I'm beat, so I'll see ya tomorrow! {We brought back lots of new treasures!}
Barb C.
What a fun day!
Where is the Junk Asylum located?
Sounds like you had a wonderful day filled with treasures and friends. Those days are precious. Thanks for sharing your day and bringing a smile to my morning! Luv~Betty
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