Oh my....Old Man Winter, is truly putting us through our paces... I am so thankful, that the little voice in my head, told me not to go to Nebraska, and do the show... I'd be leaving today, in the middle of a blizzard... I try and listen, more than I used to... we all get those nagging little feelings, and when we listen, after a bit, we don't have regrets... I don't know if Dale and Dan are leaving tonight, or not... I hope not... I remember, a couple of years ago, Colleen and I were heading for Nashville, to do a show. The weather was horrible, the Big Truck is helpless on ice...{everything is} and we got stuck in St.Louis, on ice... It took us 4 hours, to get through St.Louis. Colleen is very patient, and trusts my driving, but as the hours were slowly ticking by, her patience was wearing thin.... I said, don't get too worried, we are being held up, for a reason... We are not supposed to be miles ahead.... we have to be patient... I was confident, we would get there unscathed. As we made our way towards
Paducha, Kentucky, there were tree limbs, bending over, hitting the roof of the Big Truck, and we were driving over tree limbs... They had just went through a horrible ice storm, and had we been there, a few hours sooner, we would have been in the middle of it... We made it, safe and sound... I did come to realize, after that, that we had risked our lives, others lives, the best inventory, that we own, and my Big Truck... Nothing is worth that... I thought about that journey, while I was trying to make the decision, to go to Nebraska, with Dale...and decided to sit this one out...{ long before I knew what the weather was going to do} Do I need the money? Oh yes... Do I need to risk everything, to get it... no. I put my life in God's Hands... He hasn't steered me wrong, ever. I don't believe He did this time, either...
Stay warm, stay safe...
Barb C.
I sat down, to read my daily devotional, this morning, after I wrote my post, and was guided to this message,
Commit your way to the Lord {roll and repose each care of your load on Him}: trust {lean on, rely on, and be confident} also in Him and He will bring it to pass.
Psalm 37:5
Isn't that what I had just written? He said in a much better way, and shorter, too... Colleen and I had
sooo many people praying for us, on this
journey. I really had no fear.... I knew we would get there fine... I felt it... This time, ah, not so much...
I remember that ice storm -- came through here on it's way to Peducah. It was the worst. Can't imagine being on the road. So often I seek His advice but turn around and don't take the time to listen. I'm trying hard to do better. It's freezing here & suppose to get colder. I'm so grateful I have no where to go & can just stay in. Stay warm!!! Jan
Hey sweet lady, I'm glad you did'nt go to that show too. It is not worth it. I can't wait for better weather so we can come out of hibernation and drive down to see you.
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