I'm a sucker, for hearts.... When I spied this early butter mold, at the
Vinton Auction, so many years ago, all hand made, with a tiny little heart, carved in it, well, dare I say it, it stole my heart.... I only wish I would have been wealthy enough, to keep the old wooden bowl, butter worker and mold, together... and the note, telling who made them....
I didn't get started on the shop, yesterday, just worked around the house... Thought I'd give myself one more day... and boy, do I feel better this morning!
I want to give a Big 'Thanks', to Lori, from { altered glass} for giving me a blog award! I am a follower of hers, and love her work... She is a very cool person, that is so creative, and inspiring! Check out her blog, and her wonderful mosaics!
Also want to tell you about a new blog, {
camelot cottons} My pal Stephanie, { fern hill} {
stephanie brandenberg studios} {
lilly mae} has started a new blog, with her latest endeavor, her beautiful hand painted quilting fabric! { I can see it as wall fabric... it is amazing!} be sure and check it out! I follow her, so you can get there from my blog!
I had a wonderful surprise last night, my friend Mary S. {'Dark Horse Antiques'
Janesville, Iowa } rang me! It was
sooo good to hear her voice! Mary has been battling breast cancer, and is doing GREAT! I could tell she is on the road to recovery! She's back to her old self, again,{ chasing raccoons around the barn!} and I am so happy for her, and her family! { husband, Tom, and all of her Cats! { one I gave her last year, a kitten, {munchkin} that is kind of a dwarf, I knew she was the right Mom, for him... He survived, and loves Mary so... They are best buddies!} She says she thinks of me, when the commercial comes on, with the abused animals, and the beautiful song, 'In the arms of the Angels'.{ I put this song on, for Mary...} That commercial always makes me cry...I can't take it... I told her, she is the Angel... Mary has rescued so many cats, hundreds and hundreds... taken them to the vet, neutered and spayed, doctored, and above all, given them the love, they so greatly deserve... She is an amazing woman, in so many ways... She made my day!
Mary said, she's looking foreword to 'Gold Rush', my 'Spring Sale'{see this...{-
yhhhhgb fge} ... as I was editing the post, the cat just jumped on my lap top, and ran across the key board! She's a lucky cat... I have Mary on the brain! Mary's Angel thoughts protected her! She has NEVER done this before! I guess she just wanted to say" Hi' to Mary!}, 'Walnut' and the fall 'Mid-West Show'. We will all be so glad to see her back in the saddle again! She said she has 'dibs' on my daughter, Liz, for her porter, at Mid-West, I know Liz would run from me, to help Mary, anytime! Liz Loves Mary! I hope when you attend these shows, you will support Mary... { I'm not asking for much...she has the coolest stuff!} It has been such a long journey for her, and she is determined to get back, doing what she loves, and being surrounded, by the customers {friends} she loves so! She said she's been out gathering... I can't wait to see what she has come up with!
I'm up early, and feel GREAT! I have a ton of paper work to do, and banking... Then I will get busy in the Shop!
I forgot the other day to mention how wonderful it was to see Bart, Alice and John, {Alice's Wonderland, Mt.Vernon, Iowa} John W. {First Brick & Schoolhouse Antiques, Mt Vernon, Iowa} Gail H., Bob & Joyce { Marion Mercantile, Marion Iowa} at the
Anamosa Show. These Antique shows are so much fun, the vendors and customers are truly like family... The promoters, Cecilia and Jon, did a wonderful job! Can't wait 'til next year!
Well, it's back to the old grind!
Have a great day!
Barb C.
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