I love tis mug... I have had it for years, and enjoy it more and more, each time I read this verse...
Let the Wealthy & Great,
Roll in Splender & State,
I envy them not I declare it.
I eat my own Lamb,
My Chickens and Ham,
I shear my own Fleece & I wear it.
I have Lawns, I have Bowers, I have Fruits, I have Flowers.
The Lark is my morning alarmer,
So jolly boys now,
Here's God Speed to the Plough,
Long Life & Success to the Farmer.
{nothing without work}
This mug dates from the 1870's, and on the bottom it reads: A.W. Gale 'Bee' Farmer...
Well said! Hope you went home and put your feet up. I promise to have a better booth the next time we do that show... I messed up and missed an opportunity. A lesson learned! Great to see you! Big hugs...
I just acquired a similar mug but mine is black transferware that has been coloured. The image and bottom are the same as yours. Can you please tell me how you came to know its age? I've done a web search, but haven't been able to find much.
Thank you.
Hi Etith...!
The one you have....may be a bit newer... than this one... They made them...into the 20th Century...I'd have to see an image of it...for sure...
This one is from the 1800's...and I so Love it...Love the Poem...Very Nice...
Thank God...for our Devoted...Farmers...
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
i have a either honey jar or marmalade jar with lid marked A.W. gale bee farmer marlborough sandland ware made in england its stamped 1663 and 2 brown lines on bottom and in the lid has flowers on front i think they are flowers could you tell me anything about this at all. thank you tara earnest of maryland
Tara...I would have to see an image... : )
send it to www.simplyiowa@yahoo.com Thanks!
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