Well, we got a little snow last night... I don't know how much...why... Because I just got up! It's after nine...See, that's what I'm talkin' about! 'Snow Days'! 'Sleep in', days! 'Can't leave the house', days! Ya Hoo! I'm just guessing, but by the looks of the little Ford, we got around, a foot! It's like a 'Winter Wonderland'!{not much fun to work in, so I won't!} Ya Hoo! Everything is cancelled, the wind is howling, and hardly anyone on the road... I'm going to go soak, in a hot bubble bath, and then do Christmas cards, and clean house... Ahhh, 'Snow Days'...think I'll make a big pot of chicken noodle soup, and let it simmer all day...
I hope everyone stays put, and remembers the critters outside...{ that's the only thing I don't like, about this weather...{don't forget water... they need it more than food...} Bird bath heaters are cheap, and you can get them at home improvement stores...you can put them in a pan, for 'ground' critters, too. {just keep the 'wet' off the plug in...duct tape a bag, before, and after the plug, or ask the store, what they recommend.
I know it is very slick out, on the way home from the store, yesterday afternoon, I was talking to a friend of mine on the phone, and attempting to stop, at a stop sign, all he heard was " whoa, whoa, whoa...", as I'm sliding, and watching cars pass in front of me... and then a sigh of relief, when at the last second, before I entered the busy intersection...the little Ford, obeyed it's command, to STOP! Just then... 'Bang', a man behind me, who didn't have his truck trained as well at 'whoaing', as the little Ford, hit me... Dang... We pulled away, from the slick intersection, I jumped out, looked over my truck, he bailed out, and examined his, we looked at each other and said, "Looks good, have a great day, see ya!" That Angel must have been working for both of us... no damage, no injuries...{His truck was brand new, 30 t0 40,000...yikes...}
I will be taking some images, later...for now, it's Mr.Bubble's...
Stay warm, and Safe! Stay Put!
Barb C.
Barb I am so with you on the critters needing water. We have a small Koi pond next to our patio. We keep a cattle trough heater in it in the winter. One it keeps the Koi from becoming ice cubes and 2-all the critters have a water source. I love watching all the birds come get a drink. Every morning the we have tracks from all the night critters that come in too.
I'd give anything for an ol' claw-footer right now...Calgon take me away...my mom had to call and tell me that her air conditioner just kicked on...yup, Florida dreamin' again...but ya just can't beat all these wonderful ol' Iowa folk! It's my home and it always will be, we're hardy stock and know how to handle a measly ol' winter blizzard...right...but I was smart this time, while it was still raining last night, I hung a plastic tarp on the driver side window so the rain wouldn't freeze my door shut like it did last year. Couldn't start my truck for two days, so the battery was dead, $75.00 for them to jump it...NOT...and it worked like a charm!
However, digging out a pee spot for Scratchy wasn't that easy, the wet snow would not come off the shovel...her pee trail is much smaller this year...till we get a thaw anyway.
Stay warm, don't blow away and have a wonderful day off, I'm finishing painting a piece for Sisters...never a dull moment for this Iowa hussy!!!
See ya!
Sounds like the perfect day!!! Enjoy... I'm trying to keep three little girls (a neighbor girl and my own) busy. Wish me luck -
We just had flurries but very cold & the wind is howling. Could hardly sleep last night for the wind. I stayed in my pj's all day & got most of my decorating done. Love having a day to stay in. Stay warm. Jan
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