Bob Jacoby,{right} owner of 3rd Street Resale, with brother Dave, stand, with smiles on their faces... Not so, just a year and a half ago... Bob's store, was completely under water, due to the horrific flood, that hit Cedar Rapids, Iowa, with a vengeance...{ and little warning } We all thought it was over, for the small businesses, in and around the 'Down Town Area', and Czech Village community... The losses were unimaginable...What was reported to be, "up to several feet in the basements", turned out to be 8 feet, on the main floor. Many buildings had water up to their roofs... I am so proud of Bob, and others, who tirelessly worked to save their businesses... And helped others, who were struggling to get things to higher ground... Mid-westerners are a hardy bunch... They don't stand around and wait, they dig in, and get 'er done....
It has been a tuff road, for Bob, and so many others, there are many, still in the process of rebuilding...
I was delighted to see his store, up and running... The little Historic Community truly is getting back, to the way things were, before '08... The shop is wonderful! I found several treasures, like I always did... You never know what you might find there! He has some great friends, that have spaces there, that keep the shelves full, and new stuff, added every day... Bob carries everything from early country primitives and stoneware, to jewelry, record albums, retro 50's, paintings, and, oh yeah...just what I needed...Vintage Christmas!!!
Bob's store is fun, and diverse...and best of all...OPEN!!!
I hope when you are in the area, you will stop, and check out 3rd Street Resale... You won't leave empty handed!
Don't miss the other great stores, just across the river, in Czech Village! It is amazing to see all of the progress, and we truly need to support them all...
Barb C.
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