An Angel riding with, on a 300 mile day, with Blizzard warnings looming, is always a 'good thing'. She got to see a huge part of the state, yesterday...From southern Iowa "Duwa's Auction", Wellman, Iowa, to Manchester, Ia.{ Bob and Vi's} up north... Wonder what she thought... She's gonna see a little more, today, before the rest of the snow, gets here... They are saying up to 10 inches, with 50 mph. winds... An Angel is always good to have looking over your shoulder, with this headed your way!
Colleen and Sarah, told me about her, on Saturday, so she called, and left a bid, for me... She isn't as old as I had hoped, maybe 20, or so, but her face is wonderful... and that is what I always look at...she has that 'old world', look, that is really timeless... With a Blizzard predicted, for Tuesday, and Wednesday, I thought I had better get all of my running done... and for the most part, did... just a little left this morning, and then I'll hunker down.
The Angel, she's stayin' put... we loaded her with a fork lift, and I will need to back into the ditch, to roll/walk, her off... The snow has put an end to that idea, so until it is done, and I can shovel a path, she'll be my protector. A 300 pound Angel, is much cooler than 'sand bags', for weight...maybe I'll start a new trend!
John and I pulled the old Pie Safe, out of the shop, early yesterday morning...It sold over the weekend, and I didn't want to take it out in the snow, it will be picked up, before Christmas. We tucked it in his shop, it's much closer to the road... Scout's stall, is all cozied up, but he seems to enjoy standing out in the snow...{Crazy Horse!} It's funny how we just get into 'Winter Mode', when the first major snow hits... I'm ready for it...I love the snow, and when you 'have' to stay home, it feels great!
Thanks to everyone who came to the Primitive Open House... I think we all had a great time...The shop is done, {minus a big hole where the pie safe was, and I put a wing back chair in last night, with more stuff coming in, later this week...} I'm being very careful, not to just 'dump' stuff in, and see Peg, rolling her eyes, as I move things around... and I am trying to keep things organized...not one of my long suits...
Dave and Tammy came over last night, and bought the huge urn... another friend of mine had wanted it, but between her and I, we couldn't get it off the truck...really...I warned them...when I say something is dangerously heavy...it's heavy... I asked her to try and just move, or slide one end, before we attempted to get it off the truck...she couldn't budge it...{and she's as stout as I am... we all were 'believers', after that...} It rode all day with, and gave company to the Angel, a wing back chair, and a big old cupboard...with tires rubbin' on the truck bed,with every 'dip' in the road, most of the day... Dave and I, got it slid into the bed of his truck, and my little truck sighed with relief! I think Dave was surprised, on the weight...I am confident, it weighed at least 300 pounds... maybe more... I have moved motor blocks, that have weighed less...We used a huge iron 'breaker bar', under the lower center, and with one of us, on each end, we lifted, and moved it, about four inches at a time... I offered to help, when the time comes, to unload...he said they will have help...I am thankful...{ I was tempted to weigh the truck, and find out exactly, how heavy this piece is, but, I really don't want to know...} When we stood it up, in the back of their truck, all the agony went away...it truly is the most stunning urn... and well worth all of the struggle... I know.... I am a sick person...{ I found out yesterday, that several of my friends had seen it at the sale, and 'passed' on it...wonder why?... Smart people... To be honest, I'd do it all over again, in a heartbeat...it is amazing...}
Barb C.
Oh I love her!! Who needs a hood ornament when you have an angel peering over the cab. :)
Barb, what can I say... you are an amazing woman and not that you need angels following you, but wow, how nice to have one visable, watching over you! Glad you decided to put it in the back and not use it as a hood ornament!!!
I love the snow too and just had the pleasure of playing out in it as I was (slowly) filling bird feeders. It has changed to spitting ice, coming down pretty good. Can you talk to that angel to send a message, please no power outages...
Enjoy your inside time... hugs
Funny what you'll do when you have to. I have a little red wagon that I use when I can't lift it myself. Looks like you're getting quite a little snow. We'll look forward to pictures. Stay warm! Jan
Love your angel... I am going to email a link to something I saw on craigslist and thought of you... if it is still available, that is. I hope you have a fantastic snow day and relax a bit. I'll be heading up to the shop at some point, but just to get a few things ready for our anniversary sale that starts tomorrow. I have plenty to do at home today. I left a note on the door last night that said... If you're here and I'm not, call me and I'll come... we'll see if I have any really brave costumers out there. Love ya
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