Linda and Larry, from 'Painted Pony' Antiques, invited Dale and I to come over for their Holiday Gathering...It was a wonderful time... They are the very best Hosts, and kept my Wonderful, Homemade, Pomegranate Margarita's, filled up, all evening...{Dale was driving....} Their home is absolutely stunning!... It is a Log Home, with the most beautiful loft... I could have easily stayed right there... It is furnished with the best, early pieces, I have seen, in a long time... They both love the same things, so it is easy for them to decorate, and gather wonderful treasures, they both are happy with!
It was fun to see everyone! Lots and lots of folks came, and visited... All with the same interests, and passion, for this early country style... Larry and Linda have just added on, and created a wonderful room, for their 'Twice a Year' sales... It is great! They already have it stocked up, with lovely old primitives... I can't wait for spring!
Linda really outdid herself, with all sorts of treats, and snacks...{my diet starts in January! I'll be 'fasting' for a month!} I wish you all could have seen it, the way I did... the lights low, sweet, spicy cinnamon, wafting through the air, friends laughing, stories told, about antiquing adventures... oh yeah, it was a wonderful time...
My images, without flash, went blurry... {I'm sure it wasn't the Pomegranate Margaritas...} So maybe when I attend their Sale, in the Spring, I'll capture some better ones! All I can Say is...What a Treat!
Barb C.
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