Our Old Mama Cat, has decided she will reside on the old Christmas Tree Stand, I bought from Tom and Paula, earlier this year at my sale... It's wired, so the tree will turn, but the wiring is in need of a re-do, so it will just be a stand... I love it! And apparently, so does Mama Cat... She has been sitting on it, or inside it, since I brought it in, last week... I have a feeling, she isn't going to give up her favorite spot, easily...{ Justin dragged her home, 12 or 13 years ago.... I said, no inside cats! Well, we now have 4, residing under our roof... See that look on her face, she always looks at me this way... Pure love, and admiration, for John, the 'Cat Man', me, I'm the litter box cleaner... Her servant... They climb on John's lap at night, and sleep with him...3 on his lap, and one, at the top of the recliner, over his head...Like a big furry hat!!!When he gets up, they follow him everywhere... The dogs don't mess with them, I saw them all gang up on Polly, one time, when she got a little too ruff... She was put right in her place!}
I took the day off, Sunday...Well sort of... Went and got a load of hay, for Old Scout, and worked on some of the furniture, I purchased last week... I had wanted to get the tree up... but it didn't happen... Maybe today, they are calling for ice...yuk... I don't go anywhere on Ice!
I had a wonderful surprise, Saturday! Sarah and Matt came to visit! On an Ironstone Hunt! I am always so glad to see them, it's nice to see young folk, diggin' this old stuff! Sarah showed me pics, of their beautiful home, filled with great Antiques, all dressed up, for the Holidays! I need to get my own done! Christmas will be here in a Blink!
Barb C.
{Baby 'J', turned one month old yesterday.... I had to call, and wish him a happy '1st' month!}
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