Thursday, December 31, 2009
Old, Old... Mortar and Pestle...
Now This is Lace....
The 5.00 Platter...
!6 inch, Early 'Wheat' Pattern
Early, Early 19 inch Ironstone Platter...
New Years Eve Run
Yeah, most normal folks go to parties, and visit friends, on New Years Eve... Not so, with Antiquers.... Well, we 'go out' alright...Go out 'Antiquing', that's our celebration! No wonder, people don't consider this job, work.... {Make No Mistake...This Is Work...} However, we just happen to love what we do... It's like a 'Party', every day! My daughter, Liz, and I took off this afternoon, and headed to Mt.Vernon! Polly, {pollyanns} had found, thinking of me, the most awesome Transferware platter, at a tag sale, for 5.00... Oh my... she is such a darling, it is stunning, and a keeper! We stopped over, at Kate and Justin's, and I got to squeeze the babe... Liz did too... Then we headed for Mt.Vernon! We harvested all sorts of wonderful treasures!!!! Hit the Grocery store, and called it a day...
Happy New Years Eve!
Barb C.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Here's a Few, of my Latest Gatherings...
A Southern Iowa Run!
Had a wonderful day, seeing old friends... Stopped by Sister's Garden, { sisters'gardenandbloom} I was going to shoot some pics, but her blog is amazing! Check it out, if the address doesn't get there, checkout who I follow, and go from there! Oh my, I bought all sorts, of you guessed it.... Christmas..... Oh boy! I headed out from there, to Kalona, Iowa... I had a long over do visit with Ken and Brenda Herrington... They own, Kalona Antique Company, and Ken also has an Antique Furniture Store, and is one of the best refinishers, I know. Then I ran the shops in Iowa City... I was on a tight schedule, so didn't make it to Barntiques, near Sisters' Garden, but will not miss it, next trip! My last stop of the day was Artifacts, I Love that store! { I love Decorum, too, just 2 doors down, but Mark is open the same days, as I am, so it makes it tuff, to get to his store!} { I always press my nose on the window, at Decorum, and scope out the cool stuff! Now Mark knows who leaves all of those 'nose prints'...sorry...} I had a great visit with Todd, at Artifacts, and found, as always, some really fun Stuff! I will have the store open, this afternoon, and will be working, filling in holes, I created, yesterday... We got more snow, last night, so the roads are a little yukky!
Have a Wonderful Day!
Barb C.
Monday, December 28, 2009
This isn't the little stand, I wrote about, it's one that is in my house.... I was drawn to this little Walnut charmer, while running shops, in Fort Madison, Iowa, {on the Mississippi} years ago, with my old friend, Julie.... It was buried, in a booth, with tons of stuff, all over it. I spotted it, as we were leaving, and carefully unearthed it. When I pulled the drawer, to see the beautiful hand dovetailing, it was all over... Then when I flipped the drawer over, and revealed the wonderful 'makers mark', I about dropped! I knew it was a keeper! I have enjoyed it, for many years, and keep it loaded down with an old Dough Riser, that holds all of my bills, and receipts.... It's a handy little stand, and I love it!
On The Road Again!
I'm taking another road trip, either tomorrow or Wednesday! Maybe both!!! I have deliveries to make, and I can't wait to get on the road again! John's been working overtime, to get all my projects done, I'll be pulling some furniture out of the store, and can't have a 'hole' anywhere... It drives me nuts! I'm hoping he'll get the other Harvest Table done, and another Old Cupboard, finished, so I can get the 'Primitive Corner', filled in! I've got some pretty cool, old, old pieces, that just need a good bath, that I would like to get in! They had been in a barn, for about 20 years, one darling little 1840's Walnut Side Table, really touched my heart. It had endured a fire, at some point, in it's life, and one of it's back legs, and a little of it's apron and top, are charred... I can see it, with the fire raging, someone, throwing it out of the house, to save it... It probably will never sell, but I just had to buy it... My friend, I bought it from, thought, maybe I could 'part it out', and use it's drawer, and wood, for something... Oh no... It will stay complete, at least, in my hands... It made it through a fire, and 20 years in a barn, I'll have it smiling, and put to good use, displaying something wonderful, and worthy of it's endurance!
Barb C.
Happy Trails!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Grandma Emma { back row, 3rd from the right}
I went to visit my Mom, last night, and take her some Oyster Stew... She loved it. It was a tradition, with our family, at Christmas, or Christmas Eve, to have Oyster Stew... Mom is in a nursing home, and has many severe health issues... We had a wonderful visit, she tends to get quite negative, about life, and where she is at, and who wouldn't, being 89, and having no control about her life... So I try and talk to her about her parents, being raised on the farm, her Christmas's on the farm, as a child... what her mother liked to prepare, for her family.... My Mom just lights up, when she talks about those times... I asked her, {I didn't know my grandmothers, they were gone, before I was born} "Was Grandma Emma, about your height?", mom said, no she was shorter.... I said, "shorter than you? I didn't know they made people shorter than you!" { shes 5'2, I'm 5'8, it's a good thing my Dad was 6 feet tall!} We both laughed! I admire the people who work, at the nursing homes... They put up with a lot of grief... They could work at a convenience store, and make as much money, but they choose to work with the elderly. It's a very difficult job, I know, I took care of my mother, in her home for several years, before she got to difficult for me to maneuver... It was the most heart wrenching decision I have ever had to make... Guilt, anger, feelings of inadequacies, and plain and simple, letting her down. I look back now, and see, like my Dad would always say, "If you know in your heart, you have done the best you can, that's all you can do, no regrets." And doing your 'best', is different for everyone, and no one should judge, I know, I did all I could do, my Mother would not be safe, with me... she needs 24 hour care. It takes 2 people to transfer her, even into bed, her legs just wont work, anymore. I feed her, when I visit. She has a hard time eating, now that she's totally blind.{ and I think, due to her brain tumor, her left hand, will not work, unless she really concentrates...} The staff makes her feed herself, and that is a good thing... it keeps her some what, independent.
When we visit about her Mother, you can see how much she loved her... She was a jolly Czech woman, a wonderful cook, and extremely hard working... She made everything fun, for the kids. Mom said she was always whistling, or singing while she worked... Mom said, Grandma was a 'closet smoker', one day she was hanging clothes out on the line, smoking a cigarette, and here comes Grandpa, out of the field, behind her... when he spoke to her, and surprised her, she stuffed the cigarette in her apron pocket... Grandpa kept talking, and the pocket kept smoking, she kept listening to Grandpa, and patting her apron....I'm thinkin' Grandpa was waiting for her to admit, she was smoking, she never did... Mom said, at Christmas time, Grandma would tell them stories, and which Reindeer would land first, on the roof of the Old Farmhouse, Mom said, she'd make it sound so real, they were all mesmerized... The animals would all get an extra ration, on Christmas Eve, and Grandma always baked up a storm, and had the best pastries, Christmas Day... Mom said the old house was so cold, in the mornings, there would be frost, on their blankets...She and her sister, Helen, {only 9 months apart, most people thought they were twins} shared the bed, upstairs. Mom was the oldest, and helped her Dad farm, and milk cows... She said many cold mornings, she'd put her feet in fresh cow pies, to keep them warm. I'm so glad, she looks back, and smiles, and laughs... It's such a gift, to see her, that way.
I'm taking the day off, the kids are coming over, and I'll fix something good to eat, and squeeze the baby, a little...
Back to work, tomorrow, I'm leaving 'Christmas' up, 'til after New Years Day... and loving every minute of it!
Barb C.
{ I found this old photo, as I was organizing Mom's night stand, and asked her if I could have it, she said sure. It's the only picture we have of her Grandparents, and Mother, we had a fire, when I was a child, and lost all of our family photo's. I'm hoping my cousin will share some of hers, some day... I'll treasure this one.}
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Ahhh, Sweet Lorain's Fudge...
Christmas Past....
Well, I slept in this morn. Not by choice, I was up at 2:00 a.m., with the nastiest heartburn, I have ever had... At about 2:05, I started recounting my Christmas Day's indulgences... I don't get heartburn, my stomach, I am positively sure is coated with iron... So, I'm thinkin', what in the world, did I consume, that could cause this misery... Hmmm. Well, there was turkey, with a mountain of mashed potatoes{with loads of sour cream, and garlic} and gravy, oyster stew,{ everything laden with butter, of course} salami, cheese, sausage/apple dressing, cranberry relish, radishes, dill dip, chocolate, of all varieties, {Santa was pretty generous, with the stockings this year! Lots of Chocolate!} Fudge, and more fudge... You see, we always get a huge box of Fudge, from Sweet Lorain... I consider myself a 'Fudge Connoisseur', I have sampled fudge, since I was a child... To date, tho many have been absolutely delicious, there is none,{ and I mean 'NONE'...} that can come close, to Sweet Lorain's...Oh My... Oh yeah, I ate that big Cadbury bar, and several white truffles, just before bed... Hmmm, maybe it was the Truffles... Oh, I did have a glass of wine...just before bed, with the truffles... Hmmm, nothing out of the ordinary... I don't know, but I do know it was after 5:oo, before I fell back to sleep, in the recliner, sitting strait up... I tried to lay back, uh, no... my iron stomach, wasn't having any part of that... I think I'm going on a rather 'bland' diet, for a day or two...
As I was rolling down to Missouri, earlier this week, I had a Kenny Chesney CD, blaring, and one song, really hit home... Fast Foreword... I'm Livin' in Fast Foreword, and I need to Rewind Real Slow.... Oh my, one of the lines he sings, reminded me of someone....... " You're body's a temple, that's what we're taught, I've treated this, like an old Honky Tonk, greasy cheese burgers, and cheap cigarettes, they're gonna get me, if they ain't got me yet"....Well, something 'got' me last night...
Liz came out yesterday, I told her not to, the roads were a mess! Justin, Kate and Baby 'J', didn't, thank goodness! I wanted them to stay put! Liz made it home, fine, but I always worry... We had a lovely day, visited with my Mom, on the phone for an hour and a half... I was going to take Oyster Stew, in to her, like always, but I didn't want to get caught out, on the slick roads... I'll make it in today or tomorrow. She was fine with that, she worries too. It's a 'mom' thing...
I think the kids are coming out tomorrow...if the roads are good...My sister, Merry Jo, called, she lives in Washington State, we had a wonderful visit... She's eight years older than me, and always will be...ha, ha, ha! Oh my, how we used to fight, and I mean about everything! I hate to admit it, but I think the reason is, we are sooo much a like... I've always thought we have a little e.s.p. I remember, one time, my Mom and I were scouting out birthday cards, for my other sister, Chery, and I ran across one, that was perfect for Merry Jo, I turned to Mom, and roared, "Oh my gosh! Look at this card, {I'm very fussy about cards, it may take me days, to pick the perfect one!} This is NOT, one for Chery,{ Chery was one of my best friends, she thought I could do no wrong, and was truly the wind beneath my wings...} but it fits Merry Jo and I to a T!" It had a little Pink Flamingo on the front, she was sipping tea, and smiling, it read, " Happy Birthday Sister, Do you remember, how we used to argue, over the littlest thing? { then inside, it said} "What do you mean, NO!!!!" "Happy Birthday, anyway!" It cracked me up! I didn't buy it, why, I don't know... Merry's birthday is in September, Chery's was in April, and mine, just 7 days after Chery's, in May... Well, Merry Jo called, on my Birthday, to tell me my card would be late, so I had to tell her, about the darling little card, I had seen, but didn't buy, that fit us, sooo perfectly... I was laughing so hard, as I was telling her about it, but all I heard was silence, on the other end... I said, "Don't you think that was perfect?" Her reply was, " You'll be getting it in the mail tomorrow..." We figured out, that we had been looking at the same card, at the exact same time....2000 miles apart.... {she was shopping for Chery and I too, the same time, Mom and I were shopping...} Life is strange... I know other Sister's that have had similar experiences... This happens with my close friends, too... Coincidence? Nope, I think Love and Caring, can travel any distance.
I'm going to clean up the messes I left last night, and then put on some Oyster Stew...
Have a Happy Day!
Barb C.
I hope everyone had a Great Christmas! I'm enjoying some of the wonderful coffee, that Barb H. gave me for Christmas! Mmmm Mmmmm.! She also gave me a Sponge Bob's Christmas DVD, that girl knows me too well! Great Coffee, Sponge Bob, and Chocolate... all is right with the World...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Well, as I predicted, I have the tree done, just moments before Christmas Day! I spent the afternoon, loading the 12 foot tree with all sorts of ornaments...I always say, I am going to count, how many I pile on the tree, but can never keep track! There are hundreds! I put several trees up today, and cleaned the entire downstairs...I don't think I have really cleaned it since last Christmas! I was all alone, so I cranked up the Wonderful Christmas Jazz,{ I think I had the windows rattling!} and Gnarled up the Tree but good! I didn't put a topper, on the very top, just a wreath... I am scared to death of heights, and with the tree swaying back and forth, I wasn't going to push it! I threw buckets of tinsel on, I Love It! I even found gold tinsel, this year! Ya Hoo! When John got home, I had him hang the old Christmas Bell {used on a streetlight} from our chandelier... It looks beautiful! We have an old wreath, that I usually hang, on the sideboard, but I gnarled it up, to match the tree, and placed it on the newel post, at the bottom of the stairs...It turned out pretty cool. All of the toppers, I scattered throughout the tree, and wreath, came from my friend, Dale... He is really keeping me stocked up, on toppers! All in all, it didn't take me as long as I thought it would... She's all ready for Christmas Morn...I think I'm going to pour myself a glass of wine, and go admire the tree... All of the ornaments I put on today, have a special meaning... I can't remember anything, but I can tell you a story, for every ornament, that went on the tree... That's what decorating a tree is all about... Memories...
I hope everyone has the most Wonderful Christmas... Full of the Happiest Memories....
God Bless us, Everyone...
Barb C.
p.s. I had to add a 'before' image, of the tree...Hmmm... Maybe I should listen to something other, than Christmas Jazz...Ah, No Way! Doin' this Tree up, was a Blast!!! I was dancin' the entire time!!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Oh, The Weather Outside is Frightful....
I wrote a long post, yesterday, about a 400 mile day, but with one silly 'edit' move, lost it... and thanks, Pam, for the comment! It's gone too... The story was much too long to re-write, but it was all about Holiday Spirit... I was moved...By the the Spirit...
The weather outside is mega yucky.... Wind blowin' lights flickering... Rain, but I hope not ice... I went to Missouri, yesterday afternoon, to take Peg her Christmas Gift... I surprised her, and we both were in tears... It's so much fun, giving something, to someone, that you know will make them happy...
I just ran to the store, and am going to hunker down... I am hoping to have images of our Christmas Tree, tomorrow night... Just in time....
Barb C.
Monday, December 21, 2009
The Gnarly Footwarmer...
Peg's Hummingbird Gourd..
A Long Day....with the Two Angels riding 'shotgun' all the way!
I decided to take a run, down South, early this morning...The weather doesn't look good, all week... I called Peg, to see if she would like to meet me, and have lunch, and it was a date! I flew down, picked up what I need to, then hooked up with Peg. and we did a little junkin', had a wonderful lunch, and great visit! I stopped on the way home, and visited with my Dear Friend, Charlie...who had saved me some darling birds nests! He had some fun stuff, and we scrounged around, in his barns, and we pulled out some neat old stuff! By then it was getting pretty dark, and the snow was headed my way, so I bid him a Very Merry Christmas, and headed towards home... I still had 90 miles to go, and all of my Christmas shopping, and grocery shopping to do... Gotter Done! I didn't know I could spend money that fast... My little debit card is still smokin'! It sounds like I may be grounded, with a huge storm rollin' in, and I have plenty to do here! { the roads were bad, on the way home, I had to lock in the 4wd!}I have received so many wonderful e-mails, and comments, I love them all, and all who wrote them, Thank You...It's almost 11:00, and I need to find a chair... I'll post more in the morn...
Barb C.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Memory Tree...
Well... o.k., I didn't get the tree done...but for a very good reason... I chose to make a few memories instead... My dear friend, made it up to see me...and our visit was priceless... I love her so....
The tree will get done, and when it is, you won't be able to see one spot, of a bottle brush tree!
Barb C.
A Peaceful Day at the Shop...
I spent the day at the Shop... It was a very peaceful time... Had a few, very sweet folks, come to visit, and shop...{ Allyson brought out, yet more goodies!..and Amy brought out some darling Christmas ornaments!...} I was determined to get started on my little memory trees, and sprawled all the parts and pieces, out on the old harvest table... But just as I would get ready to glue, someone would pop in... they were all a welcomed sight, but, I didn't even get one, completed... I'll get a picture of one, done, today... I wasn't going to work in the Store today...but... I have a dear friend who may be coming over, and I don't want to miss her... I have all of my Christmas shopping to do yet! I also have to squeeze a Southern Iowa run, in, either Monday, or Tuesday... If the roads hold up, Peg and I are going to have lunch, somewhere on the Missouri line... I still don't have our tree decorated, I will get it done, probably minutes before Christmas, but it will stay up, thru New Years Day...
It's snowing, a gentle, soft snow, and looks like a Grandma Moses painting... it's beautiful... I snapped a few more images of the shop, for my Canadian friend, Bev... No one believes me, but my store is not suited well, for photo's, you simply have to experience it in person...
It was quiet enough yesterday, that I could actually stand back and enjoy the work Peg and I have done... It really is, a pretty cool little Store... I said it, several times, yesterday, what a blessing it has been to us... so many of us...and how? It has sent us, all over the Country, introduced, not just me, but many, to some of the most wonderful people in the world... not to mention, the Angels, that have walked through the door, on a daily basis... oh my, the stories I could tell, about that little Store.
I remember, several years ago, on a cold and snowy evening, a large man came walking in, just as I was closing...{ late, it was after 7:00}All dressed in fur, behind him, followed two of the most stunningly beautiful, black haired women, all dressed in formals, and furs... They spoke with a heavy accent, so I asked them where they hailed from... "Russia"... The man replied.{ in a tone, you would expect, gruff, deep and growly} I was puzzled, what in the world are they doing, in Fairfax, Iowa? In a tiny little antique store? So, I asked, "What brings you here????" " Ah, we are with the Russian Ballet, and are conducting the Ballet, in Cedar Rapids... we went out for a drive, to see what was here, and saw your light on, and stopped." Oh my... I was blown away... We had a wonderful visit, and they found a few small treasures, which I gave them... They wanted to pay, but, I simply could not accept anything... To be able to stand, and visit ,for over an hour, with the Head of the Russian Ballet, and his beautiful Dancers, was more payment than I could ever ask for...
Just after 9-11, I was on my soap box, grumbling, and visiting with my old friends, Julie, and Natalie, at a restaurant in Cedar Rapids, over dinner, and I had said some unkind things, about Iran... The very next day, some folks stopped by the store, they spoke with an accent, so, of course, I asked them where they were from...They replied, Iran...{ in the 5 years I had been open, I had Never had anyone from Iran, through the doors, or have I since...} I know I took a step back... And if you know me, you also know, I visited with them, and raised some of my concerns... We kept talking, and before I knew it, we were in my house, sitting, laughing, and had all of the problems of the world, all worked out...{ we visited for over 4 hours...} Really...We had way more in common, than not... Wonderful people....
During one of my sales, several years ago, the shop was packed, with folks, and cars lined up, on both sides of the road, I was running through the store, en route to the other end of the property, as I was making my way out the door, I saw these two men, come walking in... Big men, tattooed men, tuff looking men...not my normal customer, type men... I asked them if they needed any help, and they said, nope... I asked if they were looking for anything special... ah, nope... they said they had seen all the cars here, and thought they would see what was goin' on... I told them what was goin' on, an Antique Sale... they shrugged their shoulders, and continued into the store... I was on a mission, for something, and then came back to the shop. The guys were still looking around, they both walked towards me, one with something in his hands... He looked at me, as he was turning it around... the beautiful, old framed picture of Christ, on the Cross, and asked me, how much this would be... I looked at him, then at the beautiful image, then again, the mans eyes... I said, it's yours... it looks like it belongs to you... His friend's jaw dropped, the man I was looking at, eyes welled up with tears, never leaving mine, as he was unbuttoning his shirt, to reveal, the exact same image, tattooed on his chest... He said he had never seen this exact image anywhere... We both exchanged hugs, and he thanked me, profusely... I told him, it had been sitting here, just waiting for him...
That little Store, has been a wonderful tutor... It has shown me so much... Put me in my place, a time or two,{ or a hundred} and helped me grow, spiritually... These are only three stories, I could tell you at least one, every day I am in that Store... Really. { I can't hardly write this... too many see...} Ah memories...Angels, in every shape and size... When you hear, "God works in mysterious ways." Believe it....
Barb C.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Painted Pony's Holiday Gathering.... What a Treat!
Friday, December 18, 2009
This will be a brief post... concerning one simple word...HOPE...
I was still writing Christmas cards, yesterday, and a dear friend, came to mind... Seems we always play 'phone tag', and haven't spoken, for a long, long time...Her schedule is as hectic as mine, and rarely has a day off... I went to the computer, and thought, I'll send her an e-mail... tell her how much I miss her, hope she has a wonderful New Year, hope she and her family are well, hope to see her soon... and many more 'hopes' were crammed into a single paragraph... When I re-read, my message to her, I was stunned... by how many times I had used the word 'hope', and was just getting ready to edit it, but instead, I added a 'p.s'., and brought to light, what I had written... and said, "dare I say it, one can never have too much 'hope'...
My friend called me, the next morning, and said I had been on her mind, the entire day prior... She had planned to come to my store, and surprise me,{ earlier that morning, she was gifted with the day off!} but a woman, whom she helps, who cannot drive, called her, and needed something to finish a Christmas project, and it took her all day, scouring the shops, to find 4 vintage children's wooden toy blocks, with the letters spelling H O P E...
When she got home that evening, and read my mail, she was stunned...
My friend was successful, finding the little blocks, for her friend, and what a memory...
I would like to say this is rare, for me, but not so... I believe thoughts, hope, and prayers can travel over the miles...God always guides us, and everything truly happens for a reason...
Barb C.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
It Takes a Village... Brothers... and Friends...
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