Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Thanks So Much...

Thanks So Much... to All, who Visited, and Shopped
Simply Iowa Booth, at...
The Wonderful Midwest, and Collector's Eye Shows!!
; )
Friends, Sara and Colby... brought a TON of Holiday, for the booth, oh my,
; )

So Enjoy... The Midwest/Collector's Eye Shows.
It's always Great... seeing Folks from Far Away, both... Vendors, and Shoppers!
; )

Didn't get an image of Dealer, Diane Gish... she's one of my Favorite People.
We struck up a Long... conversation, while I was unloading The Ford.
Her Truck was parked next to The Ford.
Diane... noticed the Ford's hood up, and wondered what the problem was.
: )
I... just smiled, and laughed.... as I explained the 'latest'.
: )
Diane said... "Don't know how you can be so happy, with all of this."
: )
Wanted to ask her if she'd ever heard of The Iowa Department of Transportation. : ) 
{City of Fairfax, or Iowa's Attorney General. : ) }
 didn't want to open up 'that' ugly can of worms.
 : (

After Dealing with 'them'... for the last 6 years, {8, really}...
I've developed some pretty thick scar tissue.
The 'stuff'... that would've tripped me up, 'before'...
can't seem to penetrate, like 'before' Fairfax, and IDOT.

Find myself using the Southern term...
'Bless Their Hearts'... 
more, and more... and... more,
over the last many years.
; )
With a BIG SMILE!!
; )

on the other hand,
hears something a bit different....
concerning them all.
: )
It's... not quite so
; )

bless...their hearts.
; )

Sure Enjoyed Visiting with Diane... and Everyone.
Took yesterday Off.
Gonna have to Beat Feet... for The Fall Harvest Sale!!
It OPENS on The 5th!!
Runs Through The 13th!!
Hopefully can grab some images today.
; )

Was so SAD... to hear of Kris Kristofferson's passing.
What an ARTIST.

Don't recall a time, when I didn't LOVE Music.
'Poetry set to Tune'.
I've Always admired Kristofferson, but was floored when I found out... years ago, how Many of my Favorite Songs, of All Time, recorded by other Artists...
were written by Kris.

Help Me Make it Through the Night.
For The Good Times.
Loving Her Was Easier Than Anything I'll Ever Do Again.
 Bobby McGee.
Sunday Morning Comin' Down.
Please Don't Tell Me How The Story Ends.

These Four... Incredible Artists, have been such a Huge Gift in mine, and Millions, and Millions... of Others.... 'Lives'.

Johnny.... Willie, Kris.... and Waylon.
<3 <3 <3 <3 

Thank You....
The Good Times.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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