Friday, October 4, 2024

simply... Iowa.

Grandson... Justin 'J', helped me move Mountains...
; )
{Pal, Bill... Too! Even tho... Bill is BURIED himself!! Gads!!}

Laughed when I ran across the Piggy Ornament, yesterday.
: )
'When Pigs Fly'!!! 
oh my.
; )
Placed the tiny Piggy, on an ear of Corn.
The Husk... reminded me of Flames... shooting from The Corn...
being The Pig's 
'Rocket' of Course!!
{can ya tell I'm gettin' a teeny... tiny... weary??? }
: )

The Only Vehicle... I had ready to go... to take Justin Home, last night... was
The Ford.
Completely forgot... Gizmo would also need a ride Home, when he stayed...
 when Son, Justin... went Home.
oh dear.
The Ford's Cab... isn't very big.
It was a Tight Fit, for Us.

That Gizzy... Worships 'J'.
I Absolutely LOVE watching the two of them together.

While driving Home... last night, ran across a Pumpkin Stand, near Justin's Home.
They had Wagon's Full of COOL Pumpkins!!
They had prices posted for all of the varieties.
Nobody was at The Farm, but... there was a box... on one of the Wagons, for money.
The Box...
a sign read...
"Honor System".
; )

; )

Gonna finish The Gazebo... today, and Yard.
Can't put Straw down... because of the wind.
Sounds like it's going to be windy... for the next couple of days... at least.

The Poor.... Rabbit Hole, as seems, is last to be touched.
: (
I'll try to make it passable, at least... then, work on it throughout the sale.
; )

This Sale...
Is 9 Days LONG.
; )
People Will Be Bringing Things
; )

Some... won't be setting up... until early next week.
Is a Very Different Event, for Us.
Stay Tuned... 
as I'll be posting Images Daily, here...
and, on 'Simply Iowa' FB. 
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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